Położenie rolnictwa w pierwszych latach po II wojnie światowej było niezwykle trudne. Niestabilna sytuacja polityczna nie sprzyjała budowaniu atmosfery zaufania i pewności, na której można było oprzeć odradzanie się życia gospodarczego. Brak równowagi gospodarczej zakłócał normalny tok życia gospodarczego i hamował jego reanimację po wojnie. Jednym z priorytetów decydujących o losach narodu było szybkie zwiększenie produkcji żywności. Województwo krakowskie musiało zmierzyć się z odbudową gospodarstw zarówno w dziedzinie produkcji roślinnej, jak i zwierzęcej. Szansę na zwiększenie produkcji rolniczej dawały inwestycje, jednak zubożali rolnicy nie posiadali wystarczających środków finansowych, aby je zrealizować. W związku z tym popyt na kapitał w rolnictwie był ogromny i często przewyższał możliwości instytucji kredytowych. W omawianym okresie kredytowanie rolnictwa było prawie całkowicie sterowane przez Państwowy Bank Rolny, a jego oddziały odegrały decydującą rolę w rozprowadzaniu pożyczek na terenie swojej działalności. Państwowy Bank Rolny finansował głównie odbudowę, przebudowę i zabudowę wsi, państwowy i znajdujący się pod zarządem państwowym przemysł rolny, potrzeby obrotowe i inwestycyjne gospodarstw rolnych, ogrodniczych i hodowlanych oraz ośrodków i stacji doświadczalnych. Kredytowanie rolnictwa i wsi w województwie krakowskim w pierwszych latach po zakończeniu II wojny światowej było zbieżne z trendami ogólnopolskimi. Pośrednie oraz bezpośrednie rozprowadzanie pożyczek zdominował tutaj oddział Państwowego Banku Rolnego w Krakowie. Akcja kredytowa przeprowadzona w województwie krakowskim dawała szansę na odbudowę ze zniszczeń wojennych oraz rozwój rolnictwa na tym terenie.
The agricultural situation in the first years after World War II was extremely difficult. The unstable political scene hindered the establishment of an atmosphere of confidence and certainty, which was a precondition for the revitalisation of economic life. In addition, economic instability disrupted the normal course of economic life and inhibited its development after the war. The most important issue determining the fate of the nation was the rapid increase in food production. The Krakow Voivodeship had to face the reconstruction of farms, both in the fields of horticulture and livestock farming. Investments provided an opportunity to increase agricultural production However, impoverished farmers lacked the financial means to cover them. Consequently, the demand for capital in agriculture was enormous and it often exceeded the capacity of credit institutions. In the period considered, the crediting of agriculture was almost entirely controlled by the State Agricultural Bank, and its branches played a decisive role in the distribution of loans within the scope of its activity. State Agricultural Bank financed mainly reconstruction, rebuilding and development of countryside, state agriculture industries, current assets and investments in farms, gardening, breeding farms and agricultural experiment stations. Crediting of agriculture in the first years after World War II coincided with a nationwide trend. Indirect and direct loans were given by the State Agricultural Bank branch in Krakow. New loans in Krakow Voivodeship provided a chance for reconstruction and agriculture development.
The article discusses particular phases of building establishment of OO. Bemardine’s churchmonastery in Radom, putting them between many other medieval foundations of this congregation. The analysis gives typical for medieval Bernardine view of establishment creating the quadrilateral with viridary in the middle and church situated from the north and farm buildings perpendicularly adjoining to south wing of monastery. Simultaneously, article shows the church and monastery as the place which mattered (featured) a lot in local community’s life. Just the enclosing of the building with the battlements in 1500 year made it a place of shelter in case of danger for the population living in the suburbs. The Bemardine’s assembly from the one hand provided the pastoral and religious service, but on the other hand they involved the local community into such activities as collection, guilds which all became the active element of church-monastic life. Bemardine’s church and monastery, although it was built with a view of poor community living in the suburbs, became also significant centre of religious life among rural community and also a place of meetings of the parliament, meetings of Revenue Tribunal, and the centre of active political life. The institution stayed for good also in the history of Poland.
The decarbonisation of transport is one of the key aspects in the context of environmental protection. These emissions are particularly noticeable in highly urbanised areas, where the possibility of dispersal of harmful substances is much lower. A way to improve emission factors is the introduction of hydrogen vehicles. Burning hydrogen in engines significantly reduces emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere compared to the combustion of conventional fuels used today. Hydrogen can be obtained by gasifying waste in a steam atmosphere. Electronic waste is a special type of waste characterised by a high degree of commingling, which makes it difficult to treat. The volume of this type of waste is increasing year on year. As a result of this process, we are able to obtain syngas. This gas, after separation processes, can be a source of hydrogen, an energy carrier that could prove crucial in low-carbon energy or transport applications. This paper presents the results of the gasification of electronic waste, the composition of the syngas obtained in the process and an assessment of the potential of this waste treatment technology to power means of transport.
The BAT-CELL Bio-Ambient-Tests method is based on the assessment of the influence of the actual toxicity of various types of gas mixtures on living cells, taking into account the additive synergism. Work has been carried out on the application of the BAT-CELL method for testing engine exhaust gases. The application of computational fluid mechanics using Ansys Fluent made it possible to analyse the flow of engine exhaust gases through the aspiration system used, including analysis of shear stress values and their uniformity distribution on the bottom wall of the sampler containing cell culture on the bottom wall of the sampler. The appropriate flow rate of exhaust gases through the aspiration system and the shape of aspiration tubing for the sampler were selected in order to enable uniform contact of gas particles with the cell surface and not to damage them mechanically. The simulation results were verified in real-life tests and confirmed the theoretical assumptions.
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