For its methodology this article draws chiefly on the theory of intertextuality, emphasizing the genre as model. It is premised on the idea that similar works gradually group around a successful prototype text, leading to the genre category. The author takes issue with existing classifications of Czech Baroque verse, and questions the validity of fundamental criteria such as the opposites secular:spiritual, to be sung:to be spoken, lyric:epic. He proposes a more sophisticated differentiation of genre in contrast to forms of publication, which include the hymn book and the broadside ballad. His interpretation concentrates particularly on the production of Czech hymn books, both Roman Catholic and Lutheran, which is distinguished by a quite surprisingly wide range of genres and sub‑genres. From contemporaneous books on poetics and rhetoric one can reasonably deduce mainly Humanist genre terms like eclogue, ode, and epicede. Contemporaneous sources also distinguish between two distinct, even considerably opposed, categories – the hymn and the lament –, which in practice appear in various forms (the Christmas anthem, the Easter anthem; the lament of Protestant exiles, the Passion lament, and the funeral lament). What is particularly important in hymn books is the distinction – not made in Czech scholarly literature on the topic, but common, for example, in the German‑speaking world – between the hymn (closely linked with high days and the liturgy, intended primarily for choral singing) and the spiritual song (used in the cultivation of the individual spiritual life in private; with an indirectly expressed religious content; employing topoi of contemporaneous non‑religious verse). Among the hymns there are, for example, the Whitsun anthem, the Eucharistic anthem, and the Marian hymn. Among the spiritual songs there are songs of personal anxiety, sung meditations on vanity and transience, and love songs addressed to the Lord Jesus. The various genres were concealed in the particular form of publication in which they appeared.
Opracowanie śledzi transfery kulturowe w szesnasto i siedemnastowiecznej Europie Środkowej. Dotyczy trzech różnych obszarów gatunkowych ( parodia, protestancka pieśń religijna, dramat o tematyce bożonarodzeniowej ), zajmując się kierunkami i mechanizmami wymiany kulturowej oraz rolą pośredników w szerzeniu się wybranych fenomenów literackich. Obserwacja transferów kulturowych potwierdza do pewnego stopnia tradycyjne wyobrażenia o wędrówce wytworów kultury z Zachodu na Wschód. Na poszczególne transfery wywierają jednak wpływ specyficzne konteksty kulturowe. Jeżeli warunki społeczne, etniczne i wyznaniowe łączą życie kulturalne ziem czeskich z modelami literackimi północnowschodnich i południowych rejonów Niemiec, to polskie poczynania kulturalne są od tych modeli, z niewielkimi wyjątkami, odległe. Specyficzna jest sytuacja wyraźnie multikonfesyjnego Śląska ze znacznym udziałem ludności niemieckiej.
This study investigates cultural transfer in Central Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It focuses on three different fields ( parody Protestant religious song, Christmas drama ) and explores the directions and mechanisms of cultural exchange and the role of mediators in the dissemination of selected literary phenomena. The observation of cultural transfers confirms to some extent the traditional idea of the journey of cultural work from the West to the East. However, the individual transfers are significantly influenced by specific cultural contexts. The social, ethnic and religious situation strongly connected cultural life in the Czech lands with the literary models available in the north-east and southern regions of Germany, while Polish cultural traffic, with a few exceptions, is rather distant from these areas, though. The conditions in Silesia were specific, because a significant share of the population was German and a strong multi-confessional situation prevailed there.
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This essay is a literary historian’s view of themes and concepts in recent works of history, cultural history, and historical-anthropology which consider early modern spirituality. It endeavours to demonstrate how interdisciplinary research may be useful in investigating works of literature in their social and cultural contexts. The article discusses research on the identity of confession, the dissemination of literary works, and the institutions that contribute to the dissemination, the possibility of our being able to assess private reading habits (including those of women and of crypto-dissenters) and the social stratification of literary production from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century.
