At present, solutions of many practical problems require signicant computational resources and systems (grids, clouds, clusters etc.), which provide appropriate means are constantly evolving. The capability of the systems to full quality of service requirements pose new challenges for the developers. One of the well-known approaches to increase system performance is the use of optimal scheduling (dispatching) policies. In this paper the special case of the general problem of nding optimal allocation policy in the heterogeneous n-server system processing xed size jobs is considered. There are two servers working independently at constant but di erent speeds. Each of them has a dedicated queue (of innite capacity) in front of it. Jobs of equal size arrive at the system. Inter-arrival times are i.i.d. random variables with general distribution with nite mean. Each job upon arrival must be immediately dispatched to one of the two queues wherefrom it will be served in FCFS manner (no pre-emption). The objective is the minimization of mean job sojourn time in the system. It is known that under this objective the optimal policy is of threshold type. The authors propose scalable fast iterative non-simulation algorithm for approximate calculation of the policy parameter (threshold). Numerical results are given.
The paper is devoted to the analytic analysis of resequencing issue, which is common in packet networks, using queueing-theoretic approach. The authors propose the mathematical model, which describes the simplest setting of packet resequencing, but which allows one to make the first step in the in-depth-analysis of the queues dynamics in the resequencing buffer. Specifically consideration is given to N-server queueing system (N > 3) with single infinite capacity buffer and resequencing, which may serve as a model of packet reordering in packet networks. Customers arrive at the system according to Poisson flow, occupy one place in the buffer and receive service from one of the servers, which is exponentially distributed with the same parameter. The order of customers upon arrival has to be preserved upon departure. Customers, which violated the order are kept in resequencing buffer which also has infinite capacity. It is shown that the resequencing buffer can be considered as consisting of n, 1 ≤ n ≤ N −1, interconnected queues, depending on the number of busy servers, with i-th queue containing customers, which have to wait for i service completions before they can leave the system. Recursive algorithm for computation of the joint stationary distribution of the number of customers in the buffer and servers, and each queue in resequencing buffer are being obtained. Numerical examples, which show the dynamics of the characteristics of the queues in resequencing buffer are given.
The problem of overload control in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) signaling networks gives rise to many questions which attract researchers from theoretical and practical point of view. Any mechanism that is claimed to settle this problem down demands estimation of local (control) parameters on which its performance is greatly dependent. In hysteretic mechanism these parameters are those which define hysteretic loops. In order to find appropriate values for parameters one needs adequate model of SIP traffic flow circulating in the network under consideration. In this paper the attempt is made to address this issue. Analysis of SIP traffic collected from telecommunication operator’s network is presented. Traffic profile is built. It is shown that fitting with Markov Modulated Poisson Process with more than 2 phases is accurate. Estimated values of its parameters are given.
Hysteretic control of arrivals is one of the most easy-to-implement and effective solutions of overload problems occurring in SIP-servers. A mathematical model of an SIP server based on the queueing system [...] with batch arrivals and two hysteretic loops is being analyzed. This paper proposes two analytical methods for studying performance characteristics related to the number of customers in the system. Two control policies defined by instants when it is decided to change the system’s mode are considered. The expression for an important performance characteristic of each policy (the mean time between changes in the system mode) is presented. Numerical examples that allow comparison of the efficiency of both policies are given.
Service life of many real-life systems cannot be considered infinite, and thus the systems will be eventually stopped or will break down. Some of them may be re-launched after possible maintenance under likely new initial conditions. In such systems, which are often modelled by birth and death processes, the assumption of stationarity may be too strong and performance characteristics obtained under this assumption may not make much sense. In such circumstances, time-dependent analysis is more meaningful. In this paper, transient analysis of one class of Markov processes defined on non-negative integers, specifically, inhomogeneous birth and death processes allowing special transitions from and to the origin, is carried out. Whenever the process is at the origin, transition can occur to any state, not necessarily a neighbouring one. Being in any other state, besides ordinary transitions to neighbouring states, a transition to the origin can occur. All possible transition intensities are assumed to be non-random functions of time and may depend (except for transition to the origin) on the process state. To the best of our knowledge, first ergodicity and perturbation bounds for this class of processes are obtained. Extensive numerical results are also provided.
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