The main objective of the research was the creation of a functional programme for possible extension of the building of Faculty of Architecture, Silesian University of Technology. At present the building is not sufficiently adjusted to serve even its fundamental function- didactics. In the process of participative preparation of the functional programme another essential objective of the research was revealed – the need of systematic change in the functioning of our organization. The participation of our students in the process was very effective, as they played the role of the co-authors of the programme as well as the role of the users of the building which was subjected to the programming process. The process revealed many important aspects in the culture of organization and the ways in which the changes could be implemented. The participative programming is a great opportunity for setting the preferred direction of the changes in the culture of organization, as so far the students’ role has been marginalised or even disregarded, which prevailingly results in a specific characteristics of the functional space of the Faculty building, where the students’ needs are not considered. The outcome of the process is a new functional programme submitted to the Dean’s Council, together with an indication of revaluing the role of the students by recognising their importance as responsible participants of the process of change.
Celem badań było stworzenie programu funkcjonalnego dla planowanej rozbudowy budynku Wydziału Architektury Politechniki Śląskiej w Gliwicach. W obecnym kształcie budynek nie spełnia wymagań nawet swojej podstawowej funkcji – dydaktyki. W trakcie procesu programowania budynku opartego na partycypacji ujawnił się inny zasadniczy cel działań: konieczność wprowadzenia zmian w sposobie funkcjonowania organizacji. Partycypacja studentów dała w procesie oprogramowania zaskakująco dobre efekty, występowali oni bowiem w podwójnej roli autorów i użytkowników obiektu, co zwiększyło ich zaangażowanie. Proces programowania odsłonił wiele ważnych aspektów kultury organizacji oraz pozwolił określić możliwości wprowadzania w niej zmian.
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Economy is a feature of rational activity directed at achieving planned and desired results by an effective use of the funds available. The quality of public space in the city constitutes a good indicator of the degree of rationalisation of the actions of the local government and pursuits of the community.
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