Unconventional oil and gas reservoirs from the lower Palaeozoic basin at the western slope of the East European Craton were taken into account in this study. The aim was to supply and improve standard well logs interpretation based on machine learning methods, especially ANNs. ANNs were used on standard well logging data, e.g. P-wave velocity, density, resistivity, neutron porosity, radioactivity and photoelectric factor. During the calculations, information about lithology or stratigraphy was not taken into account. We apply different methods of classification: cluster analysis, support vector machine and artificial neural network—Kohonen algorithm. We compare the results and analyse obtained electrofacies. Machine learning method–support vector machine SVM was used for classification. For the same data set, SVM algorithm application results were compared to the results of the Kohonen algorithm. The results were very similar. We obtained very good agreement of results. Kohonen algorithm (ANN) was used for pattern recognition and identification of electrofacies. Kohonen algorithm was also used for geological interpretation of well logs data. As a result of Kohonen algorithm application, groups corresponding to the gas-bearing intervals were found. Analysis showed diversification between gas-bearing formations and surrounding beds. It is also shown that internal diversification in gas-saturated beds is present. It is concluded that ANN appeared to be a useful and quick tool for preliminary classification of members and gas-saturated identification.
True formation resistivity Rt measurement is one of the fundamental logs in the calculation of hydrocarbon resources. That is why it is very important to have the most reliable resistivity data possible. In this paper, the various outcomes obtained by Polish well log analysts and engineers for the proper determination of hydrocarbon saturation in the Main Dolomite deposits in the Polish Lowland are presented. The long history of efforts directed to make proper exploitation decisions in wells where the Groningen effect has been observed is illustrated, starting with the standard measurement and interpretational approach, through the modified construction of a reference electrode in a Laterolog device and ending with an examination of HRLA (High Resolution Laterolog Array) or Array Compensated Resistivity Tool) ACRt results. The processing of resistivity logs with the special Poprawki software is included.
Celem niniejszej pracy było sprawdzenie możliwości wykorzystania rentgenowskiej tomografii komputerowej (CT) do obserwacji spękań w badanej próbce węgla przed i po teście geomechanicznym, przeprowadzonym w stanie trójosiowych naprężeń (TRX). W pracy przedstawiono zastosowanie dwóch specjalistycznych technik laboratoryjnych: rentgenowskiej tomografii komputerowej i geomechanicznego trójosiowego testu ściskania. Testy geomechaniczne przeprowadzono za pomocą zestawu pomiarowego TRX-070, GCTS (USA), rejestrując pełną charakterystykę naprężeniowo-odkształceniową. Podczas trójosiowych testów ściskania wykonano też innowacyjne równoczesne pomiary prędkości fal P i S. Próbkę analizowano w dwóch etapach, zdefiniowanych ze względu na stan próbki w obrazie CT: pomiar CT wykonany na nienaruszonej próbce węgla (etap 1) oraz otrzymany po teście zniszczeniowym (etap 2). W pierwszym etapie próbka została zeskanowana w celu odzwierciedlenia początkowego stanu struktury porowej wraz z układem mikropęknięć. Drugi etap reprezentuje próbkę po badaniu geomechanicznym. Dla każdego z etapów przeprowadzono szczegółową analizę struktury porowej. W wyniku proponowanego połączenia wymienionych metod w każdym etapie uzyskano obrazy struktury porów. Próbkę analizowano pod kątem liczby i kierunków propagacji pęknięć i zmian w strukturze porów. Interpretacja jakościowa i ilościowa opierała się na rejestracji zmiany liczby pustek, średnic pęknięć, kątów zapadania i porównaniu struktury porowej pomiędzy stanem początkowym próbki oraz po badaniu geomechanicznym. W 1 etapie (przed testem) największy obiekt (zidentyfikowany jako mikroszczelina) przyjmował objętość powyżej 16 mm3 , po wystawieniu próbki na działanie naprężeń (po zniszczeniu próbki) największy zidentyfikowany obiekt charakteryzował się objętością około 15 razy większą (240 mm3 ). Zidentyfikowane w etapie 2 (po teście wytrzymałościowym) pory są wydłużone (wysokie wartości parametru Elongation), a także nie wykazują znaczącego spłaszczenia (Flatness). Według uzyskanych wyników próbka węgla była podatna na pękanie w określonych kierunkach. Kompleksowe badania wykazały zasadność zastosowania proponowanej metodologii do oceny zmian w strukturze próbki podczas testu wytrzymałościowego.
