This article was written in the memory of Roman Ivanovych Ostash, a prominent Ukrainian onomastic researcher, dialectologist and lexicographer, a man with a great heart and moral authority. This article presents the story of his life, scientifi c activity and his contribution to the development of the Ukrainian linguistics. Very rich scientifi c achievements of Roman Ivanovych Ostash have been shown in the context of his cooperation with a number of researchers and academic institutions in Ukraine and abroad. The article has been included in full bibliography of his scientific papers.
New approaches to lexicographical processing of modern speech lexis of residents of a separate village are suggested in the article. Onyms along with appellative lexis are introduced into the vocabulary (surnames, street nicknames, microtoponyms). Common phrases are also presented in addition to idioms. The dialect of the village of Stryhantsi of Tysmenytsya district, Ivano-Frankivsk region was chosen as the subject of the research. The article contains the second part of lexemes that begin with К letter (Капíтанка – кня́жна). Each dictionary entry provides the maximum number of example – quotations in the vernacular dialectal speech, in particularly, in the meanings which may diff er from the meanings of the given lexeme in the literary language. Some lexemes are of a considerable interest for those researching historical grammar of the Ukrainian language. Common phrases are also presented in addition to idioms.