Artykuł składa się z kilku części. Pierwsza z nich obejmuje rozważania definicyjne nad pojęciem bezdomności, a także opisuje sytuację społeczną osób bezdomnych. Kolejna zaś poświęcona jest analizie przyczyn i skutków bezdomności oraz próbie ukazania skali zjawiska. W ostatniej część artykułu autorka skupia swoje rozważania na zapobieganiu bezdomności, podkreślając rangę interdyscyplinarności działań o charakterze profilaktyczno-kompensacyjnym w omawianym zjawisku.
This article consists of several parts. The first part includes definitional considerations over the notion of homelessness. It also describes social situation of the homeless, whereas the second part concentrates on both the analysis of causes and effects of homelessness and on the attempt to show the scale of this phenomenon. The last part of the article focuses on the prevention of homelessness. It emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinarity of preventive and compensatory actions in the scope of the discussed phenomenon.
The goal of the current study was to juxtapose the satisfaction with life and empathy along with the sense of locus of control among homeless women. We used Diener’s Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), adapted to Polish by Z. Juczyński; Rotter’s Internal-External Control Scale, Kazimierczak & Plopa’s Emphatic Sensitivity Scale (scale originally in Polish under the name Skala Wrażliwości Empatycznej, SWE), as well a questionnaire constructed by the author for the purposes of this study. 21 homeless women inhabitants of homeless shelters (Prometeusz and Monar-Markot in Gdańsk, Poland) and residential training and rehabilitation centre (Osiedle Na Sitowiu, Gdańsk, Poland) took part in the study. Results suggest a correlation between the demographic along with psychosocial factors and the assessment of satisfaction with life as well as the levels of empathy of the investigated group. Participant’s satisfaction with life was either low or very low. The empathy levels were also low. The group was characterized by average levels of sense of internal control. A relationship was observed between the levels of satisfaction with life and the locus of control. Homeless women characterized by a higher sense of satisfaction with life had a sense of external locus of control.
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