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Life positions of three oyster species, Actinostreon gregareun (J. Sowerby, 1816), Deltoideum delta (Smith, 1817), and Nanogyra virgula (Defrance, 1820) from the Polish Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian and Volgian) sequences, mainly from the parautochthonous shell beds, are reconstructed. The oysters reveal variation in morphology and/or settling behaviour, which is interpreted in terms of ecophenotypic response to the fluctuations in sedimentation rate and the softness of substrate. Both A. gregareum and D. delta could 'choose' between a mud-sticking and reclining mode of life. The latter sfrategy is manifested e.g., by a cup-shaped, Gryphaea-like morphotype documented for the first time in D. delta. N. virgula was previously regarded as a cup-shaped recliner, but the collected material suggests that many specimens could live in a lateral position or form clusters composed of mutually attached specimens. Sedimentation rates during the oyster life cycles can be inferred from the reconstructed oyster life positions and ranged from approximately 7-13 cm in the case of largest mud-sticking specimens to nil in flat, fan-shaped recliners. The oyster life habits can thus provide valuable insights into sedimentary and ecologic dynamics of oyster shell beds. The Actinostreon beds originated under dynamic bypassing conditions, whereas Deltoideum beds in a regime of starvation or total bypassing of sediment. In the case of the Nanogyra virgula beds, the evidence is ambiguous due to difficulties in reconsfructing the life attitude of many specimens of this species.
W pracy zrekonstruowano pozycje przyżyciowe trzech gatunków ostryg z kimerydu i wołgu Polski, głównie z parautochtonicznych muszlowców kimerydu obrzeżenia mezozoicznego Gór Świętokrzyskich (odsłonięcia w Małogoszczy, Wierzbicy, Gruszczynie, Olesznie oraz Korytnicy). Gatunkami tymi są: Actinostreon gregareum (J. Sowerby, 1816), Deltoideum delta (Smith, 1817) oraz Nanogyra virgula (Defrance, 1820). Badane ostrygi należą do grupy wtórnych mieszkańców miękkiego dna (secondary soft-bottom dwellers). Wykazują one zróżnicowanie morfologii i behawioru zasiedlania podłoża, które można zinterpretować w kategoriach ekofenotypowej reakcji na zróżnicowanie tempa sedymentacji oraz stopnia zwięzłości osadu dennego. A. gregareum oraz D. delta mogły zarówno żyć w pozycji pionowej w osadzie (mud-stickers), jak i spoczywać na jego powierzchni (recliners). Ta druga strategia reprezentowana jest przez kubeczkowaty morfotyp D. delta (cup-shaped recliner) z wapieni wołgu w Sławnie, który przypomina kształtem Gryphaea. Mortotyp ten stwierdzono po razpierwszy u D, delta. N. virgula była dotychczas uważana za formę spoczywającą wypukłością skorupy lewej na miękkim dnie. Zebrany materiał wskazuje, że ostryga ta mogła również żyć opierając się tylnym bokiem skorupy lewej na dnie (lateral recliner) lub też tworzyć kilkuosobnikowe zrosty (clusters). Zrekonstruowane pozycje przyżyciowe ostryg zezwalają na odtworzenie tempa sedymentacji w czasie ich wzrostu, które wahało się od około 7-13 cm (w przypadku największych osobników żyjących pionowo w osadzie) do kilku milimetrów lub nawet zeru (w przypadku płaskich morfotypów spoczywających na powierzchni osadu). Ustalenia te pozwalają z kolei odtworzyć dynamikę sedymentacyjną parautochtonicznych muszlowców ostrygowych. Wykazano, że muszlowce z A. gregareum tworzyły się przy przewadze warunków dynamicznego omijania dna przez osad (dynamic bypassing), poczas gdy muszlowce z D. delta w warunkach "zagłodzenia" dna (starvation) lub jego całkowitego omijania przez osad (total bypassing). Środowiska powstawania muszlowców z N. virgula nie sposób odtworzyć jedynie na podstawie trybu żtycia ostryg, gdyż nie może on być zrekonstruowany u wielu osobnków tego gatunku.
