In this article we prove the Tietze extension theorem for an arbitrary convex compact subset of εn with a non-empty interior. This theorem states that, if T is a normal topological space, X is a closed subset of T, and A is a convex compact subset of εn with a non-empty interior, then a continuous function f : X → A can be extended to a continuous function g : T → εn. Additionally we show that a subset A is replaceable by an arbitrary subset of a topological space that is homeomorphic with a convex compact subset of En with a non-empty interior. This article is based on [20]; [23] and [22] can also serve as reference books.
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Let us recall that a topological space M is a topological manifold if M is second-countable Hausdorff and locally Euclidean, i.e. each point has a neighborhood that is homeomorphic to an open ball of E n for some n. However, if we would like to consider a topological manifold with a boundary, we have to extend this definition. Therefore, we introduce here the concept of a locally Euclidean space that covers both cases (with and without a boundary), i.e. where each point has a neighborhood that is homeomorphic to a closed ball of En for some n. Our purpose is to prove, using the Mizar formalism, a number of properties of such locally Euclidean spaces and use them to demonstrate basic properties of a manifold. Let T be a locally Euclidean space. We prove that every interior point of T has a neighborhood homeomorphic to an open ball and that every boundary point of T has a neighborhood homeomorphic to a closed ball, where additionally this point is transformed into a point of the boundary of this ball. When T is n-dimensional, i.e. each point of T has a neighborhood that is homeomorphic to a closed ball of En, we show that the interior of T is a locally Euclidean space without boundary of dimension n and the boundary of T is a locally Euclidean space without boundary of dimension n − 1. Additionally, we show that every connected component of a compact locally Euclidean space is a locally Euclidean space of some dimension. We prove also that the Cartesian product of locally Euclidean spaces also forms a locally Euclidean space. We determine the interior and boundary of this product and show that its dimension is the sum of the dimensions of its factors. At the end, we present several consequences of these results for topological manifolds. This article is based on [14].
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In this article we formalize the Bertrand’s Ballot Theorem based on [17]. Suppose that in an election we have two candidates: A that receives n votes and B that receives k votes, and additionally n ≥ k. Then this theorem states that the probability of the situation where A maintains more votes than B throughout the counting of the ballots is equal to (n − k)/(n + k). This theorem is item #30 from the “Formalizing 100 Theorems” list maintained by Freek Wiedijk at
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In this article we focus on a special case of the Brouwer invariance of domain theorem. Let us A, B be a subsets of εn, and f : A → B be a homeomorphic. We prove that, if A is closed then f transform the boundary of A to the boundary of B; and if B is closed then f transform the interior of A to the interior of B. These two cases are sufficient to prove the topological invariance of dimension, which is used to prove basic properties of the n-dimensional manifolds, and also to prove basic properties of the boundary and the interior of manifolds, e.g. the boundary of an n-dimension manifold with boundary is an (n − 1)-dimension manifold. This article is based on [18]; [21] and [20] can also serve as reference books.
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In this paper, we define sequence dominated by 0, in which every initial fragment contains more zeroes than ones. If n ≥ 2 · m and n > 0, then the number of sequences dominated by 0 the length n including m of ones, is given by the formula [...] and satisfies the recurrence relation [...] Obviously, if n = 2 · m, then we obtain the recurrence relation for the Catalan numbers (starting from 0) [...] Using the above recurrence relation we can see that [...] where [...] and hence [...] MML identifier: CATALAN2, version: 7.8.03 4.75.958
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In this article we prove the Brouwer fixed point theorem for an arbitrary simplex which is the convex hull of its n + 1 affinely indepedent vertices of εn. First we introduce the Lebesgue number, which for an arbitrary open cover of a compact metric space M is a positive real number so that any ball of about such radius must be completely contained in a member of the cover. Then we introduce the notion of a bounded simplicial complex and the diameter of a bounded simplicial complex. We also prove the estimation of diameter decrease which is connected with the barycentric subdivision. Finally, we prove the Brouwer fixed point theorem and compute the small inductive dimension of εn. This article is based on [16].
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In this paper we present selected properties of barycentric coordinates in the Euclidean topological space. We prove the topological correspondence between a subset of an affine closed space of εn and the set of vectors created from barycentric coordinates of points of this subset.
