This study examines the influence of thermal radiation on biomagnetic fluid, namelyblood that passes through a two-dimensional stretching sheet in the presence of magneticdipole. This analysis is conducted to observe the behavior of blood flow for an unsteadycase, which will help in developing new solutions to treat diseases and disorders related tohuman body. Our model is namely biomagnetic fluid dynamics (BFD), which is consistentwith two principles: ferrohydrodynamic (FHD) and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), whereblood is treated as electrically conductive. It is assumed that the implemented magneticfield is sufficiently strong to saturate the ferrofluid, and the variation of magnetization withtemperature may be approximated with the aid of a function of temperature distinction.The governing partial differential equations (PDEs) converted into ordinary differentialequations (ODEs) using similarity transformation and numerical results are thus obtainedby using the bvp4c function technique in MATLAB software with considering applicableboundary conditions. With the help of graphs, we discuss the impact of various param-eters, namely radiation parameter, unsteady parameter, permeability parameter, suctionparameter, magnetic field parameter, ferromagnetic parameter, Prandtl number, velocityand thermal slip parameter on fluid (blood) flow and heat transfer in the boundary layer.The rate of heat transfer and skin friction coefficient is also computationally obtained forthe requirement of this study. The fluid velocity decreases with increasing values of themagnetic parameter, ferromagnetic interaction parameter, radiation parameter whereastemperature profile increases for the unsteady parameter, Prandtl number, and permeability parameter. From the analysis, it is also observed that the skin friction coefficientdecreases and the rate of heat transfer increases respectively with increasing values ofthe ferromagnetic interaction parameter. The most important part of the present analy-sis is that we neither neglect the magnetization nor electrical conductivity of the bloodthroughout this study. To make the results more feasible, they are compared with thedata previously published in the literature and found to be in good accuracy.
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