Content available remote Granica kreda-trzeciorzęd w przełomie Wisły
tom Vol. 46, nr 11
Analiza paleontologiczna i sedymentologiczna osadów górnego mastrychtu i danu z okolic Kazimierza Dolnego pozwala na odtworzenie historii sedymentacji tych utworów i rozstrzygnięcie kwestii położenia granicy kreda-trzeciorzęd (K-T) w przełomie środkowej Wisły. Granica ta była dotąd stawiana w spągu, w połowie, bądź w stropie warstwy piaskowca glaukonitowego, zawierającego wymieszane mastrychtskie i dańskie skamieniałości. Analiza stanu zachowania makrofauny z piaskowca glaukonitowego pozwala stwierdzić, że w warstwie tej brak form, które można jednoznacznie uznać za mastrychtskie in situ. Granica K-T winna być zatem stawiana w spągu piaskowca glaukonitowego. Ławica twardego wapienia stanowiąca strop niżejległych opok z Kazimierza nie jest twardym dnem, jak dotychczas przyjmowano.
Pycnodonte simile (Pusch, 1837) is revised and redescribed on the basis of a new material from the type horizon and area, i.e., Danian deposits of Puławy region, Middle Vistula Valley, Central Poland. Neotype of the species is designated. Variability and relations of Pycnodonte simile to other pycnodont oysters, especially to Pycondonte vesiculare (Lamarck, 1806), are considered.
W pracy opisano i zilustrowano (pl. 21, 22; fig. 2—4: D—F) morfologię i mikrostrukturę muszli, a także wyznaczono neotyp (okaz ZPAL L II/27; fig. 3: C, D). Zgodnie z wynikami ostatnich badań (Machalski i Walaszczyk 1987) siwak uznano za wieku dańskiego. Większość okazów pochodzi z okolic wsi Parchatka. Margliste gezy i wapienie środkowej części siwaka odsłaniające się w pobliżu tej wsi stanowią horyzont typowy gatunku. W oparciu o zbadane cechy całej populacji przedyskutowano różnice między P. simile a P. vesiculare (Lamarck, 1806) (pl. 22: 2, 3; fig. 4: A—C, fig. 5). Stwierdzono, że P. simile różni się od P. vesiculare mniejszymi rozmiarami muszli, słabszym wykształceniem płatu tylnego, silniejszym wykształceniem półek z chomata, brakiem rzeźby na prawej skorupie oraz bardzo małym udziałem struktury pęcherzykowatej w budowie ściany muszli. Wskazano, że takie cechy jak powierzchnia przyczepu i sposób wykształcenia wierzchołka nie mają znaczenia taksonomicznego gdyż zależą wyłącznie od wielkości i kształtu podłoża do jakiego przyczepiały się ostrygi. W pracy wykazano także, że, w ostatnich latach, okazy należące do P. simile były błędnie oznaczane jako P. bechkochensis przez Pugaczewską (1977) i jako Gryphaea antiqua i Liostrea reussi przez Kracha (1981). Praca wykonana w ramach problemu MR II 6.
Late Maastrichtian and earliest Danian scaphitid ammonites from key sections in the Maastricht area in the Netherlands and Belgium, Hemmoor in Germany, Stevns Klint (Sjælland) and Jylland in Denmark, the Lublin Upland in Poland and Lviv in the Ukraine, are studied. In total, thirteen scaphitid taxa are recognised: Hoploscaphites constrictus lvivensis subsp. nov., H. c. crassus, H. c. johnjagtisubsp. nov., H. tenuistriatus, H. pungens, H. schmidi, H.sp. ex gr. pungens–schmidi, H. felderi, H. sp. ex gr. waagei–angmartussutensis, Acanthoscaphites (Euroscaphites) varians varians, A. (E.) varians blaszkiewiczi, A. (E.?) verneuilianus and A. (E.?) sp. aff. verneuilianus. Sexual dimorphism is demonstrated for several species. Additionally, developmental polymorphism of males is proposed to explain a size−dependent variation of ornament in microconchs of H. c. crassus. The extinction pattern of European scaphitids is difficult to assess for methodological reasons. The available data indicate, however, that the Hoploscaphites constrictus lineage survived unaffected until the very end of the Cretaceous and even crossed the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) boundary. The latest Maastrichtian populations of this lineage, assigned to H. c. johnjagti subsp. nov., are dominated by individuals with pronounced ribbing and tuberculation of the body chamber. This may reflect increased predation pressure, indirectly related to the late Maastrichtian regression. The successive members of the Hoploscaphites constrictuslineage, i.e., Hoploscaphites constrictus lvivensissubsp. nov., H. c. crassus, and H. c. johnjagti subsp. nov. are useful for subdivision of upper Maastrichtian deposits.
