This paper introduces the basic concept of the Position Navigation and Timing (PNT) Module as future part of a ship side Integrated Navigation System (INS). Core of the PNT Module is a sensor fusion based processing system (PNT Unit). The paper will focus on important aspects and first results of the initial practical realization of such a PNT Unit, including a realization of a Consistent Common Reference System (CCRS), GNSS/IMU tightly coupled positioning results as well as contingency performance of the inertial sensors.
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A novel kind of fluorescent DNA Probe based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) was presented in this paper when CdTe/CdS/SiO2 core/multishell fluorescent nanoparticles were as energy donors and Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) were as energy acceptors. The DNA probes were prepared when energy donors and acceptors were conjugated with two single-stranded complementary oligonucleotides respectively and hybridized with each other. Compared with the fluorescent intensity of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) conjugated CdTe/CdS/SiO2 nanoparticles (CdTe/CdS/SiO2-DNA), the fluorescent intensity of DNA probe was significantly increased and the FRET efficiency was about 71%. The detection results indicated that this novel DNA probe had excellent detection and specificity of completely complementary target ssDNA.
W pracy zaprezentowano nowy rodzaj fluoryzującej próbki DNA opartej o rezonansowe przenoszenie energii fluoryzacji (FRET), gdzie donorami energii są nanocząstki CdTe/CdS/SiO2 z jądrową fluorescencją powłokową a akceptorami energii nanocząstki Au (AuNPs). W przygotowanych próbkach DNA energia donora i akceptora są odpowiednio sprzężone z dwoma pojedynczo skręconymi komplementarnymi oligonukleotydami i hybrydyzowane ze sobą. Intensywność fluorescencji próbki DNA ze sprzężonymi nanocząstkami CdTe/CdS/SiO2 (CdTe/CdS/SiO2 -DNA) w porównaniu z próbką pojedynczo-skręconego DNA (ssDNA) znacząco wzrasta, Wydajność FRET wynosi około 71%. Wyniki wykrywalności wykazują, że nowa próbka DNA ma doskonałą wykrywalność i swoistość do całkowicie komplementarnego docelowego ssDNA.
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In the degraded red soil of subtropical China, restoration activities during the last century have mainly relied on extensive plantations of Pinus massonian. We analyze the changes in the soil macroarthropods in P. massonian plantations and the possible relationships between these changes and soil chemical parameters. The study revealed significant differences in the abundance of soil macroarthropods between the P. massonian plantations and the natural regenerated mesophilous herbosa (Nl). The sharply differentiated pattern of soil macroarthropods seems closely linked to soil chemistry. Significant correlations of the abundance of soil macroarthropods with soil parameters suggest that their populations could have been affected by P massonian. The total abundance, the abundance of Hymenoptera and Termite were less in the P. massonian plantations when compared to the natural regenerated mesophilous herbosa (Nl). This survey showed that P.massonian could adversely affect the decomposer community which could lower the nutrient cycling rate, thus P.massonian may not be an ideal plantation for restoration of eroded Ultisol, Subtropical China.