The study aimed to check the possibility of using computed tomography to observe fractures in coal samples before and after a triaxial compression test (TRX). The paper presents an innovative use of two specialized laboratory techniques: computed tomography and geomechanical triaxial compression test. Geomechanical tests were performed on a TRX-070, GCTS (USA) measuring triaxial system. A full stress-strain characteristic was recorded. Also, during the triaxial compression tests, the P and S wave velocities were measured and dynamic elastic moduli were determined. The results were compared. The sample was analyzed in two stages: CT measurement performed on raw coal sample (stage 1) and after the TRX test which destroyed the sample structure (stage 2). First, the sample was scanned reflecting the initial pores and microcracks system. The final stage represents the sample after the geomechanical test. A detailed pore structure analysis was performed for each of the stages. As a result of the proposed above-mentioned method, images of the pore structure were obtained after each step. The sample was analyzed for crack propagation and changes in the pore structure. The qualitative and quantitative interpretation was based on the determination of the number of voids, crack diameters, collapse angles, and comparison of the pore structure between the initial state of the sample and after the triaxial test. In the first stage (before the test), the largest object (identified as a microcrack) had a volume of approximately 16 mm3 , after the sample was stress-tested (after the sample was destroyed), the largest identified object was about 15 times larger (240 mm3 ). It appeared that the coal sample was prone to fracturing in defined directions. Comprehensive research has demonstrated the legitimacy of using the proposed methodology to evaluate changes in the sample structure during the triaxial test.
Głównym celem pracy była ocena przydatności wyników interpretacji ilościowej, uzyskanej z obrazowania wewnętrznej struktury próbek skał z wykorzystaniem metody tomografii komputerowej, do szacowania parametrów zbiornikowych takich jak porowatość czy przepuszczalność. W pracy badano zależności korelacyjne pomiędzy parametrami przestrzeni porowej uzyskanymi z analizy obrazów tomografii komputerowej a wynikami standardowych badań laboratoryjnych. Materiał badawczy składał się z próbek piaskowców czerwonego spągowca, facji eolicznej, pobranych z obszaru Niżu Polskiego. Do analiz wybrano kilkadziesiąt próbek skał piaskowców czerwonego spągowca, dla których policzono 69 parametrów. Interpretacja jakościowa i ilościowa polegała na porównaniu parametrów otrzymanych z analizy obrazu tomograficznego z wcześniej uzyskanymi wynikami analiz laboratoryjnych obejmujących następujące metody badawcze: porozymetrię helową (Por.He), spektrometrię jądrowego rezonansu magnetycznego (NMR), porozymetrię rtęciową (Por.Hg) i przepuszczalność absolutną (przepuszcz). Utworzono macierze korelacji dla wszystkich dostępnych parametrów, do pracy wybrano korelacje istotne, o najwyższym współczynniku korelacji liniowej. Zaobserwowano istotne zależności liniowe pomiędzy parametrami wyznaczonymi z analizy obrazów CT i innych metod badawczych. Uzyskano modele pozwalające na szacowanie przepuszczalności, porowatości i zawartości wody nieredukowalnej na podstawie parametrów geometrycznych otrzymanych z obrazów tomograficznych (współczynnik kształtu, charakterystyka Eulera czy powierzchnia właściwa). W efekcie możliwe jest wstępne oszacowanie parametrów petrofizycznych jedynie na bazie wyników z nieniszczącej metody CT. W przypadku obrazowania tomograficznego pełnych rdzeni uzyskane związki pozwalają na wstępną estymację rozkładu porowatości i gęstości objętościowej w całym rdzeniu, co może być pomocne podczas typowania miejsc do poboru próbek rdzeni przeznaczonych do szczegółowych badań laboratoryjnych.
