Purpose: The purpose of the publication was to attempt to present housing cooperatives as a competitive entity in relation to other entities forming the „real estate stock”. The resource of housing cooperatives was presented and compared to the resource of other entities operating on the real estate market in Poland. It also shows how housing cooperatives are performing on the real estate market in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: Empirical research on the competitiveness of housing cooperatives in the real estate market was nationwide. The number of dwellings put into use by particular entities operating on the real estate market in Poland has been analysed with a division into voivodships. The standard of buildings put into use has been characterized, and the quality of housing stock management has been analysed. Data concerning the number of dwellings completed has been obtained from the Local Data Bank of the Central Statistical Office and from the Analysis and Monitoring System form the Real Estate Market (AMRON). Findings: The legally and historically established position of the owner of often huge housing resources and the gap between housing cooperatives to function without any assessment of their competitiveness. Legal changes, which include the right to transform a cooperative right into separate ownership of premises, the right to change the property manager from a cooperative to a competitive commercial entity, undoubtedly force housing cooperatives to compete in the housing market in Poland. Originality/value: To date, competition between operators in the property market has not been studied. In this publication, the authors examined the competitiveness of housing cooperatives in relation to other business entities.
Artykuł zawiera prawno-urbanistyczną analizę wybranych (odnoszących się do kwestii ochrony zabytków i dziedzictwa kulturowego) zapisów miejscowych planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego. Cele artykułu są następujące: (1) przedstawienie kluczowych problemów związanych z interakcją sfery kulturowej i prawnej w kształtowaniu postanowień miejscowych planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego (mpzp); (2) wykazanie zróżnicowań międzyregionalnych i funkcjonalnych w tym zakresie (tj. związanych z indywidualną specyfiką gmin); (3) określenie (z perspektywy całego systemu gospodarki przestrzennej) optymalnych kierunków koordynacji sfery kulturowej i prawnej w mpzp. W tym celu przeanalizowano postanowienia dotyczące ochrony zabytków i dziedzictwa kulturowego we wszystkich mpzp uchwalonych w Polsce w latach 2017-2019, dokonując kategoryzacji poszczególnych postanowień i związanych z nimi zagadnień problematycznych. Wyniki wskazują na potrzebę silniejszej i bardziej doprecyzowanej ochrony walorów kulturowych, niż ma to miejsce w obecnie obowiązującym systemie prawnym.
This article contains a legal and urbanistic analysis of selected (relating to the issue of protection of monuments and cultural heritage) provisions of local spatial development plans. The aims of the article are as follows: (1) to present the key problems related to the interaction of the cultural and legal spheres in shaping the provisions of local spatial development plans (LSDP); (2) to demonstrate the interregional and functional differences in this respect, i.e. related to the individual specificities of municipalities (communes, gminas); (3) to determine (from the perspective of the entire spatial management system) the optimal directions for the coordination of the cultural and legal spheres in LSDP. To this end, the provisions for the protection of monuments and cultural heritage in all LSDPs enacted in Poland in 2017-2019 were analyzed, and the individual provisions and related problematic issues were categorized. The results indicate the need for stronger and more detailed protection of cultural assets than is the case under the current legal system.
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