W Polsce do ogrzewania w gospodarstwach domowych powszechnie stosowane są kotły gazowe oraz opalane paliwem stałym, natomiast znacznie rzadziej kotły olejowe, pompy ciepła, instalacje solarne itd. Z punktu widzenia użytkowników kluczowym elementem przy wyborze źródła ciepła jest koszt wytworzenia energii, na który najważniejszy wpływ ma cena paliwa, ale nie można przy tym zapominać o efektywności energetycznej urządzenia grzewczego.
The aim of this study was to analyse the steam gasification process of ‘Janina’ coal with and without Na-, K- and Ca-catalysts. The catalysts were physically mixed with the coal due to the simplicity of this method, short time of execution and certainty that the amount of catalyst is exactly as the adopted one. The isothermal measurements were performed at 800, 900 and 950°C and a pressure of 1 MPa using thermovolumetric method. The obtained results enabled assessment of the effect of analysed catalysts on the process at various temperatures by determination of: i) carbon conversion degree; ii) yield and composition of the resulting gas; and iii) kinetics of formation reactions of main gas components – CO and H2. The addition of catalysts, as well as an increase in operating temperature, had a positive effect on the coal gasification process – reactions rates increased, and the process time was reduced.
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