Various structural observations were collected in southwestern Podhale Trough during investigations for Detailed map of Tatra Mts., scale 1 : 10 000. Fault surfaces, strikes and dips of beds and fold axes were measured in the field. Statistical analysis of results allow to recognize 5 groups of dislocations with variable types of movement, directions and age: 1) slickensides onW-E striking, almost horizontal bedding surfaces show reverse motion towards S, 2) steeply-dipping (80–90(centigrade)) faults, striking parallel to bedding and also showing reverse motion towards S, 3) vertical transcurrent faults associated with main tectonic zones, striking almost N-S, 4) normal faults striking ca 38(centigrade) (NE-SW) and 135(centigrade) (NW-SE). Attitudes of beds different from regional trend were separated. Deviations are caused by flexural bending along tectonic zones. Anomalous attitudes of beds coincide with directions of dislocations recognized in the field. A map of lineaments in the study area is also presented. Analysis of landforms on Digital Terrain Model (DTM) led to recognition of series of lineaments related to either tectonic structures or lithology. Main transverse tectonic zones were identified on the map of lineaments: Chochołowski Potok-Czarny Dunajec, Kooecieliski Potok, Mała Łąka; as well as some minor faults and zones where particular directions of faults predominate. Statistic analysis of directions of tectolineaments allows to recognize 4 main directions: 1) about 90°, associated to thrusts and folds (parallel to strikes of beds), 2) N-S and slightly oblique directions associated to transcurrent zones, 3) approximately 40(centigrade) and 4) 140(centigrade) directions associated to normal faults. Results obtained using these 3 methods (analysis of field data, analysis of DTM, analysis of attitudes of beds different from regional trend) are consistent with each other.
The Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute is implementing a number of projects of new geoparks in Poland. One of them is the Geopark "Wislok Valley - The Polish Texas", which is located in the Polish Outer Carpathians (SE part). Oil resources, nappe tectonics and other geological components of the Outer Carpathians constitute important elements of the geodiversity of this region. The area is located in the Beskid Niski Mts. in the Jaslo-Sanok Basin and Strzyżów, Dynów, Jaslo and Bukowskie Foothills, between Strzyżów and Barwinek, and encloses an area of about 1000 km2. It covers 19 municipalities in six districts of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship: Krosno (city county and county), Jaslo, Brzozów, Strzyżów, Sanok. For the project of the geopark's geotouristic map, geosites and geological-educational paths will be created. The geopark website and different advertising brochures will promote geoturism. The final product will be targeted at regional and local public administration bodies.
The study is focused on the taxonomic inventory of an intriguing bivalve fauna from the Lower Oligocene Menilite Beds (Dynów Marls) within the Silesian Nappe, Polish Outer Carpathians. Sixteen bivalve species have been identified within the material collected in two small quarries in Jabłonica Polska near Krosno. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions of all recognized species are considered. This assemblage, the first of this kind in Poland and one of three recognized in the Outer Carpathians, shows clear affinities to coeval typical Solenovian faunas from Ukraine to Kazakhstan, with particular comparison made to bivalve faunas from the Menilite Formation (Subchert Member) within the Boryslav-Pokuttya Nappe, Ukrainian Outer Carpathians. Moreover, this study presents an overview of the main aspects and definitions of the date of the Paratethys origin. The main criterion used to define the time of the Paratethys birth is the distinct faunal turnover from the moderately diverse boreal or Tethyan bivalve faunas populating particular basins of the Northern Peri-Tethys in the earliest Oligocene to the uniform, highly endemic fauna inhabiting the newly formed semi-closed basin. This vast inland sea, named Paratethys, was populated by representatives of eight euryhaline bivalve families. They are characterized by extinct Paratethyan genera, such as Bessia Kojumdgieva et Sapungieva, Merklinicardium Popov, Korobkoviella Merklin, Urbnisia Goncharova, Ergenica G. Popov and Janschinella Merklin.
The Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute (PGI – NRI), in cooperation with AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow carried out the project of new geopark in Poland – “Wisłok Valley – The Polish Texas”. It is located in the Polish Outer Carpathians (SE part of Poland). Oil fields, mineral water, nappe tectonics and other geological components of the Outer Carpathians constitute important elements of the geodiversity of this region. The area is located in the Krosno neighbourhood and encloses a zone of about 1000 km2. The Iwonicz-Zdrój – Rymanów-Zdrój SPA region is also included in the research area. It covers 20 municipalities of the Podkarpackie province. For the project of the Geopark, a geotouristic map, geosites, geological-educational paths, website, advertising brochures, geological-educational tables and a movie were made, which promote geotourism. The final product will be targeted at regional and local public administration bodies, national and landscape Parks, the State Forests National Forest Holding and local tourist organizations.
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy we współpracy z Akademią Górniczo-Hutniczą w Krakowie zrealizował projekt nowego geoparku w Polsce „Dolina Wisłoka – Polski Teksas”. Ma się on znajdować w Karpatach zewnętrznych. Złoża ropy naftowej, wody mineralne, tektonika płaszczowinowa i inne geologiczne cechy Karpat zewnętrznych składają się na georóżnorodność tego rejonu. Obszar tego opracowania obejmował ponad 1000 km2 w rejonie Krosna włączając w to również teren uzdrowisk Iwonicza-Zdroju i Rymanowa Zdroju. Projekt ten objął swym zasięgiem 20 gmin województwa podkarpackiego. W ramach projektu wykonano mapę geologiczno- turystyczną, udokumentowano ponad 150 geostanowisk i zaprojektowano dziewięć ścieżek geologiczno-edukacyjnych. Przygotowano też dwa foldery, 12 tablic geologiczno-edukacyjnych, zaprojektowano stronę internetową o projekcie oraz nakręcono film promocyjny. Produkt końcowy skierowany jest do wykorzystania w promocji regionu do samorządów lokalnych, parków krajobrazowych i narodowych, lasów państwowych oraz lokalnych organizacji turystycznych.
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