Oceniano aktywność fagocytarną związaną z wybuchem tlenowym granulocytów obojętnochłonnych u chorych z boreliozą z Lyme. Wykazano spadek wartości badanych parametrów w ostrej fazie choroby oraz ich normalizację w badaniu odległym, wykonanym po sześciu miesiącach od zakończenia leczenia. Poprawa badanych funkcji neutrofilów w badaniach odległych sugeruje, że obserwowane zmiany mają charakter nabyty, uwarunkowany obecnością krętka Borrelia burgdorferi.
In recent years in Poland, the interest has increased in studies about tick borne diseases, mainly Lyme borreliosis. Immune response and genotype of pathogen play an important role in the course of this disease. Phagocytic cells, especially PMN are dominant in defence mechanisms against bacterial infections. The main feature of PMN is their ability to destroy pathogenic microorganisms by phagocytosis. The aim of this study was to estimate the phagocytic activity of PMN connected with intracellular respiratory burst in patients with Lyme borreliosis. The PMN activity tests completed were: phagocytosis, spontaneous and reducted of nitrotetralizate blue test (NBT). Decreased phagocytic activity and oxygen metabolism of PMN from patients with borreliosis in comparison with values of controls were found. Normalization of these parameters after treatment was observed. Changed phagocytic activity connected with intracellular oxygen metabolism during the course of therapy was the main observation. Depression of phagocytic activity of PMN connected with oxygen metabolism can influence defence reactions in patients with Lyme borreliosis. It is suggested that changes observed are acquired and associated with Borrelia burgdorferi presence.