Inteligentne systemy transportowe (ITS) realizują zadania polegające zwłaszcza na zwiększeniu bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego oraz wzroście efektywności wykorzystywania systemów transportowych. Stanowią element, od którego oczekuje się wysokiej niezawodności oraz trwałości. Oprócz zagadnień konstrukcyjnych do rozstrzygnięcia pozostaje kwestia wyboru metody integracji elementów oraz urządzeń tworzących systemy ITS. Integracja poprzez translację stale ewoluujących protokołów komunikacyjnych może powodować wzrost zawodności wymiany danych pomiędzy centrum zarządzania ruchem (CZR) a urządzeniami przydrożnymi. Dynamiczny rozwój, zmiany technologii wykorzystywanych przy realizacji systemów ITS zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do urządzeń przydrożnych może w dłuższym okresie czasu ujawniać się brakiem kompatybilności wstecznej, powodując konieczność modernizacji sprawnych urządzeń.W opracowaniu przed stawiono propozycję integracji urządzeń przydrożnych z CZR za pomocą integracyjnej bazy danych: alternatywy posiadającej istotne praktyczne zalety wobec translacji protokołów komunikacyjnych.
The main purpose of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is to improve traffic safety and maximise efficiency of the existing transport systems. The ITS is an element from which a high level reliability and durability are expected. Besides design aspects another issue to be dealt with is selection of the method to be used for integration of the ITS components and equipment. Integration through translation of constantly evolving communications protocols may affect reliability in data exchange between the traffic management centre (TMC) and the connected roadside units (RSU). The dynamic development of systems and changes in ITS technologies, including, in particular, the roadside units technologies may, in the long run, result in no backward compatibility and the need to modernise the existing equipment, even though it may be otherwise fully operational. The paper presents a proposed integration of roadside units with the TMC by means of an integration database as an alternative to integration based on translation of communications protocols which is worth considering owing to its significant practical advantages.
Thermal energy storage can be defined as temporary storage of heat energy at low or high temperatures. The development and innovative solutions of the thermal energy storage technology can, in the long-term, mitigate the negative impact on the environment and facilitate more energy-efficient exploitation of thermal energy systems. The main goal in thermal energy storage systems is to store the solar heat accumulated during the summer for heating in winter. The concept of such use of solar energy is not new, because it has already been developed and improved over the centuries, where it has played an important role in energy saving and significantly contributed to the improvement of energy efficiency and reduction of gas emissions to the atmosphere. The article presents the types of heat storages with particular emphasis on BTESstorage systems with examples of their applications.
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The Biomedical Engineering appeared as an academic discipline at Polish universities five years ago. Since that time, many young people have chosen it as their future profession. A few hundreds have already received the engineer degree. Most of them decided to continue their education to become Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering. The Silesian University of Technology has been providing courses in Biomedical Engineering since 2007. Currently, on each of the four years of studies 60-100 students participate in various available courses. The education process started at the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, and now continues within the new Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, the first and only in Poland at the moment. Knowledgeable and experienced professors, wide spectrum of cooperating medical, industrial and academical units and freshly equipped labs allow to provide the offer of modern studies in a challenging and interdisciplinary domain. The paper presents various aspects of biomedical engineering as it was in past and as it is today. A brief presentation of its history, educational offer, cooperating entities and infrastructural facilities as well as a summary of experiences after four years of studies and a short review of the research are included.
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