W artykule omówiono zadania polityki przestrzennej i planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego Łodzi, które maję służyć tworzeniu warunków rozwoju. Podstawowe cele tej polityki to: zagwarantowanie proekologicznego charakteru rozwoju, doprowadzenie do restrukturyzacji obszarów zurbanizowanych i wykorzystanie materialnej tożsamości miasta. W wyróżnionych w planie trzech strefach - zurbanizowanej, niezurbanizowanej i wyodrębnionej na ich pograniczu strefie rozwoju - określono zróżnicowane cele i zasady polityki przestrzennej. Omówiono wreszcie instrumenty realizacji podstawowych funkcji planu - regulacyjnej i kreacyjnej.
The aims of the physical policy and a physical management plan of a city involve above all the hampering of regression processes and - via a stability phase - the preparation of Łódż to go into a period of permanent development. The physical policy of the local self-government, defined by the plan, serves to create territorial conditions for development. The idea is to specify the principles to be followed as changes in the use of particular areas come about. To guarantee a general enhancement of the living conditions in a city, its functions and infrastructure, and with reference to the existing management status, it was determined that the basic policy objectives must satisfy the following conditions: - to guarantee the environmentally friendly nature of development; - to bring about the internal processes of restructuring urbanized areas and hamper their further uncontrollled expansion, - to use the material elements of the city's identity which result from its history and culture. All the assignments of a plan must be based on their reference to the existing use. Therefore, zonal records of assignments of the plan were adopted, and the plan was based on an analysis of the state of departure, with simultaneous confrontation with the development conceptions being adopted. In the existing use, two basic zones were distinguished: urbanized - municipal and nonurbanized - natural, despite the fact that in many cases the borders of these zones are not unambiguous and the zones interpenetrate. In these cases, their delimitation is subordinated to planning assignments. Out of the natural zone or the border area of the zones, a development zone, covering the areas which the plan assigns for urbanization, is separated. Within the framework of the three main zones distinguished in the master plan, there is considerable differentiation of detailed objectives and policies. The basic functions of the plan - regulation and creation - will be implemented using the following major instruments: procedures, planning, regulations, direct investment projects, economic and financial measures as well as information and promotion.
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