The aim of the research was to compare the content of allergens in herbs from the Lamiaceae (basil, oregano) and Apiaceae (cumin, fennel, parsley, anise, coriander) family. Herbal plants from conventional and organic crops were subjected to research. In the extracts of herbs, the content of protein as well as the content of Bet v I analogs and profilin were determined using the immunoenzymatic indirect method. Protein content in conventional crops determined by the Bradford method ranges between 160-204 mg/g, and Pierce determined between 105-394 mg/g. In samples of organic herbs the results are as follows: Bradford method 149-196 mg/g, and Pierce method 109-333 mg/g. In the case of plants grown using conventional methods, the content of Bet v I analogues, based on a commercial test, ranged from 0.5 to 1.15 μg/g in method I, whereas in the method developed by us from 0.22 to 0.68 μg/g. In herbs from organic farming, the range of results according to the commercial test is 0.86-1.54 mg/g, and use by the test we developed 0.5-0.63 mg/g. The results of profilin content were as follows: in samples grown with conventional methods, they ranged from 1.00 to 18.13 ng/g, while organics - from 3.27 to 12.62 ng/g. The calculated p-value is less than the assumed α = 0.05, – this result is statistically significant. The correlation between the results of the method I and II in both crops is strongly statistically significant.
Diagnosis of craniofacial pain is not an easy issue, it is a pr oblem which often requires an interdisciplinary collaboration of experts in the field of otolaryngology, neurology, surgery, dentistry, ophthalmology, radiology and psychiatry. One of the most common symptoms reported by patients with sinusitis is a headache and facial pain. Pathomechanism of facial pain in the course of sinusitis is uncl ear and not fully understood. The impact of a variety of disease causing headache and facial pain is more frequent than expected, as demonstrated by numerous reports on researchers. This group of pain can include myofascial pain, migraine and neuropathic pain. Setting the correct diagnosis is crucial in making appropriate treatment and receive therapeutic success.
Diagnostyka bólów części twarzowej czaszki nie jest zagadnieniem łatwym, jest to problem interdyscyplinarny często wymagający współpracy specjalistów z dziedziny otolaryngologii, neurologii, chirurgii. stomatologii szczękowej, stomatologii okulistyki, radiologii i psychiatrii. Jedną z najczęstszych dolegliwości podawanych przez pacjentów z zapaleniem zatok jest ból głowy i twarzy. Patomechanizm bólu twarzy w przebiegu zapalenia zatok jest niejasny i nie do końca wyjaśniony. Wpływ różnorodnych chorób wywołujących ból głowy i twarzy jest częstszy niż przypuszczano, wskazują na to liczne doniesienia badaczy. Do tej grupy bólów zaliczyć można bóle mięśniowo -powięziowe, nadrdzeniowe, migrenowe i ból neuropatyczny. Postawienie właściwego rozpoznania ma kluczowe znaczenie w podjęciu odpowiedniego leczenia i odniesieniu sukcesu terapeutycznego.
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