The social teaching of the Catholic Church is a doctrine on matters of poverty and wealth, economics, social organization and the role of the state. The principles of Catholic social teaching are: human dignity, love, truth, freedom, justice, solidarity, subsidiarity, participation, preferential option for the poor and vulnerable, dignity of work and the rights of workers and care for God’s creation. Several organs of the Holy See are dedicated to social issues, among others the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. Although blessed with a wealth of natural resources, Africa is the poorest continent. Poverty is understood in many different ways, but most commonly it is described as an economic condition where one lacks both money and the basic necessities that are needed to successfully survive. Many people in Africa still live in abject poverty because of bad governance, corruption and human irresponsibility. Many Africans are also victims of diseases such as AIDS and malaria. In this situation the Catholic Church can play a critical role by advocating for economic justice and eradication of poverty from Africa. The Catholic Church in Africa, which calls herself the Family of God, undertakes many actions against the poverty, such as: education, health, aid to the needy, development projects, defence of human rights, and the commitment to bring about democracy and legally constituted states. Making his first trip to Africa, Pope Benedict XVI said the Catholic Church can help to bring an answers to the continent's chronic problems, including poverty, AIDS and tribalism.
The text of the article is a review of the book: Ks. Mirosław Gawron, Sopot. Roman Catholic Parishes, vol. 1, Sacred Heart Parish, Sopot 2021, author’s own edition, pp. 335. In it, the author of the study presented the history of the parish in which he is a chief-pastor from the time after World War II to 1983. A second volume of the study is being prepared, covering the period from 1983 to the present day.
Tekst artykulu to recenzja książki: Ks. Mirosław Gawron, Sopot. Parafie rzymskokatolickie, t. 1, Parafia pw. Najświętszego Serca Pana Jezusa, Sopot 2021, nakład własny Autora, ss. 335. Autor opracowania zaprezentował w nim dzieje parafii, w której jest proboszczem od czasów po II wojnie światowej do 1983 r. W przygotowaniu jest drugi tom opracowania obejmujący okres od 1983 r. do czasów obecnych.
The review analyses the book by Ewa Godlewska, published a few months ago, entitled Ethnic policy of the Republic of Austria (Lublin 2021). The author presents the situation of minority groups in Austria. This applies not only to the newest arrivals, but also to indigenous communities. The advantage of the study is the presentation of the current situation. The problem is the domination of the legal approach, especially when the author writes about ambitions related to analysis from a political perspective.
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