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W artykule scharakteryzowano i opisano wyniki badań własności smarnych wody destylowanej, 1% emulsji oleju w wodzie typu HFA-E sporządzonej na bazie koncentratu do tworzenia emulsji Isosynth VH110BF, oleju Total Azolla 46 oraz, w celach porównawczych, samego koncentratu Isosynth VH110BF. Przedstawiono również wyniki badań powierzchniowego zużycia zmęczeniowego (pittingu) dla wyżej wymienionych czynników smarnych. Emulsja oleju w wodzie, olej oraz woda są czynnikami roboczym stosowanymi w układach hydraulicznych.
The article characterises and describes the results of research (carried out on four-ball machine) of the lubricant property of distilled water, oil-in-water emulsion type HFA-E (1% oil in water) prepared on base of concentrate Isosynth VX110BF, oil Total Azolla 46 and the pure concentrate Isosynth VX110BF (only in comparison with oil, emulsion and water). In the article, results are shown of research (carried out on four-ball machine) rolling contact fatigue tests for water, emulsion, and oil as a means of lubricant. Oil-in-water emulsion HFA-E, oil and water are the working medium applied in hydraulic systems.
Content available remote On-line wavelet estimation of Hammerstein system nonlinearity
A new algorithm for nonparametric wavelet estimation of Hammerstein system nonlinearity is proposed. The algorithm works in the on-line regime (viz., past measurements are not available) and offers a convenient uniform routine for nonlinearity estimation at an arbitrary point and at any moment of the identification process. The pointwise convergence of the estimate to locally bounded nonlinearities and the rate of this convergence are both established.
In this paper volumetric losses in hydraulic motor supplied with water and mineral oil (two liquids having significantly different viscosity and lubricating properties) are described and compared. The experimental tests were conducted using an innovative hydraulic satellite motor, that is dedicated to work with different liquids, including water. The sources of leaks in this motor are also characterized and described. On this basis, a mathematical model of volumetric losses and model of effective rotational speed have been developed and presented. The results of calculation of volumetric losses according to the model are compared with the results of experiment. It was found that the difference is not more than 20%. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that this model well describes in both the volumetric losses in the motor supplied with water and oil. Experimental studies have shown that the volumetric losses in the motor supplied with water are even three times greater than the volumetric losses in the motor supplied with oil. It has been shown, that in a small constant stream of water the speed of the motor is reduced even by half in comparison of speed of motor supplied with the same stream of oil.
Content available remote Metodyka badań rozwojowych nowego typu silników i pomp satelitowych
W laboratorium Katedry Hydrauliki i Pneumatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej prowadzone są prace, w ramach projektu badawczo-rozwojowego nr R0300103, nad nowym typem silników i pomp satelitowych SM o bardzo małej geometrycznej objętości roboczej od 5 do 34 cm3/obr. Prace te prowadzone we współpracy z producentem maszyn – firmą Stosowanie Maszyn w Katowicach, mają na celu udoskonalenie ich konstrukcji, a tym samym podwyższenie sprawności i poprawę trwałości.
For many years the research and development of satellite hydraulics pumps and motors has been conducted in the Department of Hydraulics and Pneumatics. All construction solutions are done in cooperation with industry. Research and development of new type satellite motors and satellite pumps SM with small geometrical displacement, from 5 to 34 cm3/rev, has been conducted in cooperation with Stosowanie Maszyn company from Katowice (manufacturer of motors and pump SM). The improvement of construction of those machines, especially construction of axial compensation and construction of fluid distribution channels have been the main problem of research project nr R0300103. Extensive experimental research of SM machines and complex computer simulation of the deformations of particular elements in those machines, allowed to work out the research methodology of axial compensation and working mechanism commutation. This methodology allow: - to determine correct compensation area in construction of axial compensation mechanism and to determine dimensions of O-rings grooves that delimit this area; - to determine hold down screws arrangement in motor (pump) and to determine correct torque of screw in them; - to determine correct thickness of compensation plates; - to increase the stiffness of collector of motor (pump) without deterioration of pressure drop in channels; - to determine correct assembly axial clearances of rotor and satellites between compensation plates; - to determine diameters of holes in compensation plates of motor and pump. The research proved that the correct construction of axial compensation and of distribution in satellite machines caused the hydraulic, volumetric and mechanical loses to be decreased and also improved durability of satellite working mechanism and compensation plates. This improved total efficiency of motors and pumps.
Przedstawiono zakres i charakter badań nowego typu pomp i silników satelitowych SM o bardzo małej geometrycznej objętości roboczej. Pokazano udoskonalenia konstrukcji tych maszyn, zwłaszcza zespołu kompensacji luzów osiowych.
The range and nature of the research of new SM type of satellite pumps and motors with a very small displacement have been presented. The aim of the research works was to improve the construction of those machines, especially the axial compensation and to correct determination of holes diameters in valve plate of pumps sand motors.
