This article describes the role of the Małopolska Centre for Entrepreneurship (Małopolskie Centrum Przedsiębiorczości, MCP) in the use of EU funds in Małopolskie Voivodeship, focusing on two operational programs: Małopolska Regional Operational Program (MRPO) 2007–2013 and Regional Operational Programme for the Małopolska Region (RPO WM) 2014–2020. In the first years of its activity, the MCP supervised the implementation of the Małopolska Regional Operational Program, supporting investments and innovations of micro, small and medium -sized enterprises (SMEs). In the years 2008‒2015, 27 calls for proposals were announced. With the support of PLN 697 million, the program created 3.5 thousand jobs and supported 2.6 thousand innovations. The second operational program, the Regional Operational Programme for the Małopolska Region 2014‒2020, focused on further developing Małopolskie Voivodeship’s economy, supporting investments and innovations in the areas critical for regional development. The MCP conducted 108 calls for proposals, granting PLN 6 billion in support, which allowed for the creation of new jobs, development of companies, diversification of business activities, support for innovation and promotion of exports. The Małopolskie Voivodeship’s response to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic was the launch of the “Małopolska Anti -Crisis Shield”, the main goal of which was to support SMEs in maintaining financial liquidity and jobs. During this time, the MCP supported over 8000 companies with over PLN 280 million, which allowed keeping over 30,000 jobs. The article emphasises the synergistic role of EU funds and public institutions in shaping better conditions for the development of entrepreneurship. The article utilizes a monitoring and evaluation methodology based on indicators, which is a standard practice in scientific research related to the assessment of projects and programs. The article uses an integrated methodology that combines the case study approach of the Małopolska Centre for Entrepreneurship with the analysis of statistical data.
Artykuł opisuje rolę Małopolskiego Centrum Przedsiębiorczości (MCP) w wykorzystywaniu funduszy unijnych w województwie małopolskim, na podstawie dwóch programów operacyjnych: Małopolskiego Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego (MRPO) na lata 2007–2013 i Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Małopolskiego (RPO WM) na lata 2014–2020. W pierwszych latach swojej działalności MCP wdrażało część MRPO, wspierając inwestycje i innowacje mikro-, małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw (MŚP). W latach 2008–2015 ogłoszono łącznie 27 konkursów, w których wsparcie finansowe przekazane beneficjentom wyniosło 697 mln zł, dzięki czemu zostało utworzonych 3,5 tys. miejsc pracy i wprowadzono 2,6 tys. innowacji. Kolejny program – RPO WM – dotyczył dalszego rozwoju małopolskiej gospodarki przez wspieranie inwestycji oraz innowacji w kluczowych dla rozwoju regionalnego obszarach. Małopolskie Centrum Przedsiębiorczości przeprowadziło łącznie 108 naborów i przyznało w imieniu Zarządu Województwa 6 mld zł wsparcia, co pozwoliło na stworzenie nowych miejsc pracy, rozwijanie firm, dywersyfikację działalności gospodarczej, wsparcie innowacyjności i promowanie eksportu. Odpowiedzią województwa małopolskiego na skutki pandemii COVID-19 było uruchomienie programu Małopolska Tarcza Antykryzysowa, którego głównym celem było wspieranie MŚP w zachowaniu płynności finansowej i utrzymaniu miejsc pracy. Małopolskie Centrum Przedsiębiorczości wsparło w tym czasie ponad 8 tys. firm kwotą ponad 280 mln zł, co pozwoliło na utrzymanie ponad 30 tys. miejsc pracy. Artykuł podkreśla synergiczną rolę funduszy UE i instytucji publicznych w kształtowaniu lepszych warunków dla rozwoju przedsiębiorczości. W artykule zastosowano zintegrowaną metodologię, która łączy w sobie podejście studium przypadku dotyczącego Małopolskiego Centrum Przedsiębiorczości z analizą danych statystycznych.
In 2015, an interesting hillfort was discovered at Wysoka Wieś, Ostróda County, in north-eastern Poland (Fig. 1; W. Skrobot 2015, 123). It was characteristic because its yard was surrounded by 3–4 concentric lines of ramparts separated by dry moats (Fig. 2). In 2018, an archaeological evaluation of this site was conducted to acquire information about its chronology and cultural affiliation. The central and southern part of the site was strongly disturbed in the 20th century, when all the environs were cultivated for reforestation. The only remains of former habitation were discovered near the embankments, particularly in the ditch which ran along the main rampart, on its inner side, and on the main rampart itself. The relics included: a posthole located at the highest point of the embankment and loose stones – a probable paving – located in the above-mentioned ditch (Fig. 4). A radiocarbon dating of the charcoal collected from the soil beneath the stones gave a calibrated date between 542–397 BC with a probability of 91.3% (Fig. 5). The analysis of the pottery shards (Fig. 6:1–5) suggests that they can be linked with the 2nd group in the classification of ceramics of the West Balt Barrow Culture and can be dated to the turn of the Hallstatt D and La Tène A/B periods (Ł. Okulicz 1970, 24–38). These two chronologies correspond with each other and it can be assumed that the hillfort was in use during the end of the Early Iron Age and at the beginning of the La Tène Period.
The settlement complex at Czermno (south-eastern Poland) (Fig. 1) is identified with Cherven, the main town of so-called Cherven Towns. On the basis of “The Primary Chronicle” and the results of previous archaeological research, it can be estimated that this site was functioning approximately from the middle of the 10th to the middle of the 13th century. The archaeological site consists of a stronghold, boroughs and cemeteries, located directly near the riverbank of the Huczwa River, on both banks. Some parts of this settlement complex are linked together with wooden bridges, whose relics are visible on the ground level of today’s meadows (Fig. 2, 3). The article presents the results of archaeological prospection of one such construction, located almost directly in front of the gate of the stronghold. During this project, a total of 68 piles were documented (Fig. 4, 5). The Digital Elevation Model allows us to estimate that the bridge was approximately 275 m long and 3 m wide. Radiocarbon analyses of four wood samples from the bridge have shown that the construction was probably built in the 2nd half of the 10th century and likely functioned uninterruptedly until the middle of the 13th century. Therefore, it would be one of the oldest constructions within the discussed archaeological site.
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Primary adenocarcinoma of the vermiform appendix is a rare clinical condition. It usually presents as an acute abdominal process or as a mass in the right lower quadrant. The gross pathologic and microscopic characteristics of this disease are the same as for colon carcinoma and carry a serious prognosis. We report a case of a 64-year old male patient presenting symptoms of acute appendicitis. The patient underwent laparoscopic appendectomy that revealed a severely inflamed appendix. Histopathological examination has shown that it was a poorly differentiated, high grade adenocarcinoma invading the periappendicular fat. According to the histopathological findings, a right hemicolectomy was further advised and performed. Right hemicolectomy is the generally recommended method of treatment for invasive adenocarcinoma of the appendix
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