Celem badań była ocena stopnia zanieczyszczenia powietrza wewnętrznego pod względem mikrobiologicznym w salach dydaktycznych szkoły wyższej w zależności od pory roku i typu pomieszczenia. Próbki pobierano w trzech pomieszczeniach - auli wykładowej, sali ćwiczeniowej i holu oraz na zewnątrz budynku w okresie jesiennym, zimowym i wiosennym, rano i po południu (przed i po zajęciach dydaktycznych). Oznaczano ogólną liczbę bakterii psychrofilnych i mezofilnych, gronkowców mannitolododatnich promieniowców oraz grzybów. Wyniki podawano jako jednostki tworzące kolonie w nr (jtk/m3). Badania wykazały wyższą zawartość bakterii psychrofilnych niż mezofilnych, co wskazuje na stosunkowo wysoką sprawność systemu wentylacji. Zauważono zależności pomiędzy ilością i rodzajem mikroorganizmów a porami roku - najwięcej mikroorganizmów z grupy bakterii psychrofilnych, promieniowców i grzybów zaobserwowano wiosną i jesienią, najmniej zimą. Dobowa zmienność zawartości mikroorganizmów w powietrzu zależała od charakteru badanego pomieszczenia. Najmniej zanieczyszczone było powietrze w sali ćwiczeniowej, gdyż w sali tej sprawność wentylacji była wyższa niż w innych badanych pomieszczeniach. Duży wpływ na wysokie stężenia mikroorganizmów w godzinach porannych w sali wykładowej miało przeprowadzane tam sprzątanie. Najwyższe zanieczyszczenie stwierdzono w holu. Nie odnotowano przekroczenia zalecanych przez Komisję Europejską wartości stężeń bakterii w powietrzu dla pomieszczeń wewnętrznych. Stwierdzono przekroczenie bardzo restrykcyjnych zaleceń WHO w stosunku do stężeń mieszaniny grzybów w powietrzu wewnętrznym.
Most of our life is spent indoors and therefore indoor air may present a greater risk to human health than exposure to atmospheric air contaminants. Among microorganisms present in indoor air there are bacteria, fungi and viruses which can be allergic, pathogenic and/or cause immunotoxic effects. The aim of the investigation was to examine the microbiological pollution of indoor air in university rooms depending on a season of the year and a type of a room. The research was carried out in autumn, winter and spring. Three types of rooms were selected: a big lecture hall, a small exercise room and an entrance hall. Outdoor air was investigated as well. For the purpose of air sampling, the impaction method was employed and MAS 100 Eco sampler, operating on the principle of the Andersen air sampler (corresponding to its 5th stage) was used. Air samples were taken in 2 series - early in the morning and late afternoon (before and after lectures). Total numbers of psychrophilic and mesophilic bacteria, mannitol-positive staphylococci, actinomycetes and fungi were determined. The cultivation method was applied and therefore only cultivable microorganisms, capable of growing on solid media, were detected. Results were presented as colony forming units in m3 (CFU/m3). The proposition of a new Polish Standard for microbiological quality of atmospheric air was used as a criterion for assessing microbiological pollution of outdoor air. guidelines of WHO and CEC - for indoor air. The investigations proved higher concentrations of psychrophilic than mesophilic bacteria in indoor air, which suggests that the ventilation system works properly and effectively. A direct correlation between a season of the year and the number and type of microorganisms in indoor air was found - higher amounts of psychrophilic bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi were observed in spring and autumn than in winter. The lowest pollution was found in the small exercise room - number of microorganisms was lower in the morning and clearly higher in the afternoon. In the lecture hall air quality in the morning was strongly affected by cleaning operations which increased concentrations of microorganisms in the air. The indoor air of lecture and exercise rooms was generally clean and numbers of bacteria did not exceed the average levels given in the guidelines. The total numbers of microorganisms (as CFU/m3) ranged between 10 and 1030 for mesophilic bacteria, 50 and 1930 for psychrophilic bacteria, 0 and 10 for staphylococci. 0 and 6 for actinomycetes, 0 and 232 for fungi. Relatively higher microbiological pollution was found in the entrance hall. The total numbers of microorganisms ranged between 380 and 1910 for mesophilic bacteria, 680 and 4460 for psychrophilic bacteria, 1 and 16 for staphylococci, 0 and 15 for actinomycetes, 13 and 762 for fungi. The number of fungi exceeded the WHO guidelines for mixture of species in indoor air. The outdoor air was generally polluted at low level.
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The Spatial Planning and Land Development Act effective since 2003 constitutes a legal framework and a formal basis for investment activities. Is the urban space reshaped in accordance with municipal spatial policies in this legal environment? The author presents the findings of analyses concerning the changes of land development in Cracow in the 2003.2007 period, with reference to urban units. The presentation offers findings of congruence analysis of the building conditions decisions issued and the Study of Conditions and Directions of Spatial Development as well as building permits issued with reference to the areas designated for development or already developed. Economic development of a city can be measured by means of various indicators to detect trends of vital importance for city management. The analyses presented pertain to the changes of the number of inhabitants, business entities and employees registered in a particular urban unit. They were conducted on the basis of data gathered by the Municipal Spatial Information System and the Central Statistical Office.
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