Procesy adsorpcyjne są szeroko stosowane do usuwania i odzyskiwania lotnych związków organicznych z wykorzystaniem węgla aktywnego jako adsorbentu. Istotne znaczenie w procesie ma sposób prowadzenia desorpcji (regeneracji) adsorbentu. Omówiono klasyczne metody regeneracji adsorbentów węglowych. Podano przykład bezpośredniego ogrzewania złoża węgla aktywnego jako efektywnej metody regeneracji in situ.
Active carbon is one of the most used adsorbents in gas purification and separation, as well as water and wastewaters treatment. A little research has been carried out on material regeneration in an attempt to clean and/or reuse active carbon. Reactivation is currently carried out thermally by heating in an oxidising atmosphere. Same processes have been developed to regenerate carbon in situ. In the paper same adsorption - desorption cycles with active carbon regeneration are presented, the method of electrical desorption is described in some details.
Steroid hormones regulate the oviductal functions in cyclic pigs. The mRNA and protein steroidogenic enzymes expression – 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD3B), encoded by HSD3B and P450 aromatase (P450arom), encoded by CYP19, were studied in ampulla and isthmus of pig oviducts during luteal (days 2 - 3, 10 - 11 and 15 - 16) and follicular (days 18 - 20) phase. Expression of HSD3B in ampulla was greater on days 2 - 3, 12 - 13 and 18 - 20 vs 10 - 11 and 15 - 16. In isthmus it was greater on days 2 - 3 vs 10 - 11 and on days 18 - 20 vs 10 - 11 to 15 - 16. Proteins were immunolocalized in epithelial cells of ampulla and isthmus. On days 15 - 16, HSD3B concentration in ampulla was the greatest, in isthmus it was greater on days 15 - 16 vs 12 - 13. The P450arom protein expression was the greatest on days 2 - 3 in ampulla and isthmus and thereafter it gradually declined toward the end of the oestrous cycle. Progesterone concentration (pg · ml–1) in oviductal flushings did not change from days 2 - 3 (960.2±367.2) to 15 - 16 (543.4±235.3), but decreased on days 18 - 20 (154.5 ± 34.8). Androstenedione concentration (pg · ml-1) on days 2 - 3 (726.4 ± 108.4) and 18 - 20 (701.0 ± 59.0), and oestradiol-17β (pg ·ml–1) levels on days 12-13 (104.1±9.6) and 18-20 (110.4±14.4) were greater than on other days. This study showed, that expression of mRNA and proteins of steroidogenic enzymes in oviduct of cyclic pigs depends on the stage of the oestrous cycle. This observation suggests ability of porcine oviduct to de novo synthesize steroid hormones.