In the interwar period of the 20th century the interest in women's physical education and sports movement in Poland increased. The issue of women's physical education and sport was a subject of debates of Polish sports congresses. An important role in formulating the assumptions and programme of the development of women's sport was played by the 2nd Polish Sports Congress (1927). The assumptions of sports congresses resulted in the activity of women's sections and clubs. Sports organizations and associations took intensified action to promote women's hygiene and health. Propaganda activities were reinvigorated in relation to women's physical education and sport through the organization of conferences, courses or camps. Women were active within the structures of sport in Poland, among others they sat on boards of sports associations and clubs. Departments for women's physical education and sport operated at the State Office of Physical Education and Military Training.
Praca stanowi przyczynek do dziejów ruchu sportowego na Śląsku w okresie Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej. W latach 1945–1989 nastąpił wzrost poziomu sportu na Śląsku. Organizowano i tworzono struktury polskich związków sportowych na Górnym Śląsku, Śląsku Opolskim i Dolnym Śląsku. Sportowcy ze Śląska odnosili sukcesy nie tylko na polu ogólnopolskim. Zdobywali medale na Igrzyskach Olimpijskich, mistrzostwach świata, mistrzostwach Europy. Wśród dyscyplin sportowych, w których odnosili sukcesy, należy wymienić: boks, gimnastyka, gry sportowe, kolarstwo, lekkoatletyka, podnoszenie ciężarów, sport żużlowy, szermierka, tenis stołowy, zapasy. Do najbardziej zasłużonych klubów sportowych należy zaliczyć: AZS Wrocław, GKS Katowice, „Górnik” Zabrze, „Gwardia” Wrocław, LKS Ziemia Opolska, „Odra” Opole, „Piast” Gliwice, „Ruch” Chorzów, WKS „Śląsk” Wrocław
The present paper contributes to the history of sport movement in Silesia in the Polish Peoples’ Republic. Between the years 1945-1989 the level of sport in Silesia increased. The structures of the Polish Sport Societies in the Upper Silesia, Opolskie Silesia and Lower Silesia were organized and established. The sportsmen were winning out all over Poland. They won medals at the Olympic Games, World and Europe championship. The sport disciplines in which they were wining out were the following: boxing, gymnastics, sport games, cycling, athletics, weight lifting, speedway, fencing, table tennis, and wrestling. The most honoured sport clubs are, among others: AZS Wrocław, GKS Katowice, “Górnik” Zabrze, “Gwardia” Wrocław, LKS Ziemia Opolska, “Odra” Opole, “Piast” Gliwice, “Ruch” Chorzów, WKS “Śląsk” Wrocław.
The aim of this paper is presentation of the up-to-date state of research on physical education and sports in the North-Eastern Borderlands of the 2nd Republic based on analysis of Polish literature on the subject. In the sense of territorial scope, the paper covers the areas of the Polesie, Novogrodek and Vilnius voivodeships. As for the scope of studies on the history of physical education and sports in the North-Eastern Borderlands of the 2nd Republic, the most cognitively significant is the work by Laskiewicz on „Kultura fizyczna na Wileńszczyźnie w latach 1900–1939. Zarys monograficzny dziejów” (Physical Culture in the Region of Vilnius in the Years 1900–1939. An Outline of Monographic History). The history of physical culture in rural areas were fairly well drawn up. In terms of historiography, there are publications presenting physical education and sports in urban areas. The publications mainly refer to physical activity in larger towns and cities, e.g. in Baranowicze, Breston- Bug, Lida, Novogrodek and in Vilnius. In terms of voivodeships, papers on physical education and sports in the Region of Vilnius significantly predominate. The presented analysis of the state of research – in reference to Polish writings – shows the necessity to supplement the preliminary archival research of the sources – in order to prepare a monograph on „Dziejów wychowania fizycznego i sportu na Kresach Północno-Wschodnich II Rzeczypospolitej” (the History of Physical Education and Sports in the North – Eastern Borderlands of the 2nd Republic). A preliminary archival research should also be conducted in the archives kept by Byelorussia and Lithuania.
W piśmiennictwie omawiającym dzieje Towarzystwa Gimnastycznego „Sokół” w Polsce po 1945 r. brak jest opracowania o zakresie ogólnopolskim. Występują publikacje posiadające charakter regionalny. Prace te odnoszą się głównie do Górnego Śląska, Małopolski i Pomorza. W pracach tych podejmowana jest problematyka reaktywowania działalności „Sokoła” po II wojnie światowej (1945–1949); prób reaktywowania gniazd „Sokoła” w latach 1956–1957; reaktywowania „Sokoła” i działalności dwóch organizacji sokolich po 1989 r. Związek Towarzystw Gimnastycznych „Sokół w Polsce i Polskie Towarzystwo Gimnastyczne „Sokół” w Krakowie prowadziły działalność na polu wychowania fizycznego, sportu, rekreacji fizycznej, działalności turystyczno-krajoznawczej oraz pracy kulturalno-oświatowej, wychowawczej, wydawniczej i patriotycznej.
As far as the state of research into the history of Gymnastic Society “Sokół” in Poland after 1945 is concerned there is no study of an all-Poland scope. There are some publications of a regional character. These works relate mainly to Górny Śląsk [Upper Silesia], Małopolska [Lesser Poland] and Pomorze [Pomerania]. These works touched upon the issues of re-establishment and operation of “Sokół” after World War II (1945–1949); attempts to re-establish nests of “Sokół” in the years 1956–1957; re-establishment of “Sokół” and of operation of two Sokół organizations after 1989. The Union of Gymnastics Societies “Sokół” in Poland and Polish Gymnastic Society “Sokół” in Cracow were active in the field of physical education, sport, physical recreation, tourism and sightseeing as well as cultural, educational, publishing and patriotic work.
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