International law has traditionally been neutral towards democracy and the democratic legitimacy of governments, as it was considered as internal matter of states. The situation began to change at the beginning of the 90s when, after the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the USSR, tendencies appeared to modify the rules of democracy also through international law. The democratic boom in this area peaked in the 1990s and lasted approximately 30 years. However, due to various factual reasons, such efforts were not successful, and the rules of democracy are currently still reflected through and on the basis of electoral human rights (the right to vote and right to be elected) anchored in several post-war conventions on the human rights. In addition, the so-called electoral democracies begin to gradually erode and deviate from democratic rules and processes to varying extents and intensities. The beginning of the new millennium is characterized by the growth of authoritarian regimes and ideologies in the world and overall weakening of democracy. Currently, it is difficult to predict the time and extent of such a recession. Unlike general international law, democracy has gained a stronger position in the regional organizations and regional international law. Some of them consider the fulfilment of democratic rules as a condition of accession of a new state as their membership. The UN plays an important role in the support of democracy in member states. This is primarily about technical and other tools supporting democratic elections, collective pro-democratic interventions in member states, as well as UN General Assembly decisions on democratic nature of governments through the process of credentials acceptation in the UN General Assembly. Finally, the existence of democratic principles can also be found in the treaties of the European Union with third parties (states and international organizations), International practice confirms that democratic criteria are also taken into account when recognizing new states and governments in the context of the third wave of democratization.
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International aviation law today forms separate branch of international law in order to ensure proper and safe operation and development of international civil aviation. This branch involves complex of multilateral, regional and bilateral agreements and its “technical” part is formed by the set of standards and recommended practices of the International Civil Aviation Organization. In addressing the legal regime of airspace, states, for security reasons, prefer the principle of sovereignty over their airspace. Such closure of air space however generates the problem of relevant legal regulation for commercial freedoms of air. As a result, bilateral air service agreements have become the predominant kind of regulation of the commercial freedoms of air after postwar period. (today more than 3000). The dynamic development of regionalism during the last quarter of the 20th century “produced” growing number of regional air services agreements prepared within regional economic organizations. The term civil aviation safety has been for a long time interpreted as a set of measures adopted within International Civil Aviation Organization which was provided to civil aircraft and surface equipment do not endanger the lives and health of passengers. The external threats to civil aviation comprising different forms of unlawful interference (security) emerged in the beginning of 60s. The practice confirms significant role has played International Civil Aviation Organization in the fight against such interferences through a complex of technical measures (Annex 17) as well as a number of international agreements responding to different acts endangering the security of international civil aviation. Wide acceptance of these agreements by the international community confirms the exceptionally high number of their States Parties (more than 180). Integral part of international air law constitutes international private air law rules governing mainly relations among non-state actors participating in international air transport. The essence of international regulation in this area forms specific rules embraced in relevant agreements applicable directly without the need to applicate conflict of law rules of relevant states.
V súčasnosti je medzinárodné letecké právo samostatné odvetvie medzinárodného práva, cieľom ktorého je zabezpečovať riadny a bezpečný chod a rozvoj medzinárodného civilného letectva a tak prispievať k jeho ďalšiemu rozvoju. Toto odvetvie zahrňuje komplex medzinárodných mnohostranných, regionálnych a dvojstrannných dohovorov pričom jeho „technickou“ súčasťou sú štandardy a odporúčané postupy Medzinárodnej organizácie pre civilné letectvo. Pri riešení právneho režimu vzdušného priestoru štáty z bezpečnostných dôvodov uprednostnili suverenitu nad svojim vzdušným priestorom, čím došlo k problémom pri poskytovaní komerčných slobôd vzduchu. V dôsledku toho sa bilaterálne dohody o leteckých službách stali na dlhé obdobie prevažujúcou metódou úpravy komerčných slobôd (dnes ich je viac ako 3000). Rozvoj regionalizmu v poslednej štvrtine minulého storočia mal za následok rastúci počet regionálnych dohôd o leteckých službách, pripravených v rámci regionálnych ekonomických organizácií. Pod termínom bezpečnosť civilného letectva (safety) sa dlhé obdobie rozumeli opatrenia Medzinárodnej organizácie pre civilné letectvo ktorými sa zabezpečovalo, aby civilné lietadlá a pozemné letecké vybavenie neohrozovali životy a zdravie cestujúcich. Vonkajšie hrozby pre bezpečnosť civilného letectva sa vynorili začiatkom 60. rokov a spočívajú v nezákonnom zasahovaní ohrozujúcom bezpečnosť lietadiel ako aj cestujúcich a posádok lietadiel (security). Významnú úlohu v boji proti takýmto aktom zohrala Medzinárodná organizácia pre civilné letectvo, ktorá postupne prijímala bezpečnostné štandardy letištných technických opatrení upravené v Prílohe 17 k Medzinárodnému dohovoru o civilnom letectve, ako aj viaceré medzinárodné dohovory reagujúce na jednotlivé spôsoby ohrozovania bezpečnosti medzinárodného civilného letectva. Širokú medzinárodnú akceptáciu týchto dohovorov potvrdzuje mimoriadne vysoký počet ich zmluvných strán (viac ako 180). Nedielnu súčasť medzinárodného práva leteckého tvoria pravidlá medzinárodného leteckého práva súkromného upravujúce predovšetkým vzťahy neštátnych účastníkov medzinárodnej leteckej dopravy. Ich podstatou je priama úprava pravidiel v medzinárodných dohovorov bez nutnosti použitia vnútroštátnych kolíznych noriem štátov.
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