Karpaty są jednym z wiodących regionów turystycznych Polski, gdzie turystyka na obszarach wiejskich ma długie tradycje i stale się rozwija. W regionie tym liczba funkcjonujących gospodarstw agroturystycznych jest jedną z wyższych w kraju. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie stanu i barier rozwoju agroturystyki w polskiej części Karpat jako formy aktywności pozarolniczej mieszkańców wsi na obszarach górskich. Ofertę agroturystyczną oraz rozwój w regionie istotnie modyfikują zmiany uwarunkowań społeczno-gospodarczych i trendy współczesnej turystyki. Stwierdzono, że rozmieszczenie kwater agroturystycznych jest mocno zróżnicowane i w ostatnich latach liczba kwater maleje. Jedynie w kilkunastu gminach o dużej atrakcyjności turystycznej i związanym z tym dużym natężeniem ruchu turystycznego liczba podmiotów agroturystycznych jest nadal wysoka. Przeprowadzona analiza współczesnych barier rozwoju agroturystyki w Karpatach pozwoliła na wyróżnienie ich kilku grup. Są nimi bariery: przyrodniczo-kulturowe, ekonomiczne, prawne, społeczne i marketingowe. Dla zrealizowania przyjętego celu badawczego dokonano kwerendy literatury, analizy danych pozyskanych z GUS-u i regionalnych ODR-ów oraz wywiadów z usługodawcami agroturystycznymi, uzupełnione studium terenowym.
The Carpathian Mountains are one of the most important tourist regions of Poland. Tourism in rural areas has long traditions and is constantly growing. In addition the number of agritourism farms is one of the highest in the country. The paper presents the current state and changes of agritourism in the Polish part of the Carpathian Mountains, as a form of non-agricultural activity of rural in mountain areas. Also, barriers to the development of agritourism were diagnosed. The study has shown that changes in socio-economic conditions and trends in modern tourism significantly shape the development and agritourism offer in the region. It was found that the distribution of agritourism offers is very diverse, and the number of agritourism farms has decreased slightly in recent years. Only in a dozen municipalities which have high tourist attractiveness and high tourist traffic associated with it, the number of agritourism entities is still high. The analysis allowed for distinguishing the following five groups of barriers to the development of agritourism. They are: natural and cultural, economic, social, legal, and marketing strategy. The data for carrying out the above-mentioned analyses were collected from the Central Statistical Office (Główny Urząd Statystyczny – GUS) and regional Agricultural Advisory Centre (Ośrodek Doradztwa Rolniczego – ODR). Verification of the collected material was based on the interviews with agritourism service providers (275) and supplemented with a field study.
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Podkarpackie Voivodeship is one of the regions of Poland in which the number of agritourism entities is very high. Therefore tourism plays a significant role in its development strategy. The aim of the paper is to identify the current state of agritourism and the changes that have occurred in the region in the years 2000–2016. Specific objectives are to determine the distribution of agritourism farms and their offer, together with a comprehensive analysis of the environmental and socio-economic factors, as well as the impact of the Slovak-Ukrainian border. The report was developed on the statistical materials from the Polish Central Statistical Office, Podkarpackie Agricultural Advisory Centre in Boguchwała and data collected from municipalities and district offices that is published on their websites, as well as through interviews with 100 owners of agritourism farms in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship. The research has shown, on the one hand, the decline in the number of farms in the region and, on the other hand, the increase in the diversity of the tourist offer of these entities. Distribution of agritourism farms is closely linked to the attractiveness of natural environment and quality of secondary tourism resources. Traditional agritourism has not yet fully used its countryside, as well as cross-border advantages of its location.
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