Events at the end of the 1980s not only compelled the collapse of the international order prevailing at the time, but also put questions on the agenda as to the sense of the very existence, or the redefining of the role, of the international organisations existing hitherto. The December 1991 NATO summit in Rome and the adoption of the Alliance's Strategic Concept served as a manifestation of the member states' interest in the organisation's continued existence. Meanwhile, several Central and Eastern European countries were indicating their willingness to join the Alliance. The article comprises an analysis of selected texts covering the issue and published in two American weeklies, 'Time' and 'Newsweek', during Bill Clinton's first term as President. It is also an attempt to answer the question as to whether there was simply one point of view as regards the enlargement of NATO, or whether the publications under research presented a wide range of standpoints on the matter. The evaluation takes into account not only the degree of the two weeklies' interest in the issue, but also their attitude toward American diplomatic efforts regarding the accession of the new states to NATO.
Uzyskanie sprawnie funkcjonującego transportu zbiorowego wymaga nieustannych działań ze strony władz miejskich. Wydzielone pasy autobusowe uznawane są za jeden z najefektywniejszych sposobów usprawniania transportu autobusowego. Form funkcjonowania pasów autobusowych jest bardzo dużo, a niewłaściwie przyjęte rozwiązanie może negatywnie wpłynąć na potencjalne korzyści. W artykule przedstawiono metodykę sprawdzania i oceny efektywności wydzielonych pasów autobusowych działających czasowo. Na przykładzie wybranego odcinka w Rzeszowie oceniona została organizacja ruchu oraz nieprawidłowe zachowania kierujących na pasach autobusowych.
Many city actions are focused to provide better public transportation networks. In bus public transport, this can be achieved by the implementation of bus priority, especially by exclusive bus lanes which are well-known for high efficiently. In this paper, the authors propose a methodology to check and evaluate the effectiveness of bus lanes operating at peak times. The survey was conducted in the city of Rzeszow (Poland). Many incorrect behaviors of drivers were observed during the research. Our research shows that more than three in five drivers have accidentally driven in a bus lane. In the paper, factors reducing the effectiveness of the adopted solution have been identified and discussed.
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