This paper presents an algorithm for the winding temperature change estimation and the hot spot temperature determining of an oil filled power transformer. The proposed algorithm is based on the functional relation between the change of winding resistance and the measured oil temperature. The temperature changes approximation is based on the method of least squares. The proposed method is applied in the software for a field test instrument and verified by the field experiments.
W artykule przedstawiono algorytm służący do szacowania zmian temperatury uzwojeń oraz wyznaczania temperatury najgorętszego miejsca (ang. hot spot) w transformatorze wypełnionym olejem. Proponowany algorytm oparty jest na funkcjonalnej zależności pomiędzy zmianą rezystancji uzwojenia a mierzoną temperaturą oleju. Aproksymacja zmiany temperatury bazuje na metodzie najmniejszych kwadratów. Zaproponowana metoda stosowana jest w oprogramowaniu przyrządu testującego i zweryfikowana została eksperymentalnie.
In this work the infl uence of 50–80% (v/v) aqueous ethanol and the temperature of extraction (25–80°C) on the extractability of total phenolics, total fl avonoids and total proanthocyanidins from different fi g fruits was investigated. The best extraction conditions (80%, v/v aqueous ethanol, 80°C) obtained in the experiments with lyophilised Ficus carica L. cv. Šaraguja were used while performing the extraction of phenolic compounds from other fi g varieties (Bružetka bijela, Crnica, Bjelica and Termenjača). The antioxidant capacity was measured in all fi g fruits as well. It has been shown that the temperature of extraction and ethanol to water ratio have a statistically signifi cant infl uence on the extraction of phenolic compounds from fi g fruits variety Šaraguja. The highest content of phenolic compounds was found in fi g variety Crnica while the lowest one in fi g variety Bjelica. According to the results obtained in this study, fi g fruits can be considered as a natural source of phenolic compounds with good antioxidant capacity.
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