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This is the continuation of a debate on the approaches to be taken in publishing editions of Early Modern Czech literature. The author responds to the articles of Miloš Sládek and Jan Linka, which take issue with his review of Velký život Krista, a Czech edition of Leben Christi, Baroque verse by Martin von Cochem (1634–1712) (Malura, Česká literature, 2009/2; Sládek, Česká literature, 2009/4; Linka, Česká literature, 2009/3). The author takes issue with some of the reproaches of his opponents and chiefly develops his idea of the form editions of Early Modern Czech literature should have.
Sensualism belongs to the distinctive characteristics of Baroque literature. It appears in arelatively broad spectrum of genres and text strategies. The article deals with the genre of meditation in Czech literature, especially with the notable influence of the Jesuit spirituality (Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola) on the Czech Baroque books in the 17th and 18th centuries (F. Kadlinský, Zlatá ctností kniha, 1662; V. Martinedes, Uzda duchovní, 1672; B.H. Bilovský, Druhé rozvažování postní, 1721). These works cultivated private spirituality and were intended for individual reading. The Jesuit conception is based on sensual effects, especially mental exercises of the visual imagination (the visual art as amodel for literature). For this Baroque texts used refined rhetorical and stylistic strategies (description, enumeration, parable).
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This article focuses on the hitherto rather neglected subject of panegyric works dedicated to the sovereign, Matthias Habsburg. In connection with the key moments in his career — his selection as King and ultimately Emperor, his marriage and coronation — the Czech lands saw the creation of literary works that played a part in the display of his sovereign power and majesty. The growing importance of national languages can be observed in their composition. Initially extensive prose descriptions (reports) were printed in Czech, authored by Jiří Závěta of Závětice. These went on to inspire the Czech songs of Sixtus Palma Močidlanský. Literature written in German is represented in particular by Matthias Hoë of Hoënegg’s homage sermon. Contrasting with the few (and hence important) literary works in national languages there is a large quantity of Latin panegyric prose and poetry presented in a representative selection in this study. Apart from the literary genres that de facto permeate all the languages (reports, sermons, panegyric speeches and poems, songs, prayers and dramas), attention is also paid to the conception of the monarch’s personality in celebratory literature, as well as the form and intention of individual works and the reception of antique literature as an integral part of the celebration of the sovereign power tradition. Almost without exception, the literary works presented had their pragmatic objectives, but higher literary ambitions and more demanding literary stylizations are not abandoned.
Článek se soustředí na dosud spíše opomíjené téma panegyrické tvorby věnované panovníkovi, konkrétně Matyáši Habsburskému. V souvislosti se zásadními okamžiky jeho kariéry – volba králem a posléze císařem, sňatek, korunovace – vznikala v českých zemích literární díla, která se podílela na manifestaci jeho panovnické moci a majestátu. Na jejich složení je možné pozorovat rostoucí význam národních jazyků. Poprvé jsou tištěny rozsáhlé prozaické popisy (relace) v češtině, jejichž autorem byl Jiří Závěta ze Závětic. Jimi inspirované jsou české písně Sixta Palmy Močidlanského. Německy psaná literatura je zastoupena zejména holdovacím kázáním Matthiase Hoë z Hoëneggu. Oproti nepočetným, ale o to významnějším literárním dílům v národních jazycích stojí velké množství latinské panegyrické prózy a poezie, představené ve studii v reprezentativním výběru. Kromě literárních druhů prostupujících de facto napříč jazyky (relace, kázání, panegyrické řeči a básně, písně a modlitby, drama) je věnována pozornost také pojetí osobnosti panovníka v oslavné literatuře, formě a intenci jednotlivých děl i recepci antické literatury jako nedílné součásti oslavy tradice panovnické moci. Prezentovaná literární díla měla prakticky bez výjimky pragmatické cíle, přesto se nevzdávají vyšších slovesných ambicí a náročnější literární stylizace.
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