This report is a comprehensive study of Norwegian and Polish spatial planning systems. It focuses on land-use part of planning and shows basic similarities and differences between those two planning policies. The aim of this report was to study and analyze the planning systems in both countries. During the preparation of this report, authors posed the following questions: – What kind of relations are there between all the planning levels stated in the legislation procedure as well as in practice? – Which planning documents concern land-use management? – What are the main trends of spatial management in urban areas? – How in practice does public participation in spatial planning process look? During the research authors attempted to answer those questions by using different methods. Firstly, professional documentation has been investigated. The main data sources were planning legislation and documents (including maps), as well as professional literature. Secondly, informal interviews were conducted. Fifteen interviews with planning researchers and with local and regional planners were carried out in Norway. Interviews were informal, however, they were based on previously prepared key-words list. Besides the analysis of the planning system in both countries, the report also includes two case-studies. In this report Oslo and Kraków were taken into consideration. In the report an emphasis was put also on environmental issues in spatial policy, public participation and privatization process of planning.
Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy prac nad przygotowaniem internetowego przeglądu rozstrzygnięć nadzorczych wojewodów, dotyczących planów miejscowych. Celem uruchomienia przeglądu jest zaprezentowanie i poszerzenie wiedzy o przyczynach zakwestionowania przez wojewodów procedur lub zapisów planów miejscowych lub ich części. Stwierdzono, że należy stworzyć możliwość wyszukiwania prezentowanych rozstrzygnięć zarówno według województw, jak i kilku najczęściej występujących grup problemów: procedura i dokumentacja oraz kompetencje organów, środowisko przyrodnicze (ochrona środowiska, ochrona przyrody), ochrona dóbr kultury, komunikacja, infrastruktura techniczna, mapy i grafika. Na stronie internetowej Instytutu Rozwoju Miast utworzona została Wyszukiwarka rozstrzygnięć (, gdzie zaprezentowano rozstrzygnięcia nadzorcze z województw: dolnośląskiego, kujawskopomorskiego, lubelskiego, łódzkiego, małopolskiego, mazowieckiego, opolskiego, podkarpackiego, podlaskiego, świętokrzyskiego oraz zachodniopomorskiego.
This paper concerns works on the preparation of the Internet review of supervisory settlements made by governors in respect of local area development plans. The goal of the project is to present and extend knowledge on reasons of questioning by governors procedures or provisions of local area development plans, or parts thereof. The authors have found that it would be necessary to provide the possibility of searching for settlements included in the database both according to regions, and according to several groups of problems that appear most often, such as procedures and documentation and authorities' competence, natural environment (preservation of environment and nature), preservation of cultural heritage, transport, technical infrastructure, maps and graphics. The Internet page of the Institute of Urban Development has been provided with a special tool – a special search engine (, which shows supervisory settlements made by governors from the following regions: Dolnośląskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Lubelskie, Łódzkie, Małopolskie, Mazowieckie, Opolskie, Podkarpackie, Podlaskie, Świętokrzyskie, and Zachodniopomorskie.
W artykule przedstawiona została aktualna, szczególnie po ostatnich ekstremalnych zdarzeniach w Karpatach, problematyka zagrożeń ze strony osuwisk. Omówiono mechanizm i genezę osuwania się mas ziemnych. Na obszarach badań (4 gminy z Małopolski i Podkarpacia) obszernie zilustrowano je na mapach, schematach oraz fotografiach. Uwzględniono potrzebę oceny warunków przyrodniczych do celów planowania przestrzennego, jak również rolę informacji geologicznej w ocenie zagrożeń geośrodowiskowych, jakimi są powierzchniowe ruchy masowe.
This paper presents the current issues of landslide hazards, especially in view of the recent extreme disasters in the Carpathian Mountains. The authors discuss the mechanisms and origins of landslides. Such phenomena were comprehensively illustrated on maps, diagrams and photographs of the research areas (four municipalities in the Małopolska and Podkarpacie Regions). The authors took into account the need to evaluate natural conditions for spatial planning purposes, as well as the role of geological surveys in the evaluation of geo-environmental hazards presented by the surface movements of the land mass.
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