This article presents the concept of information supervision in the context of corporate governance, supervision and management of IT in the enterprise information systems. The definition of information supervision proposed by the author can highlight the difference between supervision of IT systems, and information systems. The presented model of information supervision can serve both to analyze, and to shape deliberately the information supervision in an enterprise. Announcing further research on the concept and model of information supervision the author shows, that particularly interesting seem to be searching for methods to measure the maturity of information supervision, and the application of specific rules and mechanisms of such supervision impact on the company efficiency.
Na szczycie przywódców państw G-20 w Pittsburghu w 2009 r. zaproponowano reformę infrastruktury rynku derywatów, przez wprowadzenie obowiązku centralnego rozliczania najbardziej wystandaryzowanych kontraktów pochodnych, będących przedmiotem obrotu poza rynkiem regulowanym. Uznano bowiem, że transakcje pozagiełdowe miały istotny wpływ na rozprzestrzenienie się kryzysu finansowego i wymagają większej kontroli. W efekcie, w USA została wprowadzono ustawa Dodd-Frank Act, a Unia Europejska przyjęła rozporządzenie w sprawie instrumentów pochodnych będących przedmiotem obrotu poza rynkiem regulowanym, kontrahentów centralnych i repozytoriów, tzw. rozpo-rządzenie EMIR. Artykuł zawiera ekonomiczną analizę prawa przyjętych regulacji rynku finansowego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem instytucji kontrahentów centralnych i repozytoriów transakcji.
The aim of the following article is to present the issues of the planned legal regulation of a new, specific category of the participant of payment services market - third-party payment service provider. This is a “third” entity in relation to the user of basic payment service (namely, payer and receiver) as well as to the provider of the payment services - an account-holding institution. Introduction of this term into European Union legislation is one of the most significant changes in the project of a new Payment Services Directive (PSD II). Particularly important in this context is the need for exact definition of legal status of the third-party payment service providers as well as precise determination of the boundaries of their responsibility. Emerging of such entities improves the process of payment and intensifies the competition between banks. Yet, it also cause some problems related to the privacy protection or forgery prevention. The consequences of the before mentioned regulation for providers and users of payment services have been discussed in the present article.
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