Effective implementation of occupational safety and health (OSH) legislation based on European Union directives requires promotion of OSH management systems (OSH MS). To this end, voluntary Polish standards (PN-N-18000) have been adopted, setting forth OSH MS specifications and guidelines. However, the number of enterprises implementing OSH MS has increased slowly, falling short of expectations, which call for a new national policy on OSH MS promotion. To develop a national policy in this area, a survey was conducted in 40 enterprises with OSH MS in place. The survey was aimed at identifying motivational factors underlying OSH MS implementation decisions. Specifically, workers’ and their representatives’ involvement in OSH MS implementation was investigated. The results showed that the level of workers’ involvement was relatively low, which may result in a low effectiveness of those systems. The same result also applies to the involvement of workers’ representatives and that of trade unions.
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Znamienne dla ostatnich lat jest wyraźnie wzrastające zainteresowanie metodami systemowego zarządzania bhp w wielu przedsiębiorstwach nie tylko tych, które deklarują wdrażanie koncepcji TQM.
In lost years increased significantly the interest of companies to management systemos oriented to the safety and health assurance. This awareness appears not only in organizations applying the TQM concept in various phases of its implementation. The formulation of corporate culture is strongly joined to people and their work conditions. It includes as well the business ethics and society responsibility. Therefore the committment of all employees is so important for total quality of life, specially in organizations which wont to compete internationally (globally). The paper presents corresponding discussion and Polish observations in that question.
Pomimo działań skierowanych na promocję SZ BHP liczba przedsiębiorstw wdrażających te systemy wzrasta w Polsce powoli i jest nieadekwatna do przyjętych oczekiwań.
The article presents results of a survey carried out on a sample of 40 Polish businesses. The objective was to recognise and analyse the factors influencing decisions on implementing an OHS management system. The results show that the basic problem in Polish businesses that implement the system is the low level of involvement on the part of staff and their representatives.
Total Quality Management (TQM) is defined as the management approach of the organization aimed at long-term success through client satisfaction, and which benefits all members of the organization and society (ISO 8402; International Organization for Standardization, 1994a). The objective of the study was to evaluate management methods applied to improve working conditions in Polish enterprises implementing TQM. The investigation was conducted in the form of interviews, which covered relevant connections between the TQM concept and occupational health and safety (OHS) systematic management rules. The results revealed that the criteria adopted in investigated enterprises for OHS management systems, as well as the implemented management methods and tools, can be evaluated positively. However, many require significant improvement in order to ensure better compliance with the existing law provisions. Elements of OHS management systems also require better integration with the overall management system of the enterprise.
A systematic approach to occupational safety and health (OSH) management and concepts of knowledge management (KM) have developed independently since the 1990s. Most KM models assume a division of knowledge into explicit and tacit. The role of tacit knowledge is stressed as necessary for higher performance in an enterprise. This article reviews literature on KM applications in OSH. Next, 10 sections of an OSH management system (OSH MS) are identified, in which creating and transferring tacit knowledge contributes significantly to prevention of occupational injuries and diseases. The roles of tacit knowledge in OSH MS are contrasted with those of explicit knowledge, but a lack of a model that would describe this process holistically is pointed out. Finally, examples of methods and tools supporting the use of KM in OSH MS are presented and topics of future research aimed at enhancing KM applications in OSH MS are proposed.
Celem prezentowanego projektu KPI-OSH Tool jest opracowanie komputerowego narzędzia do pomiaru efektywności systemów zarządzania BHP, którego wdrożenie przyczyni się do poprawy skuteczności tych systemów w zapobieganiu i ograniczaniu liczby wypadków przy pracy i chorób zawodowych. Metodologia projektu zakłada zastosowanie stosunkowo małej liczby kluczowych wskaźników efektywności (KPIs), które dostarczają wiarygodnej informacji o stopniu zaawansowania najważniejszych procesów w systemie. Wyboru KPIs dokonano metodą Analitycznego Procesu Hierarchicznego (AHP) spośród zbioru 120 wiodących wskaźników efektywności, zidentyfikowanych w literaturze przedmiotu. Pomiar efektywności operacyjnej SZ BHP w opracowanym narzędziu jest realizowany z wykorzystaniem 27 KPIs przyporządkowanych do odpowiednich komponentów systemu według modelu przyjętego w projekcie normy ISO 45001. Narzędzie umożliwia łatwe wprowadzenie danych oraz obliczenie i graficzną prezentację wartości KPIs, dostarczając menedżerom syntetycznego obrazu funkcjonowania SZ BHP, oraz umożliwiając wczesne wykrywanie sygnałów o nieprawidłowościach w poszczególnych procesach SZ BHP.
The objective of the international KPI-OSH Tool project is to develop a software tool for measuring operational performance of Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems (OSH MS). The implementation of the tool aims at the improvement of OSH MS effectiveness in terms of the capacity to prevent and reduce a number of occupational accidents and diseases. Project methodology assumes the selection and application of a relatively small number of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that will deliver reliable information on advancement of most important system processes. The selection of the KPIs out of a set of 120 leading performance indicators has been made by means of a method of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The software tool measures OSH MS operational effectiveness on the basis of 27 KPIs, which are assigned respectively to individual system components according to a model adopted in the draft ISO 45001 standard. The tool is easy to use and enables entering data, calculations and graphical demonstration of KPI values, thus providing managers with a synthetic picture of system functioning, and allowing for early detection of any potential deficiencies in OSH MS components.