Cel: W artykule dokonano analizy dwóch aktualnych tematów badań w dziedzinie ekonomiki sportu i ich związku. Patrząc na ostatnie 25 lat i 21 krajów, a także na ligi w europejskiej piłce nożnej, warto poszukać odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy istnieje związek przyczynowy między konkurencyjnością międzynarodową a równowagą konkurencyjną. Innymi słowy, czy większa równowaga ligi krajowej powoduje rozwój piłki nożnej danego kraju, czy też ten związek jest odwrotny. Metodologia: Poprzez pomiar stopnia równowagi konkurencyjnej i identyfikację miary konkurencyjności zbadano przyczynowość w sensie Grangera w celu analizy związku współczynnika krajowego UEFA, światowego rankingu FIFA i wskaźnika równowagi konkurencyjnej Herfindahla (Herfindahl ratio of competitive balance – HRCB). Wyniki: Na podstawie oceny i testu modelu wektorowej autoregresji w danych panelowych można stwierdzić, że światowy ranking FIFA ma związek przyczynowy w sensie Grangera z HRCB. Lepsze wyniki sportowe reprezentacji danego kraju wskazują, że prestiż danej ligi również wzrośnie, co oznacza, że lepsze ligi będą pozyskiwać coraz lepszych zawodników, a drużyny będą rozgrywać ciekawsze mecze, a zatem dojdzie do obniżenia równowagi konkurencyjnej. Ograniczenia badawcze: Badanie koncentrowało się tylko na dwóch wskaźnikach konkurencyjności, dlatego w przyszłości warto zbadać związek przyczynowy za pomocą większej liczby miar. Wartość: Z perspektywy zarządzania uważa się, że zarządy lig powinny wziąć pod uwagę wyniki przedstawione w opracowaniu, np. to, że lepsza pozycja reprezentacji narodowej zwiększy równowagę ligi, co spowoduje wzrost popytu.
Purpose: The paper analyses two current topics in sport economics research and their relationship. Looking at the past 25 years and 21 countries as well as leagues in European football, it is worth looking for the answer to the question of whether there is causality between international competitiveness and competitive balance. In other words, whether an increase in the balance of the national league (namely in excitement) causes the development (better performance of the national team) of a given country’s football or this causality is reversed. Methodology: By measuring the extent of competitive balance and identifying the measure of competitiveness, the Granger causality was tested to analyse the relationship of the UEFA country coefficient, the FIFA World Ranking and the Herfindahl ratio of competitive balance (HRCB). Findings: Based on the estimation and testing of vector autoregressions in panel data, it can be stated that the FIFA World Ranking Granger-causes HRCB. Better sports performance of a country’s national team indicates that a given league will also be appreciated, meaning that better and better players will arrive in a better and better league, which will attract more exciting games, so a decrease can be observed in competitive balance. Research limitations: The study focused on only two indicators of competitiveness, so it is worth examining causality with more measures in the future. Value: From a management perspective, it is believed that the boards of leagues should consider the results presented in this study, such as that better presence of the national team will make the league more balanced, which will lead to a rise in demand.
It is an old pursuit to find the balance between nature and society (within the individual and the sum of people). In order to talk about a healthy society, it is necessarry to have the people making up the society healthy too. The health condition of the individuals affects the society, creating a close connection amoing individuals and society. Health, mental and physical well-beings of members of society affects the economy, since a healthy workforce leads to developing economy, which hence can provide the requirements and conditions that ensure a mentally and physically healthy way of living for the society. Sport, everyday exercise, therefore regular training can also play an important social role, and can greatly contribute to social well-being. Decreased physical activity, sitting lifestyle are both specific traits of economically developed countres, and turns into a more and more threatening public health problem world-wide, which contribute to the development or aggravation of such chronic diseases and health damages, like morbid obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension, locomotor diseases, malignant tumors, depression. The topic of our research is related to mainly the subject of primary school healthcare programs. The measurements have been taken in 12 different educational institutions, which included primary, secondary, vocational schools, and a 6-grade school. The actuality of the topic is proven by the increased obesity appearing at more younger ages, and we intend to shed some light on the fact, that with a good healhcare strategy and short-term goals we can achieve positive results shortly on the fields of school healthcare.
Measurement of physical activity among patients with heart failure typically requires a special approach due to the patients’ physical status. Nowadays, a technology is already available that can measure the kinematic movements in 3-D by a pacemaker and implantable defibrillator giving an assessment on software. The telemetry data can be transmitted to a central system. The research aims to elaborate the methods that help to compare of the data concerning physical activity both built-in an accelerometer in Cardiac Resychrinisation Therapy (CRT) devices and data obtained from an external Actigraph GT3XE-Plus Triaxial Activity Monitor. 5 persons participated in the pilot study (n=5); mean age: 57+- 13.37; BMI: 90.6+- 7.63. The Actigraph data from CRT device were examined in a 6-day-interval, between February 28 and March 5, 2014. The investigation started conducting a 6-minute walking test and continued with the measurement of daily physical activity. For data analysis descriptive statistics and linear regression analysis were used. It is clear from the data obtained from Actigraph that the MET values (mean: 1.17 ± 0.096) of the patients in the sample were extremely low due to their disease. However, some patients with higher physical activity than average (1.26; 1.28) seemed to be noteworthy, but they showed lower performance than healthy people. The physical activity of the patients during the 6-minute walking test corresponded to 1.9-2.48 MET. The physical activity of patients was found typically in the “light or moderate range” classifying the physical activity by Actigraph. Data from Actigraph are accurate and detailed making the physical activity of the patients measurable and appreciable. The results of the 6-minute walking test were in the category from moderate to very vigorous for individualized moderate physical performance based on Actigraph. It indicates the individual performance differences among patients. However, the daily physical performance is even lower than that of the 6- minute walking. We can conclude from the data related to the percentage of the average activity in CRT system to the average energy consumption and the improvement in the patients’ physical condition. Due to the limitations of the sampling frequency the different time intervals cannot be isolated in the different intensity ranges. Therefore, the percentage of the data of physical activity provided by the device may have a limited use.
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