Content available remote Rezultaty badań rozwojowych hydraulicznych silników satelitowych typoszeregu SM
Opisano najnowszą konstrukcję hydraulicznych silników satelitowych typoszeregu SM, o małych objętościach roboczych od 5-34 cm3/obr. Przedstawiono wyniki badań laboratoryjnych jednego, wybranego z typoszeregu, silnika zasilanego olejem, emulsją oleju w wodzie typu HFA-E oraz wodą. Ze względu na jednakową konstrukcję wszystkich silników typoszeregu sprawności tych silników przyjmują podobne wartości. Porównano również silniki satelitowe z silnikami gerotorowymi pod kątem zarówno ich parametrów technicznych jak i osiąganych sprawności. Prace nad silnikami SM zostały wykonane w Katedrze Hydrauliki i Pneumatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej w ramach projektu badawczo-rozwojowego nr R0300103, finansowanego przez MNiSW, pt.: "Badania rozwojowe hydraulicznych silników i pomp satelitowych o małych objętościach roboczych zasilanych wodą, emulsją i olejem", którego kierownikiem jest dr hab. inż. Andrzej Balawender, prof. PG. Projekt realizowany jest we współpracy z firmą Stosowanie Maszyn z Katowic.
In article the newest construction of hydraulic satellite motors series of types SM, with small geometrical displacement from 5 to 33 cm3/rev has been described. Results of research of one motor, choosen from series of types, supplied with oil, emulsion HFA-E and water has been presented. For the sake of equal construction of all motors, efficiences are similar. Satellite motors were compared with orbital motors taking technical parameters and efficiences under consideration. Research and development works were done within a framework of research project nr R0300103 entitled "Developmental research of hydraulic satellite motors and pumps with small geometrical displacement supplied with water, emulsion and oil". Project was financed by Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The manager of the project was Andrzej Balawender, professor of Gdansk University of Technology.
An autofocus algorithm employing orthogonal series expansions is proposed. Several instances of the generic algorithm, based on discrete trigonometric, polynomial and wavelet series, are reviewed. The algorithms are easy to implement in the transform coders used in digital cameras. Formal analysis of the algorithm properties is illustrated in experiments. Some practical issues are also discussed.
W artykule opisano wpływ oleju i emulsji oleju w wodzie typu HFA-E na straty hydrauliczne, objętościowe oraz mechaniczne w hydraulicznym silniku satelitowym. Przedstawiono również wpływ tych cieczy, różniących się lepkością, gęstością i własnościami smarnymi, na bilans energii w silniku satelitowym. Pokrótce została też naświetlona problematyka stosowania silników hydraulicznych w napędach małej mechanizacji w górnictwie.
Impact of oil and HFA-E oil-and-water emulsion on hydraulic, volume and mechanical losses in hydraulic satellite engine was described in the paper. Impact of those liquids, which differ among each other with viscosity, density and lubricating properties, on the energy balance in satellite engine was also presented. A problem of using hydraulic engines in drives of small mechanization in the mining industry was also shortly clarified.
Wdrożenie systemu informatycznego ERP MySAP w oddziałach górniczych KGHM "Polska Miedź" SA spowodowało odczuwalny wzrost obciążenia pracą związaną z tworzeniem różnego rodzaju dokumentów do potrzeb jego obsługi. Jest to dodatkowy koszt, jaki ponosi organizacja w związku z eksploatacją nowoczesnego systemu. W trakcie prowadzenia zmiany pod ziemią, najważniejsza jest realizacja zadań produkcyjnych i zapewnienie bezpiecznych warunków pracy dla załogi, na wypełnianie papierów często brakuje czasu. W konsekwencji ujawniają się problemy związane z występowaniem błędów w dekretacji merytorycznej dokumentów oraz licznymi opóźnieniami we wprowadzaniu danych. W artykule opisano pomysł na optymalizacje kosztów obsługi procesów ewidencji danych do potrzeb systemu ERP, dzięki powiązaniu ich z danymi wprowadzanymi do obowiązującej dokumentacji ruchowej.
Implementation of MySAP ERP system in the mining divisions of KGHM "Polska Miedz" SA resulted in an appreciable increase in workload associated with the creation of various documents to the needs of its servicing. It is an ad.ditional cost, which born by the organization in connection with the operation of this modern system. In the course of a work shift underground, the most important is the realization of production tasks and assurance of safe working conditions for the crew. There is often no time for a paper work. As a result problems associ.ated with errors in substantive assignments in documents and numerous delays in data recording are revealed. The article describes the idea to optimize the cost of operation of the data recording processes to meet the needs of the ERP sys.tem thanks to their linking with the data being entered in the obligatory routine operation's documentation.
