Subregion andyjski jest ważny dla wielu aktorów współczesnych stosunków międzynarodowych. Jednym z nich są Stany Zjednoczone. Przedmiotem artykułu jest prezentacja instrumentów i celów polityki zagranicznej wobec Boliwii. Do najważniejszych celów polityki USA wobec La Paz należą: wspólna walka z narkobiznesem, promocja wartości demokratycznych, zwłaszcza po 2005 roku, kiedy prezydentem został Evo Morales oraz wspieranie reform wolnorynkowych w Boliwii. Aktualnie, mamy do czynienia z rywalizacją gospodarczą o wpływy w Boliwii pomiędzy USA, Unią Europejską i Rosją. Ze strategicznego punktu widzenia, kwestie gospodarcze zdominują prawdopodobnie kontakty amerykańsko-boliwijskie w przyszłości
Andean subregion is a very important area at the contemporary international relations. Bolivia is one of the Andean states. There are three main goals of the American foreign policy towards Bolivia: one of the main is supporting La Paz in fighting against narcobusiness. The second one is promoting democracy in this country, especially, after 2005, when Evo Morales won the presidential elections. The last goal is encouraging Bolivia for free market reforms by American economic initiatives like Andean Trade Preferences Act (ATPA). Nowadays, U.S., European countries and Russia are in rivalry for these markets. The winner of this competition will keep control of the whole market of minerals and from the political, economic and strategic point of view will be stronger in the future.
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The Mediterranean Area is a very important region at the contemporary international relations. Since 2001 the United States have established closer relations with North African countries. There are two main goals of the American foreign Policy towards Maghreb: one of the main goal of this cooperation is searching for the alternative way of supplying the United States by African gas and oil. Algeria, Libya and Nigeria are one of the biggest holders and exporters of these natural minerals. Nowadays, U.S., European countries and Russia are in rivalry for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and oil contracts with the African partners. The winner of this compete will keep control of the whole market of minerals and from the political, economic and strategic point of view will be stronger in the future. The second one is supporting by Maghreb countries U.S. counter-terrorism military operation Active Endeavour.
The end of the Cold War which took place at the turn of the 1980s and the 1990s caused the political changes in the world and created a new political hierarchy. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and communist block United States became the lonely superpower. The article presents evolution and the new aims of the U.S. foreign policy. The main questions of the research are: what is the role of the superpower as the United States in the contemporary global political system? What is the right of the United States to be treated in the special way by other actors of the world’s international relations? In which cases the contemporary global hegemonic state has right to act in different regions of the world? Finally, what instruments (unilateralism, multilateralism) should the U.S. use to act in the international arena? For complete answers of these questions author analyzed the presidency of G. Bush, B. Clinton and G. W. Bush.
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