The geoeducation area (called also “Owadów-Brzezinki Geopark”) located in the north-western margin of the Holy Cross Mountains (Tomaszów Syncline) at Sławno community (Łódź Voivodeship), was established in June 2019, in close vicinity of the Owadów- ‑Brzezinki quarry. This locality is one of the most important palaeontological sites described recently in Poland. The area consists of the exhibition pavilion, educational routs and panoramic viewing platform, which is located along the edge of the quarry. The palaeontological exhibition shows the unique Late Jurassic fossils of marine and terrestrial organisms, many of them new to science, that have been excavated in the quarry during the last eight years. Among the most important fossils are: ammonites, lobster-like decapod crustaceans, horseshoe crabs, actinopterygian fish, a cryptodiran turtle, ichthyosaurs, as well as a small terrestrial crocodyliform, pterosaurs and insects. In addition to the original fossils, the exhibition presents life-size reconstructions of animals, that inhabited the local seas and islands during the Late Jurassic. The palaeontological sites of Owadów-Brzezinki is referred to as a new “taphonomic window” of the Late Jurassic, providing insights about the evolution of life on Earth in the palaeogeographical and palaeoenvironmental context.
Geoedukacyjny ośrodek (zwany też „Geoparkiem Owadów-Brzezinki”) znajdujący się na północno-zachodnim obrzeżeniu Gór Świętokrzyskich (synklina tomaszowska) w gminie Sławno (województwo łódzkie) został utworzony w czerwcu 2019 roku w bliskim sąsiedztwie kamieniołomu Owadów-Brzezinki. Stanowisko to jest jednym z ważniejszych odkryć paleontologicznych ostatnich lat z terenu Polski. Ośrodek obejmuje pawilon wystawowy, ścieżki edukacyjne oraz platformę widokową umiejscowioną w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie kamieniołomu. W powstałym pawilonie paleontologicznym wyeksponowano unikatowe skamieniałości późnojurajskich zwierząt morskich i lądowych, w tym gatunki dotychczas nieznane, które zostały odkryte w kamieniołomie podczas ośmiu minionych lat. Do najważniejszych skamieniałości należą amonity, homaropodobne skorupiaki, skrzypłocze, ryby kostnoszkieletowe, żółwie skrytoszyjne, ichtiozaury, a także małe lądowe krokodylomorfy, pterozaury i owady. Oprócz oryginalnych skamieniałości w muzeum wyeksponowane są naturalnych rozmiarów rekonstrukcje zwierząt, które zamieszkiwały lokalne morza i wyspy w późnej jurze. Stanowisko paleontologiczne Owadów-Brzezinki jest określane jako nowe „okno tafonomiczne” późnej jury, ukazujące zapis ewolucji życia na Ziemi w kontekście paleogeograficznym i paleośrodowiskowym.
Vertebrate remains, mostly cryptodiran turtle shellfragments, pliosaur skull bones and teeth, plesiosaur vertebrae and crocodylomorph isolated teeth and skull fragments are described from the Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) limestone beds of Krzyżanowice in the NE margin of the Holy Cross Mountains in Poland. The vertebrate fossils were collected during the palaeontological excavations conducted in 2018 and 2019 by the authors, and in the 1960s by a scientific team from the Museum of the Earth and the Institute of Paleobiology Polish Academy of Sciences. All osteological remains are generally very well preserved. This interesting vertebrate bones association from the upper part of the Kimmeridgian represents fossils of animals from two different types of environment. The first contains costal reptiles, like turtles and crocodylomorphs, the second one contains large pelagic animals - pliosaurids and plesiosaurids. This new vertebrate fauna from Poland has been correlated with age-equivalents from other regions of Europe and both Boreal/Subboreal and Mediterranean palaeobiogeographical realms.
For over ten years, the Lower to Upper Tithonian boundary beds cropping out in the Owadów–Brzezinki quarry have yielded numerous fossils of ammonites, bivalves, brachiopods, xiphosurans, decapods, insects, and vertebrates – including actinopterygian fishes and various reptiles and others, all of which exhibit fine preservation of their anatomical details due to special environmental conditions during their fossilization. The Owadów–Brzezinki section is also important for stratigraphical correlations because it contains ammonite faunas indicative of the NE European and NW European Subboreal zonal schemes, as well as Tethyan calpionellids. The whole faunal as- semblage, which represents taxa of many iconic groups of Mesozoic animals, has created the opportunity to establish the ‘Owadów– Brzezinki geopark’, a geoeducation area where the public, and especially the young, can learn about the beauty of the natural history of the region.
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