In recent years in Europe and in Poland a discernible trend of significant increase safety in rail transport can be observed. Safety improvement is realized at many levels and in many aspects (organizational, systematic, technical etc.). Implementation of Safety and Maintenance Management Systems are an example of activities seeking to systematically increase safety in rail in Europe. Similarly, on the part of technical solutions, there are discernible activities which are aimed at improving the safety level. There offer new construction solutions, new control systems or new communication technologies which are designed to increase reliability and safety of this mode of transport. For innovations introduced in vehicles, almost only improving safety in the field of implementing enhancements in construction of running gear systems of vehicle used to be thought about. However, it is worth remembering that not only the bogie, wheel set or wheels are responsible for the proper cooperation of the vehicle with the track and its safe running. Elements that have not been yet subjected to deeper analyzes are railway buffers whose proper maintenance and cooperation is a guarantee of correct vehicle dynamics, especially when passing through rail curves. This article presents the results of operational research of railway buffers whose heads were covered with an aluminium bronze layer. This solution has helped to increase the durability of their co-operating surfaces, and has allowed the resignation of the now-proposed solution, which consists in periodically covering buffers heads with the grease which has a lot of defects.
The paper presents the results of tests of sliding wear of bronze coatings made on the surface of specimen made of S355J2 steel by laser cladding method. On the basis of the conducted tests it was found that the wear of the specimens with CuAl9Fe3 bronze coating is characterized by average values which are close to lubricated specimens. In addition, the registration of friction coefficients of particular couples showed very similar characteristics of these two friction couples and friction coefficient values at a very similar level. This allows to assume that the currently used method of protecting railway buffer heads, consisting of periodically covering their surface with lubricant, can be replaced with another, more durable, based on bronze protection coatings.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań zużycia ściernego powłok z brązów wytworzonych na powierzchni próbek wykonanych ze stali S355J2 metodą napawania laserowego. Na podstawie badań stwierdzono, że zużycie próbek z napoinami z brązu CuAl9Fe3 cechuje się wartościami średnimi zbliżonymi do próbek smarowanych. Ponadto, rejestracja współczynników tarcia poszczególnych skojarzeń wykazała bardzo zbliżone charakterystyki tych dwóch par ciernych oraz wartości współczynników tarcia na bardzo podobnym poziomie. Pozwala to na założenie, że obecnie stosowana metoda zabezpieczania zderzaków kolejowych, polegająca na okresowym pokrywaniu ich powierzchni smarem, może zostać zastąpiona inną, trwalszą, bazującą na wykonywaniu powłok zabezpieczających z brązów.
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