W dniu 31 października 2020 r. nagle i niespodziewanie zmarł prof. dr hab. Andrzej Bierć, wieloletni redaktor naczelny „Studiów Prawniczych”. Publikacja zawiera wspomnienie o Profesorze wraz z wykazem Jego publikacji.
On the need to really criminalize corruption in the private sector The article refers to the criminalization of corruptive behaviours in the private sector. It contains a thesis that Art. 296a of the Penal Code does not fulfil the requirements set forth in the international and EU law, as it constitutes an offence of economic corruption, covering corruptive behaviours undertaken both in the private and the public sectors. The aim of the article is to critically analyse the current wording of Art. 296a PC in the light of the international and EU law, as well as to formulate a de lege ferenda proposition of a new wording of this provision, which would finally penalize all corruptive behaviours in the private sector and at the same time put the Polish law in compliance with the international standards.
Artykuł poświęcony jest zagadnieniu kryminalizacji zachowań korupcyjnych w sektorze prywatnym. Postawiono w nim tezę, że art. 296a k.k. nie realizuje zaleceń wynikających z prawa międzynarodowego i prawa UE, bowiem odnosi się do korupcji w obrocie gospodarczym, obejmującej zachowania podejmowane zarówno w sektorze prywatnym, jak i publicznym. Celem artykułu jest krytyczna analiza aktualnie obowiązującego kształtu art. 296a k.k. w świetle prawa międzynarodowego i prawa UE oraz sformułowanie propozycji de lege ferenda nowego brzmienia tego przepisu, które umożliwiłoby w końcu penalizację wszystkich zachowań korupcyjnych mających miejsce w sektorze prywatnym oraz jednocześnie pełne dostosowanie polskiego prawa do wymogów międzynarodowych.
The aim of article is to describe the role of ‘compliance norms’, which functions as a preventive tool, also deters potential perpetrators of crimes and protects private entities from liability. Author analyzes the system of compliance norms in the context of compliance with criminal law as part of the phenomenon of legal pluralism.
The notion and theories on legal transplants and – more broadly – legal transplantation have been an object of interest in comparative law in the world since the 70s., especially in the framework of research on mixed legal systems. The theories of legal transplants remain rather unknown to the Polish researchers. And yet they may constitute a useful tool of analysis of contemporary transformations of legal systems, stemming from globalization. The article is aimed at acquainting Polish readers with theories on mixed legal systems and legal transplants and explaining briefly in what way legal transplants contribute to the hybridization of legal systems in the world.
The paper analyses the Guidelines issued in 2020 by the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau in Poland on the establishment and implementation of effective compliance programmes in the public sector. These guidelines constitute the very first Polish official document referring to compliance in the public sector. Its detailed critical analysis is therefore useful for the construction of compliance policies by public institutions, in order to prevent and possibly detect irregularities, including corruption, within these organisations.