The paper presents the results of the research on the influence of the adjuvant concentration on the size of the drops produced by the spray nozzles of agricultural sprayers. For the tests, adjuvant Normaton with the composition of total nitrogen, amide nitrogen (N-NH2) and phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) was used. The adjuvant was added to the water taken from the municipal water supply system of the city of Lublin. The tests were carried out for three concentrations, i.e. 75%, 100%, and 125% of the adjuvant concentration recommended by the manufacturer, and water without the adjuvant. The surface tension of water with adjuvant was examined for each nozzle. Then, the size of the obtained droplets was measured for each adjuvant concentration. Two types of nozzles were used for spraying, standard nozzle AP 120-03 and 6MSC injector nozzle, both with the same nozzle flow rate, but with a different design. The size of the droplets produced was measured on a HELOSVARIO laser diffractometer by Sympatec. The droplet measurement was performed at a pressure of 3 bar. The nozzle was placed 50 cm above the diffractometer laser light line. The droplet size was measured in three places of the sprayed liquid, i.e. in the position of the nozzle axis, 30 and 60 cm from the nozzle axis. It was shown that the addition of the adjuvant influenced the number of droplets produced in the indicated droplet size classes.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad wpływem stężenia adiuwanta na wielkość kropel wytwarzanych przez rozpylacze rolnicze. Do badań użyto adiuwantu Normaton o składzie: azot całkowity, azot amidowy (N-NH2) i pięciotlenek fosforu (P2O5). Adiuwant dodawano do wody pobieranej z miejskiej sieci wodociągowej z Lublina. Badania przeprowadzono dla trzech stężeń, tj. 75%, 100% i 125% stężenia adiuwanta zalecanego przez producenta, oraz dla wody bez dodatku adiuwanta. Dla każdego stężenia adiuwanta badano napięcie powierzchniowe, a następnie mierzono wielkość uzyskanych kropel adiuwanta. Do opryskiwania użyto dwóch typów rozpylaczy: rozpylacza standardowego AP 120-03 i rozpylacza eżektorowego 6MSC - oba o takim samym natężeniu przepływu, ale o innej konstrukcji. Wielkość wytwarzanych kropel mierzono za pomocą dyfraktometru laserowego HELOS-VARIO firmy Sympatec. Pomiar kropel przeprowadzono pod ciśnieniem 3 barów. Rozpylacz umieszczano 50 cm nad linią światła lasera dyfraktometru. Wielkość kropel mierzono w trzech miejscach rozpylanej cieczy, tj. w na osi rozpylacza oraz w odległości 30 i 60 cm od osi rozpylacza. Wykazano, że dodatek adiuwanta wpływa na liczbę wytwarzanych kropel we wskazanych klasach wielkości kropel.
Surgical treatment of early onset scoliosis (EOS) is connected with the risk of early and late complications. The aim of the study is to assess influence of the rod fracture on the titanium ion release (TIR) in traditional growing rods instrumentation for EOS.56 patients treated surgically due to EOS were divided into three groups: 1) a control-patients newly operated due to scoliosis, patients treated with the traditional growing rod (TGR) and TGR who had rod fracture (FGR) and required a surgical revision. Titanium quantification in blood sample, skin fragment (CT –clean tissue) andmacrosco-pically contaminated tissue located near the implant (DT –dirty tissue) was performed using high-resolution emission spectrometry with excitation in inductively coupled plasma.The mean serum titanium level in control, TGR, and FGR groups were 1.93 ± 0.8, 5.61 ± 0.23, and 4.43 ± 0.1 μg/dm3, respectively. The mean CT titanium level in control, TGR, and FGR groups were 0.0045 ± 0.001, 0.0035 ± 0.001and 0.0065 ± 6.8 mg/g, respectively. The mean DT titanium level in TGR and FGR groups was 0.59 ± 0.02, and 1.022 ± 0.03 mg/g, respectively.Implant leadsto the TIR into tissues and blood. Increasing the number of anchors increases the titanium content inthe CT TGR group. Mechanical damage to the implant has no significant effect on the increase of TIR
The goal of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of filters filled with Rockfos for removal of phosphorus (Total-P) from domestic wastewater using, Rockfos is a material obtained by calcination of carbonate-silica rock (opoka) at a temperature of 900 °C. A field study was conducted in two filters with volumes of 2.0 and 0.8 m3 which were components of hybrid constructed wetlands with an average capacity of 2.0 m3/L, located in two national parks in south eastern Poland. Samples of the influent to and the effluent from the filters were analyzed for Total-P concentrations and pH. Eighty sewage samples were tested over a five year study period. It was shown that the test filters removed Total-P with an average efficiency of 31.5% and 30.2% and that they could be successfully used to remove P from domestic wastewater in small wastewater treatment plants.
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