The article is composed of four parts. The first part is about the difference between scientific and school terminology, the aim of which is to meet didactic aims adjusted to students’ age and cognitive abilities. This should meet the following conditions: 1) the condition of accessibility; 2) the condition of graduation of difficulty; 3) the condition of uniformity; 4) the systemic condition; 5) the condition of need and usefulness; 6) the condition of regularity; 7) the condition of clarity, and 8) the condition of illustration. In further sections, the author analyses the realization of particular conditions on the basis of the terminology included in manuals such as the manual for Polish language teaching in three consecutive stages of education. The last part contains an analysis of theefficacy of teaching terms at school on the example of students’ oral statements. The number of notions and terms used, as well as the way of defining them, shows that students cannot use the terms. According to the author, it is caused by both the contemporary linguistic reality and by not meeting the basic conditions concerning school terminology by the authors of manuals and teachers.
In this paper I present the results of a qualitative and quantitative analysis of 555 questions contained in the scenarios of Polish language lessons, whose authors are students of the 3rd year of Polish Philology. I am using the Elizabeth Perrott’s classification, which, taking into account Benjamin Bloom’s “taxonomy of educational objectives”, proposed a division of questions due to the type of thought process launched during the response, highlighting lower-order questions (recall, comprehension, application) and higher-order questions (analysis, synthesis and evaluation). The text consists of two essential parts. In the first one, I present a category of questions from a pragmatic, grammatical and didactic perspective, in the second one I present and comment on the results of qualitative and quantitative analysis of questions that clearly indicates the students’ overuse of lower-order questions (over 75% in the study material), which are to enforce knowledge .
W artykule przedstawiam wyniki jakościowej i ilościowej analizy 555 pytań zawartych w scenariuszach lekcji języka polskiego, których autorami są studenci III roku filologii polskiej. Posiłkuję się przy tym klasyfikacją Elizabeth Perrott, która, uwzględniając „taksonomię celów edukacyjnych” Benjamina Blooma, zaproponowała podział pytań ze względu na typ procesu myślowego uruchomianego podczas odpowiedzi, wyróżniając pytania niższego rzędu (przypominanie, zrozumienie, zastosowanie) oraz pytania wyższego rzędu (analiza, synteza i ewaluacja). Tekst składa się z dwóch zasadniczych części. W pierwszej prezentuję kategorię pytania z perspektywy pragmatycznej, gramatycznej i dydaktycznej, w drugiej przedstawiam i komentuję wyniki analizy jakościowej i ilościowej pytań, która jednoznacznie wskazuje na nadużywanie przez studentów pytań niższego rzędu (ponad 75% w badanym materiale), służących jedynie egzekwowaniu wiedzy.
The article consists of two sections. In the first part of the article the author discusses the aim and course of the study on the level of mastery by junior high school students their ability to create a coherent monologue, oral statements and the author presents results that indicate that the students do not succeed satisfactory in speaking out. The most difficult point for the tested students was, as it turned out, talking in a comprehensive manner and building consistent and orderly expressions. Interestingly, rhetorical aspect was made slightly better. In the second part of the article the author is trying to identify the reasons for poor control of speaking (limited to the factors of school). These include the abuse on Polish language lessons, the usage of heuristic methods, as well as the absence of tasks in textbooks for teaching Polish aiding the improvement of speaking skills.
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