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In this article we prove the Brouwer fixed point theorem for an arbitrary convex compact subset of εn with a non empty interior. This article is based on [15].
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The paper is concerned with a generalization of concepts introduced in [13], i.e. introduced are matrices of linear transformations over a finitedimensional vector space. Introduced are linear transformations over a finitedimensional vector space depending on a given matrix of the transformation. Finally, I prove that the rank of linear transformations over a finite-dimensional vector space is the same as the rank of the matrix of that transformation.
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In this paper I present basic properties of block diagonal matrices over a set. In my approach the finite sequence of matrices in a block diagonal matrix is not restricted to square matrices. Moreover, the off-diagonal blocks need not be zero matrices, but also with another arbitrary fixed value.
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In this paper I present the Jordan Matrix Decomposition Theorem which states that an arbitrary square matrix M over an algebraically closed field can be decomposed into the form [...] where S is an invertible matrix and J is a matrix in a Jordan canonical form, i.e. a special type of block diagonal matrix in which each block consists of Jordan blocks (see [13]).MML identifier: MATRIXJ2, version: 7.9.01 4.101.1015
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The article presents well known facts about eigenvalues of linear transformation of a vector space (see [13]). I formalize main dependencies between eigenvalues and the diagram of the matrix of a linear transformation over a finite-dimensional vector space. Finally, I formalize the subspace [...] called a generalized eigenspace for the eigenvalue λ and show its basic properties.MML identifier: VECTSP11, version: 7.9.03 4.108.1028
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In this paper I present the Kronecker-Capelli theorem which states that a system of linear equations has a solution if and only if the rank of its coefficient matrix is equal to the rank of its augmented matrix.MML identifier: MATRIX15, version: 7.8.09 4.97.1001
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In this article we prove the Euler’s Partition Theorem which states that the number of integer partitions with odd parts equals the number of partitions with distinct parts. The formalization follows H.S. Wilf’s lecture notes [28] (see also [1]). Euler’s Partition Theorem is listed as item #45 from the “Formalizing 100 Theorems” list maintained by Freek Wiedijk at [27].
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In this article we introduce necessary notation and definitions to prove the Euler’s Partition Theorem according to H.S. Wilf’s lecture notes [31]. Our aim is to create an environment which allows to formalize the theorem in a way that is as similar as possible to the original informal proof. Euler’s Partition Theorem is listed as item #45 from the “Formalizing 100 Theorems” list maintained by Freek Wiedijk at [30].
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This paper is a continuation of [12]. First some definitions needed to formulate Cantor's theorem on complete spaces and show several facts about them are introduced. Next section contains the proof of Cantor's theorem and some properties of complete spaces resulting from this theorem. Moreover, countable compact spaces and proofs of auxiliary facts about them is defined. I also show the important condition that every metric space is compact if and only if it is countably compact. Then I prove that every metric space is compact if and only if it is a complete and totally bounded space. I also introduce the definition of the metric space with the well metric. This article is based on [13].MML identifier: COMPL SP, version: 7.8.05 4.89.993
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We introduce length-preserving linear transformations of Euclidean topological spaces. We also introduce rotation which preserves orientation (proper rotation) and reverses orientation (improper rotation). We show that every rotation that preserves orientation can be represented as a composition of base proper rotations. And finally, we show that every rotation that reverses orientation can be represented as a composition of proper rotations and one improper rotation.
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In this article we prove the Leibniz series for π which states that π4=∑n=0∞(−1)n2⋅n+1. $${\pi \over 4} = \sum\limits_{n = 0}^\infty {{{\left( { - 1} \right)^n } \over {2 \cdot n + 1}}.} $$ The formalization follows K. Knopp [8], [1] and [6]. Leibniz’s Series for Pi is item #26 from the “Formalizing 100 Theorems” list maintained by Freek Wiedijk at
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In this article we prove the friendship theorem according to the article [1], which states that if a group of people has the property that any pair of persons have exactly one common friend, then there is a universal friend, i.e. a person who is a friend of every other person in the group
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We present the concept and basic properties of the Menger-Urysohn small inductive dimension of topological spaces according to the books [7]. Namely, the paper includes the formalization of main theorems from Sections 1.1 and 1.2.
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