The Essay take a reflection on the concept, which is focused on a sample definition of borderline term. Author has recognized word 'borderline' as the space, which is space of rivalry competing with each other entities, in the results - this area open to foreign adoption / other ideas and values, cultural place, linguistic and axiological polymorph. All results show, that the borderline may be carrier infinitively many meanings inherent within, which has being them a subject in different interests of scientific disciplines and interdisciplinary research. In this project, proposed reasoning of borderline constitutes not only geographical, political, linguistic or native criteria whether or not. The Borderline may be participate also as a particular ontological or existential situation. In order to validation these theories, author quotes Stanislaw Uliasz's definition - the borderline creates some kind of specific aesthetics of its own ontology and axiological system. It reminds some kind of anthropos, which constitutes also its own axiological-normative mechanism. The Author has convinced, that fundamental experience of borderline consist of situation, where the settled down process can be in the situation conflicting and develop a strategy, which is coping with multidimensionality. After these theoretical aspects of essay, author shows short sketches, which describe different situation in cultural borderline, which based on Iwasiow's novel. The introductory sketch called - Boundaries and cultures ethnos or cultural heritagehas illustrated demographic and cultural profile of post-migration communities lands, which has annexed by specific cultural circle. The next aspects of those two other sketches show - temporal borders and generation borders, where issues has concerned about cultural time border - focused on year 1945, which presented panorama of everyday life of the communist times in Poland. There is also psychological and cultural aspect of families dimension, roles and stereotypes against sex. Above all, these sketches has oscillated for main reason - Bambino - the famous Iwasiów's novel. As the author has convinced, Bambino creates original try-out of project, which used culinary symbolism characteristics for social and cultural times in communist Poland, where is analyzing borderline of Jałta's scenery. The final conclusion makes a foundation, that the borderline creates voices and hybrids. Moreover, the essence of the world is interference coexistence competitive value, models civilization and social structures. In fact, this is an axiological dialogue and fight, but for human, who stands on the borderline, it makes and consists the permanent conditioning of choice.
W tym artykule przedmiotem obserwacji uczynimy reportaże Włodzimierza Nowaka poświęcone polskiej prowincji przełomu XX i XXI wieku. Pytać będziemy o oblicza polskiej lokalności przede wszystkim w społecznościach peryferyjnych, z niskim poziomem cywilizacyjnym i kulturalnym, które poniosły największe koszty reformy. Opiszemy trudny proces upodmiotowienia społeczności lokalnych, drogę do wypracowania procedur i struktur działań lokalnych, budowę więzi interpersonalnych. Odnotujemy też zarejestrowane przez reportaż narodziny społeczności lokalnych nowego typu o zredukowanym związku z danym terytorium.
In this article Włodzimierz Nowak’s reports about polish province on the borderland of XX and XXI century are the objects of observation. We will be asking about the image of polish local communities on the outskirts, with low rate of civilization and infrastructure, which were the most touched by the results of the reforms. We will describe difficult process of raising the importance of local communities, the way of formulating the procedures and structures of local activities, creating of interpersonal bonds. We will also pay attention to the birth of local communities of new type with weak connection with their territories.
In this article, I will describe the strategy of silence and crossing the silence when it comes to sexual violence, which women from East Prussia experienced throughout several months between 1945 and 1947. I will investigate the language of this absence, I will look for the functions of this rhetoric and dysfunctional euphemisms. I will ask about the level of 'colonisation' of narration of violence. The analytical material will be journalistic texts, fiction and film narration.
Old age and family are one of the most permanent and strongly exploited cultural motives. The article is about the literatural conceptualization of advantages and disadvantages of old age with microstructural family relations background. We will be interested in what extent the literature was being able to write down the senior’s transformations in family, determined by cultural and social stereotypes. We will show 3 faces of the old man: static sage-patriarch, anachronic/irritating fool and abandoned and unloved alien.
The book Is God Going to Forgive Nun Bernadetta by Justyna Kopińska, showing to the public the abnormalities and pathologies of functioning at the Special Education Centre of the Boromeuszki Nuns in Zabrze, will be the subject of our interest. We will be concerned with the techniques which allow us to put this text in the field of investigative journalism (such as facts management, the realization of compositional and stylistic assumptions, creating portraits of characters, and respecting ethical rules of journalism).
This paper analyzes the presence of the Old Believers in Polish media and literary discourses of the 21st century. Special focus is placed on the exoticization pro-cedures of otherness with respect to the Old Believers’ communities. Instrumentaliza-tion mechanisms in the following modules are described: national and anthropological, autobiographical, popcultural and eschatological.
The aim of this article is scientific research, in what way in Polish literature from the 70. of XX thoughts about describtion of experience of dislocation after Jałta was being rebuilt. We analised Janusz Olczak’s novel, telling about Ziemia Lubuska. We catagolised changes of literary patterns including character’s creation and political and social problems. The burlesque is very important category in this case.
Artykuł dotyczy sposobów odczytania współczesnej kondycji Oświęcimia jako miasta zmagającego się z trudnym balastem przeszłości i będącego tej przeszłości zakładnikiem. Przedmiotem uwagi są konkurujące narracje miasta, różne sensy miejsc pamięci i dyskusje o sposobach upamiętniania. Ważne będą trzy aspekty opowieści: reportażowa biografia miasta; pamięć o obozie śmierci jako faktor opowieści o współczesności; tekstowa obecność reportera.
This article deals with ways of reading the contemporary condition of Oświęcim as a city struggling with the difficult ballast of the past to which it is held hostage. The focus is on the competing narratives of the city, the different meanings of the sites of memory and the discussions about the ways of commemoration. Three aspects of the story will be important: the reportage biography of the city; the memory of the death camp as a factor in the story of the present; and the textual presence of the reporter.
The object of the analysis are short prose works written by Bulgarian author Alek Popov. The manners of the defining of an identity of a modern person – taking into consideration a psychological, sociological and anthropological context – are conceptual. A concept of the identity has become a pretext for the description of chosen elements of the world introduced in Popov’s prose – such as space-time and creation of heroes.
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