The subject of consideration is the political myth of Józef Piłsudski, one of the most controversial figures of Polish politics in the 20th century. The historical, social and psychological background of the legend’s birth, and the influence of this figure, or rather personal myth, on successive political formations in Poland up to the present day, are briefly presented. The essence of the argument is to show the connection between the „legionary legend” and the „genius of the commander” during the Bolshevik war, and the legitimisation of power obtained by overthrowing legitimate parliamentary rule through a coup d’état. The author looks at the paradoxes in perceiving the consequences of the unreflective worship of Piłsudski, and critically assesses the pathology of the Polish national identity based on a falsification of history. He points to the need to deal with hypocritical historiography and harmful legends.
Przedmiotem rozważań jest mit polityczny Józefa Piłsudskiego, jednej z najbardziej kontrowersyjnych postaci polskiej polityki w XX w. W skrótowej formie pokazano tło historyczne, społeczne i psychologiczne narodzin legendy oraz wpływ tej postaci, a raczej mitu personalnego, na kolejne formacje ustrojowe Polski, aż do czasów współczesnych. Istotą wywodu jest pokazanie związku między „legendą legionową” i „geniuszem wodza” podczas wojny bolszewickiej i legitymizacją władzy, uzyskanej na drodze obalenia legalnych rządów parlamentarnych poprzez coup d’état. Autor spogląda na paradoksy w postrzeganiu konsekwencji bezrefleksyjnego kultu Piłsudskiego, krytycznie ocenia patologizację polskiej tożsamości narodowej, opartej na fałszowaniu historii. Wskazuje na konieczność rozprawienia się z zakłamaną historiografią i szkodliwą legendą.
Russia is seen as a country which has taken an “aggressive turn” in its foreign policy, optingfor confrontation with the West. The essence of the problem, however, lies in the fact that itwas the United States who first revised its attitude towards the post-Cold War order. Thiscreates a web of mutual accusations and raises tensions in international relations. Russia,due to its transcontinental specifics, attaches special importance to the real balance of powerin the international system. It carefully guards its possessions, insists on its sovereignty andpolitical independence, opposes violations of norms of international law and the diktat of thestrongest power, which puts it head to head with the U.S. in different parts of the globe. Thefiercest confrontations are now taking place in Syria and Ukraine.Key words: Russia, “aggressive turn” in foreign policy, post-Cold War international order
Russia is seen as a country which has taken an “aggressive turn” in its foreign policy, optingfor confrontation with the West. The essence of the problem, however, lies in the fact that itwas the United States who first revised its attitude towards the post-Cold War order. Thiscreates a web of mutual accusations and raises tensions in international relations. Russia,due to its transcontinental specifics, attaches special importance to the real balance of powerin the international system. It carefully guards its possessions, insists on its sovereignty andpolitical independence, opposes violations of norms of international law and the diktat of thestrongest power, which puts it head to head with the U.S. in different parts of the globe. Thefiercest confrontations are now taking place in Syria and Ukraine.Key words: Russia, “aggressive turn” in foreign policy, post-Cold War international order
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