The paper points to a hitherto not recognized quotation from Galen in the Old Church Slavonic Life of S. Cyril of the 9th century (chapter XI, 15) which demonstrates the Galenic maxim “contraria contrariis curentur”. The Galenic argument is brought forth by the Christian philosopher Cyril in a discussion with Jewish theologians. The paper firstly demonstrates that the author of VC does not only enrich Cyril’s speech with allusions to Biblical formulations but makes also the Jewish interlocutors use a direct quotation from Paul’s Epistle to the Colossians. The Christian and Jewish arguments complement each other leading to the ultimate Christian answer that Christ is the real physician to heal body and soul. In contextualizing the findings and pointing to another passage of Vita Cyrilli the paper shows, that the metaphor of “Christ, the physician” both times occurs in a context, where the Original sin is the main topic. Finally, the paper is concerned with the rhetoric of the metaphor and the limits of what can be possibly expressed by it. The ultimate healing in a Christian sense is expressed in the faith into bodily resurrection and thus transcends the comparison with concrete physical therapy. In contrast to concrete bodily health the qualities of a “body of the resurrection” cannot be positively named and thus are designated by the metaphor of “enjoying the fruit” in the heavens.
This paper argues for a new approach towards lingual utterances of identity in the theoretical framework of discourse linguistics. Human beeings describe themselves either by means of temporal attributes, which may change over time, either by means of existential attributes, which are aimed to express a core value of the resp. individuality. The difference between both attributes cannot be traced semantically but pragmatically: attributes of existence are always metaphorical. For example, the self-attribution as a teacher can be understood both as an emblematic, temporal attribute („I am a teacher during work-days or during my professional life”) or as a metaphorical self-description („I am born as a teacher, this is my unchanging nature”). Metaphorical selfdescription of individuality, if expressed in cultural or nationalist terms, makes a great part of the problems in intercultural communication. While every human beeing has a need for metaphorical self-description, especially in critical situations like intercultural experiences, it is helpful to point to the metaphorical character of those self-attributes. The paper shows how in oral communication the various temporal and metaphorical attributes show up in the way of speaking.
In the course of his missionary activities, in his Didactic Gospel (Evanhelije Učytel’noe = UE), Meletij Smotryc’kyj aimed to present Biblical texts and their commentaries in a more vernacular, not so much Church Slavonic language in order that readers could more easily become familiar with the views of Orthodox authors. Based on the material of the first ten Biblical readings in the order of UE, the article identifies all participle constructions in the Greek source text and compares them with their translation equivalents in different Bible translations: UE, Ostrog Bible, Ukrainian Bible translation of Kulyš, and Russian Synodal translation. The article poses the question of whether it is possible to make conclusions about the closeness of each translation towards a more vernacular way of speaking by showing a numerical comparison of all instances, when the translations are in full morphological equivalence with the Greek source. Considering not only morphological equivalence with the Greek construction but adding grammatical tense of the participle as a second parameter for comparison, then the translations will differ more significantly. Change of tense, of course, is inevitable if the target language does not exhibit an equivalent for aorist, but still, it is a question if the translation of an aorist participle results in a preterit participle (mostly aspectually perfective) or in a present participle (aspectually imperfective). The article is not concerned with linguistic problems of verbal aspect in different Slavic languages but seeks to find out which conclusions about the translation technique could be drawn from comparing numerical correspondences in the realm of morphological equivalence. The material shows that the numerical comparison of instances of morphological adequacy in different Slavic translations permits conclusions about the literal character of the translation but does not allow the stylistic characteristics to be judged.
В рамке миссионерской активности Мелетий Смотрицкий захотел в своем Учительном Евангелии (УЕ) предложить библейские тексты с толкованием в народном, не-церковнославянском языке, чтобы читатели легче смогли познакомиться со взглядами православных авторов. На материале первых десятых библейских в порядке УЕ статья идентифицирует в исходном греческом тексте все конструкции с глагольными причастиями и сравнивает их переводческие эквиваленты в разных переводах Библии: УЕ, Острожская Библия, украинский перевод Кулиша и русский Синодальный перевод. B cтатьe поставлен вопрос, можно ли оценить близость языка переводов к более разговорным выражениям при помощи числового сравнения всех случаев где данные переводы показывают полное морфологическое соответсвие с Греческим оригиналом? Если соблюдается не только морфологическое соответсвие перевода с греческой конструкцией, но и глагольное время употребляемого причастия как второй параметр сравнения, тогда переводы покажут значимые различия. Конечно, глагольное время обязательно сменяется, если в языке переводе уже не найдется эквивалент аориста, но все-таки спрашивается, если Греческий аорист переводится причастием прошедшего времени (прежде всего совершенного вида) или причастием настоящего времени (несовершенного вида). Статья не занимается лингвистической проблематикой видовой системы в различных языках, но спрашивает какие выводы можно сделать на материале числовых сравнений в области морфологической эквивалентности. Языковый материал показывает, что численные данные анализа морфологических эквивалентов в различных славянских переводах позволяют обсудить общую дословность данного перевода, но не позволяют обсудить стилистические особенности.
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