The need for cognitive closure is a tendency to having a clear and unquestionable knowledgeof a particular subject, through which individual can reduce uncertainty, formulate judgement andtake action. The need for structure is a tendency to structure and organize the environment. Theaim of the study was to identify gender differences in both of these motivational constructs. Contrary to the hypotheses, with respect to the total score of both the scale examining the need forcognitive closure and the scale of the need for structure, results were obtained indicating thatwomen were characterized by a higher level of these types of epistemic motivations in comparisonto men.
Potrzeba poznawczego domknięcia jest tendencją jednostki do posiadania jasnej i niekwestionowanej wiedzy na dany temat, dzięki której może ona zredukować niepewność, sformułować osąd i podjąć działanie. Potrzeba prostej struktury to skłonność jednostki do strukturyzowania i organizowania otoczenia. Celem przeprowadzonego badania była identyfikacja różnic międzypłciowych w obu tych konstruktach motywacyjnych. Przeciwnie do sformułowanych hipotez, w odniesieniu do łącznego wyniku podskal, zarówno skali badającej potrzebę poznawczego domknięcia, jak i skali potrzeby prostej struktury, uzyskano wyniki wskazujące, że kobiety cechują się wyższym poziomem tych przejawów motywacji epistemicznej w porównaniu do mężczyzn.
W artykule dokonano przeglądu badań na temat różnic w pracoholizmie, perfekcjonizmie i samoutrudnianiu między kobietami a mężczyznami. Przedstawiono także wyniki badań własnych, w których analizowano różnice międzypłciowe w tych cechach. Trzysta czternaście osób pracujących, o różnym stażu pracy indywidualnie lub w niewielkich grupach wypełniło kwestionariusze uzależnienia od pracy i perfekcjonizmu oraz skalę samoutrudniania. Zgodnie z przewidywaniami, kobiety odznaczały się istotnie wyższym ogólnym poziomem pracoholizmu niż mężczyźni. Istotne różnice odnotowano w dwóch z pięciu wymiarów pracoholizmu: Emocjonalnym Pobudzeniu/Perfekcjonizmie oraz Przeciążeniu Pracą. Kobiety cechował wyższy niż mężczyzn poziom nieadaptacyjnego perfekcjonizmu, który jest uważany za ważny komponent uzależnienia od pracy. Różnice międzypłciowe odnotowano także w stosowanych strategiach samoutrudniania. Kobiety charakteryzowały się silniejszą tendencją do samousprawiedliwienia niż mężczyźni oraz wyższym poziomem zdyscyplinowania i mobilizacji, a mężczyźni – większą odpornością emocjonalną niż kobiety. Uzyskane rezultaty omówiono w kontekście norm społecznych oraz ról i zadań, jakie obecnie pełnią kobiety.
The term ‘workaholism’ was first coined by Wayne Oates (1971), and since then it has been conceptualized in a variety of ways. Most researchers agree, however, that a defining feature of workaholism is that it involves an inner compulsion to work, in which people constantly think about work (Beiler-May, Williamson, Clark, Carter 2017). Conclusions on workaholism are often contradictory, which may reflect a shortage of research results (Burke 1999). This also applies to research on gender differences regarding workaholism and work-related variables. The results of several studies (e.g. Burgess, Burke, Oberklaid 2006; Burke 1999; Doerfler, Kammer 1986; Spence, Robbins 1992) have been equivocal (some of them indicate that there is no relationship between gender and workaholism, while others suggest that workaholism is related to gender). The purpose of this paper is to examine gender differences in five workaholism factors and the work-related variables of perfectionism and self-handicapping. Three hundred and fourteen participants (Mean age = 29.29; SD = 12.02) took part in the study. Questionnaires were administered in a paper version. Workaholism was measured using the 25-item Work Addiction Risk Test (Robinson 1998) in Polish adaptation (Wojdyło 2005), which measures different facets of workaholism (Obsession/Compulsion, Emotional Arousal/Perfectionism; Overdoing, Outcome Orientation and Self-Worth). To test perfectionism The Polish Adaptive and Maladaptive Perfectionism Questionnaire (Szczucka 2010) was used. Self-handicapping strategies were measured using the Anticipative Strategy of Self-Esteem Protection Scale (Doliński, Szmajke 1994). Females and males were found to differ on workaholism. Women were significantly higher on average in workaholism than men (a significant difference appeared in two of the five components: Overdoing and Emotional Arousal/Perfectionism). Females also reported higher levels of maladaptive perfectionism, which is considered as a workaholic job behavior. Gender differences have also been observed in self-handicapping strategies. Women were characterized by a stronger tendency towards self-justification