The main purpose of the study was to assess the usefulness of the results of quantitative interpretation of computed tomography (CT) images of rocks’ pore structure for the estimation of reservoir parameters, such as porosity and permeability. This study presents results of correlation analyses between the pore space parameters obtained from the analysis of computed tomography images and the results of standard laboratory tests. The research material consisted of samples representing Rotliegend sandstones of aeolian facies, collected from core material from wells located in the Fore-Sudetic Monocline. Several dozen samples were selected for analysis, for which 69 parameters were calculated. The qualitative and quantitative interpretation consisted in comparing the parameters obtained from the analysis of the tomographic images with the previously obtained results of laboratory analyzes including the following research methods: helium porosimetry (Por.He), nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry (NMR), mercury porosimetry (Por.Hg) and absolute permeability (let it pass). Correlation matrices for all available parameters were determined, significant correlations with the highest coefficient of linear correlation were selected as a subject of this work. Significant linear relationships were observed between the parameters determined from the analysis of CT images and other research methods. Models that were obtained allowed to estimate the permeability, porosity, and irreducible water content based on geometrical parameters obtained from tomographic images (shape factor, Euler characteristic or specific surface area). The important result of this work is the possibility to estimate petrophysical parameters based on the results of the non-destructive CT method only. In the case of tomographic imaging of whole cores, the obtained results allow for a preliminary estimation of the porosity and volume density distribution in the entire core, which may be helpful in selecting representative samples of core for detailed laboratory tests.
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Permeability is a property of rocks which refers to the ability of fluids to flow through each substance. It depends on several factors as pore shape and diameter. Also the presence and type of clay has a large influence on the permeability value. Permeability can be measured on rock sample in the laboratory by injecting fluid through the rock under known condition, but this provides only point information. Due to the dependence of the parameter on many factors, the deterministic estimation of permeability based on laboratory measurement and well logs is problematic. Many empirical methods for determining permeability are available in the literature and interpretation systems. An interesting approach to the problem is the use of artificial neural networks based on laboratory measurement and modern, high-resolution logging tools. The authors decided to use MLP artificial neural networks, which allow permeability estimation and can be used both in the test well and applied to neighbouring wells. The network was checked in several variants. Obtained results show the legitimacy of using artificial neural networks in the issue of estimating permeability. However, they also show limitations resulting from the lack of accurate data or influence of geological setting and processes.
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Several data sets from the Silurian and Ordovician formations from three wells on the shore of Baltic Basin in Northern Poland prepared on the basis of well logging data and results of their comprehensive interpretation were used in factor analysis. The goal of statistical analysis was structure recognition of data and proper selection of parameters to limit the number of variables in study. The top priority of research was recognition of specific features of claystone/mudstone formations predisposing them to be potential shale gas deposits. The identified data scheme based on data from one well, was then applied to: 1) well 2 and well 3 separately, 2) combined data from three wells, 3) depth intervals treated as sweet spots, i.e., formations of high hydrocarbon potential. Numbers of samples from well logging were proportional to number of laboratory data from individual formations. The extended data set comprising all available log samples in explored formations was also prepared. Outcomes from standard (Triple Combo—natural gamma log, resistivity log, neutron log and bulk density log and Quad Combo—with addition of sonic log and spectral gamma log) and sophisticated (GEM™—Elemental Analysis Tool, Wave Sonic and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance—NMR) logs were the basis for data sets. Finally, laboratory data set of huge amount of variables from elemental, mineralogical, geochemical and petrophysical laboratory experiments was built and verified in FA to select the most informative components. Conclusions on the data set size, number of factors and type of variables were drawn.
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