This article takes the issue of a possible secession of catalonia into consideration. Its main objective is to identify factors that contribute to and hinder the aforementioned autonomous community from becoming independent. The implementation of this task is to isolate the specific features of the region and its people that affect the creation of the catalan national identity. The analysis of the possibility of secession was based on three levels: economic, historical-cultural and legal-political. The construction of the balance of profit and loss will allow to adopt a forecast of potential solutions to the problem. The study used statistical data, studies in the literature and source documents.
Artykuł podejmuje problematykę budowę etnomarki Katalonii przez FC Barcelonę. Zawiera on analizę znaczenia klubu dla tożsamości Katalończyków oraz wzajemnych relacji. Ponadto prezentuje w jaki sposób sport – w tym przypadku piłka nożna – może stać się nośnikiem wartości narodowych, a także jak zakorzenienie w etniczności podnosi wartość samego klubu. Eksploracja zagadnienia Blaugrany, nakreśliła jednocześnie jej rolę w konflikcie na linii Katalonia – Madryt, czyniąc tym samym z niej niemal substytut partii politycznej.
The article takes the issue of the construction of ethno brand of Catalonia by FC Barcelona. It exam-ines the significance of the Catalans club’s identity and mutual relationships. In addition, it shows how sport - in this case football - can become a carrier of national values, as well as being rooted in ethnicity increases the value of the club itself. Exploring the issue of Blaugrana also outlins its role in the conflict on the line Catalonia - Madrid, thus making it virtually a substitute for a political party.
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