then men. Males, on the other hand, declared stronger emotional resilience than women. These patterns of results are consistent with the results obtained in a previous study regarding gender differences in using self-handicapping strategies (Doliński, Szmajke 1994). The obtained results can be interpreted through the prism of the roles and tasks currently given to women. On the one hand, in light of social norms, a woman should take care of the household and family, while a man is responsible for earning money to support the family (Blair-Loy 2003). On the other hand, participation of women in the workforce is increasing (Peeters, Montgomery, Bakker, Schaufeli 2005), so they may find it difficult to reconcile work and fulfilling the demands of the roles of spouses, mothers or caregivers. Our study show that women may feel more overloaded with work and they have a higher level of emotional factors than men regarding workaholism. However, one may wonder whether women's workaholism is still underestimated. Women may find it more difficult to admit that they feel an inner compulsion to work due to gender-differentiated societal norms and expectations (Beiler-May et al. 2017: 109).
In general, it is beneficial and adaptive to have high self-esteem; however, contingent self-esteem depending on approval is not so advantageous. This article presents research on a Polish version of the Contingent Self-Esteem Scale (CSES), which measures contingent self-esteem. The CSES was administered on a total of 1,199 participants; a range of other instruments were also used to establish the validity of the CSES. The CSES proved to have acceptable internal consistency and validity and factor analyses revealed that it contains four factors: vulnerability to negative opinions, dependence on physical attractiveness, dependence on opinions, and dependence on self-standards. Contingent self-esteem was positively correlated with neuroticism, agreeableness, ruminating, anxiety, and maladaptive perfectionism; it was negatively correlated with general self-esteem and self-efficacy. Mediational analyses confirmed the hypothesis that low general self-esteem causes high rumination about oneself, which in turn is related to high contingent self-esteem.
Three experiments investigated the mechanisms, correlates, and methods of immunization against interrogative suggestibility (IS). IS involves reliance in memory reports on suggestions contained in misleading questions (Yield) and the tendency to change answers under negative feedback about the quality of previous testimony (Shift). All three studies found that the milder version of the tool used in the studies (GSS) resulted in lower Yield and Shift. In analyses considering the memory states of the participants, IS was found to be highest when participants mistakenly attributed the information contained in the suggestive questions to the original material. However, significant percentages of the participants succumbed to suggestions and changed answers even when they were aware of the discrepancy between the original material and the information contained in the questions. The warning against suggestions was found to lower Yield and Shift, and this was especially true when participants were aware of discrepancies between original material and suggestions. Enhancing self-esteem and inducing mindfulness did not reduce IS. The correlations between IS, including IS in individual mindfulness states, with the Big Five personality traits, anxiety, susceptibility to influence, and self-esteem were inconsistent.
The observation inflation effect consists in the fact that observing an action being performed can create false memories that this action has actually been performed by the observer. The present study examined the relationship between this effect and interrogative suggestibility. A procedure based on the Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale was used to assess two kinds of suggestibility: the tendency to yield to suggestive questions (Yield) and the tendency to change answers after feedback (Shift). The participants first watched a film depicting a woman performing simple activities and performed various activities themselves during the film. In order to determine whether the observation inflation effect occurred, the participants performed a source-monitoring test. The observation inflation effect was replicated. Observation inflation correlated positively with Yield but not with Shift. This pattern of results can be explained by the fact these two indicators are different aspects of interrogative suggestibility. Shift is more related to social influence, while Yield is more cognitive in its nature.
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