The aim of this paper is to present selected theoretical observations in the area of normative linguistics (in particular the concept of a language norm and related concepts) as well as to provide a concise synthesis of the standpoints presented to date and a proposition of a new view on the essence of normativism and the relation between the language norm and langue. This study adopts a narrow definition of the term normative linguistics, limiting its scope to the theory of proper language use. Langue was defi ned as a system the carrier of which is an individual language user. A concept of a universal norm, e.g. the extratextual assessment of the normative status of linguistic elements, was proposed. The notions of active and passive norm, related to the complete separateness of the essence of language usus (actual use) and the essence of normativeness (no objection against a given linguistic element) were introduced. The issue of the subject of approval as a condition of normativeness was also discussed.
The aim of the paper is to address a centuries-old question: What is a proper name? However, the question seems to be asked incorrectly. One should rather ask about the nature of properhood and the criteria used to assess the level of properhood of a given language sign. In the article, proper name is defined as a bilateral sign consisting of “the signifier” (an onym or an onymic form) and “the signified”. Building on that, several types of possible meanings within a single proper name are listed: the denotational, the referential, the etymological, and the structural meaning. This constitutes a frame of reference for a classification of the criteria of properhood found in selected works of Polish material-oriented name researchers. Finally, a concept of poly-polar “space of properhood” is proposed, which is constituted by a set of several separate scales, indicating levels of properhood of each single language sign.
Celem artykułu jest podjęcie odwiecznej kwestii: co to jest nazwa własna. Niemniej jednak tak stawiane pytanie wydaje się błędnie sformułowane. Pytać należy bowiem raczej o istotę proprialności i o kryteria używane w ocenie stopnia proprialności danego znaku językowego. W niniejszej pracy nazwę własną definiuje się jako bilateralny znak językowy składający się ze strony znaczącej (onim lub forma onimiczna) oraz ze strony znaczonej. Na tej podstawie wyróżniono następnie kilka możliwych typów znaczeń obecnych wewnątrz pojedynczej nazwy własnej: znaczenie denotacyjne, referencyjne, etymologiczne oraz strukturalne. Te ustalenia tworzą ogólny układ odniesienia dla klasyfikacji kryteriów proprialności dających się wydobyć z wybranych prac polskich przedstawicieli onomastyki materiałowej. W końcowej części pracy zaproponowano koncepcję wielobiegunowej „przestrzeni proprialności” jako zespołu kilku osobnych skal, na których możliwe jest oznaczanie poziomów proprialności każdego pojedynczego znaku językowego.
The aim of this paper is to discuss selected formal and pragmatic aspects of the Austro-Hungarian military name policy in the last quarter of the 19th and in the early 20th century. In the introductory section the proprial status of the names of military units (which constitute a part of military chrematonymy) is discussed. An attempt is made to outline the location of these names on the classifi-catory map of chrematonomastics as well. A brief discussion of the historical and terminological background of the Austro-Hungarian military unit names follows. The most important concepts of the theory of name and naming policy are outlined. The presentation of the analysed onymic mate-rial covers unit names included in the officer lists (Schematismen) of the Austro-Hungarian forces as well as names present in the paper seals (Verschlussmarken). On the basis of the material, polymorphism of the discussed names is shown in the sense that obligatory and facultative elements of the names may appear in different ways and within various syntactic name models, depending on the context (including continuous text within which a name is used). Two main syntactic models of the discussed names are proposed. The orthographic and syntactic rules of unit numbering and the ways of embedding geographical names and names of patrons and honorary regiment owners (Inhaber) into unit names are outlined. The meaning and spelling of the expressions imperial-royal (k.k. = kaiserlich-königlich) and imperial and royal (k.u.k. = kaiserlich und königlich) are explained.
Celem artykułu jest omówienie wybranych formalnych i pragmatycznych aspektów austro-węgierskiej wojskowej polityki nazewniczej w ostatniej ćwierci XIX i na początku XX w. We wstępnej części nakreślono proprialny status nazw jednostek wojskowych jako składnika chrematonimii wojskowej oraz podjęto próbę szkicowego ulokowania omawianych nazw na klasyfikacyjnej mapie chrematonomastyki. Krótko omówiono ogólne historyczne i terminologiczne tło austro-węgierskiego nazewnictwa jednostek wojskowych. Nakreślono najważniejsze pojęcia teorii polityki nazewniczej. Prezentacja materiału obejmuje nazwy zawarte w schematyzmach austro-węgierskich sił zbrojnych oraz napisy na papierowych pieczęciach (Verschlussmarken). Na podstawie materiału wskazano na polimorfizm omawianych nazw, polegający na tym, iż zależnie od kontekstu (w tym tekstu ciągłego, w którym pojawiają się nazwy) obligatoryjne i fakultatywne elementy nazw realizowane mogą być na różne sposoby i w różnych konstrukcjach składniowych. Zaproponowano też dwa główne modele nazewnicze organizujące składniową strukturę omawianych nazw. Nakreślono ortograficzne i składniowe zasady numeracji jednostek oraz włączania do nazw jednostek nazw geograficznych oraz nazw patronów i „właścicieli” pułków (Inhaber). Omówiono znaczenie i pisownię określeń cesarko-królewski oraz cesarski i królewski (k.k. = c.k.; k.u.k. = c. i k.).
The dominating onomastic view on onymic semantics is molded by philosophical and logical conceptions, and does not consider the achievements of semiotics. The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance of conceptual elements that establish the indirect relation between onyms and objects, and to highlight the need for a triple model of onymic semantics that is to be based on Ogden– Richards’ semiotic triangle. The onymic status of words is dependent on the status of the concepts they stand for. Proper names are perceived as signs standing for individual concepts, whereas common nouns are to be seen as signs standing for general concepts.