In this paper mechanical losses in a positive displacement pump supplied with water and mineral oil (two liquids having significantly different viscosity and lubricating properties) are described and compared. The experimental tests were conducted by using a prototype satellite pump of a special design. The design of the satellite pump is presented in the article. The pump features and a non-circular tooth working mechanism was developed to work with both water and mineral oil. The sources of mechanical losses in such pump are also characterized in this paper. On this basis, a mathematical model of the losses has been developed and presented. The results of the calculation of mechanical losses according to the model are compared with the results of the experiment. The experimental studies have shown that the mechanical losses in the water pump are even 2.8 times greater than those in the oil pump. It has been demonstrated that the mathematical model well describes the mechanical losses both in the water pump and the oil pump. It has been found that the results from the loaded pump simulation (at Δp=25MPa) differ from the results of the experiment by no more than 5% both for oil and water.
Artykuł poświęcono teoretycznej analizie zjawisk towarzyszących przepływom oleju i emulsji oleju w wodzie typu HFA-E w kanałach wewnętrznych hydraulicznych silników satelitowych. Opisano wyniki badań eksperymentalnych tych przepływów.
In article theoretical analysis of phenomena during flow of oil and oil-in-water emulsion type HFA-E in internal channels in hydraulics satellite motors have been presented. Results of laboratory research of influence oil and emulsion on flow characteristics in throttle elements were described.
Opisano wyniki badań właściwości smarnych wody destylowanej, emulsji oleju (w wodzie typu HFA-E 1%), oleju Total Azolla 46 i koncentratu Iosynth VX110BF. Podano też wyniki badań powierzchniowego zużycia zmęczeniowego (pitting) opisywanych czynników smarnych.
In article lubricant property of distilled water, one percent oil-in-water emulsion HFA-E (prepared on bas e of concentrate Isosynth VX110BF), oil Total Azolla 46 and, in order to comparison, pure concentrated Isosynth VX110BF are shown. The results of research of rolling contact fatigue test (pitting) for the mentioned above liquids are shown as well.
Content available remote Wyniki badań trwałościowych uszczelnień wału silnika hydraulicznego
Przedstawiono wyniki badań różnych uszczelek wału. Badania miały na celu wybór uszczelki, która zapewniałaby najwyższą trwałość w następujących warunkach pracy: ciśnienie cieczy roboczej 2 MPa i minimalna prędkość poslizgu 2 m/s. Czynnikiem roboczym była woda, a więc ciecz o najgorszych właściwościach smarnych. Opisano również oryginalny przyrząd, który pozwolił na pomiar wszystkich parametrów węzła uszczelniającego.
The article presents results of the tests performed on various shaft seals with intention to assist selection of the most durable seal model operating at a pressure of 2 MPa and circumferential speed of 2 m/s at the minimum. The test liquid was water – to ensure the most adverse lubricating conditions in the tests. Also described is original apparatus providing for measurements of all operating parameters of the seal unit.
Opisano budowę pompy satelitowej. Przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących strat objętościowych, mechanicznych, ciśnieniowych i poziomu emitowanego hałasu. Wskazano na wykorzystanie w badaniach oleju, wody i emulsji HFA-E, jako cieczy roboczych.
In the article construction and results of laboratory research of satellite pump have been described. The tests concern volumetric losses, mechanical losses, pressure losses and level of noise and were conducted with use of oil, water and emulsion HFA-E.
Artykuł poświęcono teoretycznej analizie zjawisk towarzyszących przepływom oleju i emulsji oleju w wodzie typu HFA-E w szczelinach hydraulicznych silników satelitowych. Przedstawiono również wyniki badań eksperymentalnych opisywanych przepływów.
In article theoretical analysis of phenomena during flow of oil and oil in water emulsion type HFA-E in gaps in hydraulics satellite motors have been presented. Results of laboratory research of this flow have been presented too.
The article describes the flow rates of mineral oil and water flowing, as working media, through the commutation unit of a hydraulic satellite motor. It is demonstrated that geometrical dimensions of commutation unit clearances change as a function of the machine shaft rotation angle. Methods for measuring the rate of this flow and the pressure in the working chamber are presented. The results of pressure measurements in the working chamber during the transition from the filling cycle to the emptying cycle are included. The pressure in the motor’s working chamber changes linearly as a function of the shaft rotation angle, which has a significant effect on the leakage in the commutation unit clearances. The paper presents new mathematical formulas in the form: Q=f(Δpγ) to calculate the flow rate of water and mineral oil in the commutation unit clearances. The γ factor is described as a function of fluid viscosity and clearance length (the motor shaft rotation angle). The coefficients used in these formulas were determined based on the results of laboratory tests of a motor supplied with water and mineral oil.
Content available remote Identification of non-linear systems by using wavelet expansions
The paper addresses the problem of identification of nonlinear characteristics of systems from a class of complex block-oriented dynamic systems. Non-linearities are recovered from the noisy input-output measurements. Wavelet functions with compact supports (Daubechies wavelets) are used in the identification algorithms. Convergence of the algorithms is shown and the asymptotic convergence rates (true for a number of measurements tending to infinity) are given. These theoretical results are supplemented by a set of numerical experiments in which performance of the algorithms is additionally tested for small and moderate number of measurements.
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