The current economic crisis and energy crisis create a lot of anxieties, which increases people.s awareness of the need to look for resources that would ensure their independence in the future. One way to secure this independence is renewable energy sources. The main reason of using these resources is their inexhaustibility, therefore unlimited supply of energy, which can be transformed to other types of usable energy. This group includes solar energy. One of several possible conversions of solar energy is conversion into electricity, obtained from photovoltaic panels.
Obecnie kryzys gospodarczy i kryzys energetyczny niosą ze sobą wiele niepewności, stąd ludzie zaczynają powoli zwracać uwagę na zasoby, które zapewniłyby im niezależność w przyszłości. Jednym ze sposobów uwolnienia się od energetycznej zależności są odnawialne źródła energii. Głównym powodem zastosowania tych zasobów jest ich niewyczerpalność oraz nieograniczone dostawy energii, która może zostać przetworzona w inne typy stosowanej energii. Ta grupa obejmuje także energię słoneczną. Jednym z kilku możliwych przekształceń energii słonecznej jest energia elektryczna, uzyskiwana za pomocą ogniw fotowoltaicznych.
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The current energetic crisis, which affect Europe and Slovakia, evoked amount of serious questions concerning the dependence on fossil fuels and the possibility of their replacement by alternative energy sources in the future. One from the potential alternative source is solar energy and its immediate conversion to electricity by using photovoltaic cells. Nowadays, Slovakia finds its position at the end of various tables pointing to the installed capacity of photovoltaic panels in the European Union. Article describes a brief overview of photovoltaic development in the world and suggests potential uses in the future. Article is directly related with building up a center of excellence for renewable energy sources and related progressive indoor technology, which is involved with Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Kosice. One from the several objectives resolving in this project is the transformation of solar energy into electrical energy through photovoltaic cells. Part of the thesis is intended to compare legislative and economical conditions in Slovakia and abroad.
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