Geographical Names of the Hutsul Region in the First Volume of the Novel “On the High Uplands” by S. Vincenz (In Light of S. Hrabec’s Research) The aim of the paper is to discuss the linguistic and onymic properties of the geographical names of the Hutsul region (Гуцульщина, Ukraine) used by Stanisław Vincenz in the first volume (“Prawda starowieku”) of his tetralogy “Na wysokiej połoninie” (“On the High Uplands”). The volume was first published in 1936. The second edition appeared in 1980 in Poland and was the one which had the greatest impact on the reception of the Vincenz’s work in the Polish readership after WW2. This is why the 1980 edition has been used as the source of analysed toponymic material. The main finding is that the analysed toponymy is of heterogeneous and (to a certain extent) hybrid nature, combining Polish, Ukrainian, and dialectal Hucul linguistic properties, which perfectly coincides with general tendency in the use of geographical names of the Hucul region in texts produced in the Polish language from the mid-19th century. The names used by Vincenz in the book written in the period 1930–1936 seem to faithfully reflect some specific characteristics of Hutsul toponymy in the 1930s (as discussed by the linguist Stefan Hrabec in his dissertation). Finally, some instances of toponyms’ declension present in “Prawda starowieku” are discussed together with some examples of (partially folk) etymologies codified by Vincenz in his work.
On Concepts, Conceptual Systems and Terminology of OnomasticsThe main aim of this paper is to propose a terminological approach to the standardization of onomastic terminology. Attention is paid to the primary importance of conceptual systems and to the onomasiological approach typical of terminological work. Terminology is presented as a discipline devoted primarily to the study of concepts. Then the main concepts of terminology are discussed and the relations between a conceptual system and a terminological system are explained. An outline of the issue of conceptual systems of onomastics and of their internal structure is made. Then two important metatheoretical concepts are introduced and defined: 1) the concept of theoretical legitimacy of concepts and 2) the concept of economy of conceptual systems. In the final part of the article, several suggestions concerning the standardization of onomastic terminology are made: 1) terms referring to concepts belonging to separate conceptual series are not to be used interchangeably; 2) terms based on different roots (in the English onomastic terminology: -onym, -onymy, -onomastics, in the Polish terminology: -onim, -onimia, -onomastyka) are to be reserved respectively for the concept of a single (type of) proper name, for the concept of a set of proper names and for the concept of a specific onomastic discipline; 3) concepts used or newly introduced in a text are to be defined clearly in onomastic works, 4) onomasticians aiming for standardization of onomastic terminology should start their work by (re)constructing conceptual system(s) of onomastics and only then assign terms to concepts; 5) one completely unitary conceptual (and terminological) system of onomastics cannot be achieved due to the theoretical pluralism of the discipline; 6) the first goal of any conceptual and terminological standardization of onomastics is to define its range: should the standardization cover the concepts of philological or general onomastics? should it cover only empirical (descriptive) concepts or highly abstract theoretical concepts as well?
The aim of this paper is a critical analysis of selected means of the language used in the contemporary (2016–2018) Polish science policy. The analysis attempts to apply the categories developed by Polish researchers in the description of newspeak as the language of power and media at the time of the Polish People’s Republic (PRL). The overall discussion is based on W. Pisarek’s view that what is called newspeak and referred to the PRL period in the Polish literature is in fact one of many possible forms of using language as an instrument of political persuasion. The object of the description is mainly language behaviours of the Polish scientists who are powerful and infl uential in the world of Polish science and who co-decide on the governmental science policy. The focus is on the language of the debate on a reform of the system of science and higher education (the so-called Ustawa 2.0 (Act 2.0), Konstytucja dla Nauki (Constitution for Science), ustawa Gowina (Gowin’s Act)). The principal conclusion is that the apparatus developed in the description of the newspeak of the PRL period could be employed in the description of a large number of language behaviours of representatives of the Polish science policy of the end of the 2nd decade of the 21st c. The fl ag words of the Polish science policy are characterised by monovalent connotation combined with a vague (or no) denotation.
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Materials from topographic surveys had a serious impact on the labels on the maps that were based on these surveys. Collecting toponyms and information that were to be placed as labels on a final map, was an additional duty the survey officers were tasked with. Regulations concerning labels were included in survey manuals issued by the Austro-Hungarian Militärgeographisches Institut in Vienna and the Polish Wojskowy Instytut Geograficzny in Warsaw. The analyzed Austro-Hungarian regulations date from the years 1875, 1887, 1894, 1903 (2nd ed.). The oldest manual was issued during the Third Military Survey of Austria-Hungary (1:25,000) and regulated the way it was conducted (it is to be supposed that the issued manual was mainly a collection of regulations issued prior to the survey launch). The Third Survey was the basis for the 1:75,000 Spezialkarte map. The other manuals regulated the field revisions of the survey. The analyzed Polish manuals date from the years 1925, 1936, and 1937. The properties of the labels resulted from the military purpose of the maps. The geographical names’ function was to facilitate land navigation whereas other labels were meant to provide a military map user with information that could not be otherwise transmitted with standard map symbols. A concern for not overloading the maps with labels is to be observed in the manuals: a survey officer was supposed to conduct a preliminary generalization of geographical names. During a survey both an Austro-Hungarian and a Polish survey officer marked labels on a separate “label sheet”. The most important difference between the procedures in the two institutes was that in the last stage of work an Austro-Hungarian officer transferred the labels (that were to be placed on a printed map) from the “label sheet” to the hand-drawn survey map, which made a cartographer not responsible for placing them in the right places. In the case of the Polish institute the labels remained only on the “label sheets”.
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