The major focus of the present contribution is on the constantlyshifting patterns produced by the persona-shadow interaction as part of theindividuation process which the protagonist is undergoing in Héctor AbadFaciolince‘s novel Asuntos de un hidalgo disoluto, as well as on the archetypalvalues attached to the shadow aspect. With the latter viewed not as a generatorof, much rather as a complement to the anti-self, or, better put, as a haven forfertile forces lying dormant, our research is delving deep into both the novel‘ssocial-historical context and Don Gaspar‘s inter- and intrapersonalrelationships, in an attempt to tear off his mask and expose the multitude offacets which he makes a huge effort to hide. What we actually see is a mostbizarre blend of uranian and chtonian traits, perpetually torn betweencentripetal and centrifugal tendencies, assimilation and dissimilation,censorship and unboundedness, denial and acceptance, inferiority andsuperiority, self-effacement and self-assertion, which simply baffles the readerwhen, in abruptly giving up his desire to rise to fame, Don Gaspar first gives into his compulsion to be reduced to anonymity and, as a last resort, to sheernothingness.
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The paper at hand aims to shed revealing light on several of the theoretical groundings of our archtypological approach to the Columbian novelist Héctor Abad Faciolince‘s first novel. The plunge we made so bold as to take into the conceptual ocean of the imaginary, de/remythization, invariants, identity and alterity as viewed through the eyes of its multifaceted protagonist helped secure us the vantage point from which we could more faithfully chart the introspective-cum-retrospective process leading to Don Gaspar‘s paradoxical (re)construction-induced destruction.
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