On the basis of questionnaire research conducted in 2014 it can be said that the aversion to immigrants and ethnic minorities exist in the form of embedded and passed in gossip. The most common addressed rumors are Roma and Ukrainians. Contact gossip is not common, usually single or two-fold, and most often occurs with friends or acquaintances, and on the street. The most common rumors are related to lifestyle and illegal earning.
Na podstawie badań kwestionariuszowych przeprowadzonych w 2014 r. można stwierdzić, że niechęć do imigrantów i przedstawicieli mniejszości etnicznych istnieje w formie utrwalonej i jest przekazywana w plotkach. Najczęstszymi adresatami plotek są Romowie i Ukraińcy. Kontakt z plotkami nie jest częsty (zwykle jednorazowy lub dwukrotny), zazwyczaj ma miejsce u przyjaciół, znajomych lub na ulicy. Najczęściej plotki są związane ze stylem życia i pokątnym zarobkowaniem.
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This article investigates the opacity in allomorphic processes in the masculine nominative plural of Polish nouns. It is shown that the discussed cases of allomorphy are opaque. Subsequently, it is examined whether Optimality Theory can account for the opacity in the Polish data and concluded that parallel evaluation is unable to handle the relevant examples. Next, the problem is reanalyzed within the theory of candidate chains in order to determine whether the theory is capable of providing a non-derivational account. However, this version of Optimality Theory fails to achieve the attested output. It is concluded that candidate chains are unable to handle the opaque generalizations. Finally, the non-derivational account is juxtaposed with Derivational Optimality Theory in order to prove that Optimality Theory must admit derivational levels.
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