Evolutionary changes in the ribbing density on body chambers in samples of the scaphitid ammonite Hoploscaphites constrictus (J. Sowerby, 1817) are used for time correlation of the Kazimierz Opoka (Late Maastrichtian, Belemnella kazimiroviensis Zone, Poland) with the Danish White Chalk succession. It is proposed that the upper part of the Kazimierz Opoka corresponds to the lower part of the B. kazimiroviensis Zone in Denmark while the lower part of the unit probably corresponds to the upper part of the Belemnitella junior Zone in Denmark. This correlation, if correct, suggests diachronism of the lower boundary of the B. kazimiroviensis Zone.
Opoki odsłonięte w okolicach Kazimierza Dolnego i określane nieformalnie jako Opoki z Kazimierza (Fig. 1) reprezentują poziom Belemnella kazimiroviensis późnego mastrychtu w standardowym europejskim schemacie biostratygraficznym. Amonity z grupy skafitów reprezentowane są tu przez dwa gatunki: Hoploscaphites constrictus (J. Sowerby, 18 17) oraz Acanthoscaphites varians (Łopuski, 1911). Zmiany ewolucyjne w rozkładzie gęstości użebrowania komory mieszkalnej obserwowane w próbkach makrokonch H. constrictus wykorzystano do korelacji wiekowej Opok z Kazimierza z klasycznym profilem kredy piszącej w Danii (Fig. 2-5). Ustalono, że górna część Opok z Kazimierza odpowiada wiekowo dolnej części poziomu B. kazimiroviensis w Danii. Dolna część Opok z Kazimierza wydaje się natomiast odpowiadać górnej części poziomu Belemnitella junior w Danii. Korelacja ta znajduje poparcie w danych uzyskanych na podstawie cyst wiciowców. Wskazuje ona na diachronizm dolnej granicy poziomu B. kazimiroviensis, odzwierciedlający zapewne powolną migracje tego gatunku ku zachodowi Europy. A. varians (Fig. 6), choć identyfikowany od czasu do czasu w materiałach z mastrychtu Europy Zachodniej, wydaje się być formą endemiczną dla utworów późnego mastrychtu Polski i jako taki nie może być użyty do korelacji międzyregionalnej.
Content available Bona Nova - Nulle dies sine linea
The author discusses the process of creating the Bona Nova font family. The starting point of the project was the existing Bona typeface, originally created in the 1970s and manufactured as metal type. The project started with a digital revival of the old Bona typeface design, which was followed by the creation of new Regular and Bold variants to create a functional workhorse font family. This new Bona Nova family was supplemented with several display and titling styles. The result was released digitally in the OpenType font format.
The formal definition of the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Maastrichtian Stage at Tercis, southwest France, is based on the first or last occurrences of twelve taxa, including three species of ammonites, Pachydiscus (Pachydiscus) neubergicus, Diplomoceras cylindraceum, and Nostoceras (Nostoceras) hyatti. The taxonomy and stratigraphical distribution of these, and allied forms, are studied, on the basis of material from the opoka succession across the upper Campanian.lowermost Maastrichtian boundary in the Middle Vistula River section, central Poland. in view of the imprecise location of two ammonite GSSP markers in that section, a direct ammonite-based correlation with the GSSP at Tercis is impossible. however, data available indicate that in the Middle Vistula River section the first occurrence of Pachydiscus (P.) neubergicus and the last occurrence of Nostoceras (N.) hyatti are situated significantly higher than the first occurrence of Belemnella lanceolata, the traditional belemnite marker for the base of the Maastrichtian Stage in the Boreal Realm, and that Diplomoceras cylindraceum appears significantly below this level. There are no unequivocal records of Pachydiscus (P.) neubergicus from the Belemnella lanceolata Zone s.l. in the Middle Vistula River section.
Content available remote Ekrany akustyczne w pomieszczeniach biurowych i przemysłowych
Ekran akustyczny to specjalny element pochłaniający dźwięki, służący do ekranowania hałasu w pomieszczeniu, tj. do osłaniania pozostałych jego części przed niepożądanymi hałasami (rys. 1) emitowanymi przez jedno lub kilka źródeł znajdujących się w tymże pomieszczeniu.
The first records of pterosaurs from the Cretaceous of Poland are reported, on the basis of fragmentary remains from the marine Upper Albian (Lower Cretaceous) of the Annopol Anticline, central Poland. The new material consists of four bone fragments, tentatively interpreted as: 1) a portion of wing phalanx; 2) a medial element of fused skull bones (parietal crest?); 3) a fragmentary carpal or tarsal; and 4) a distal phalanx of the pes (or a very small fragment of a long cervical vertebra). Previously, only the remains of marine vertebrates have been reported from the Cretaceous of the Annopol area. The pterosaur fossils studied most probably belonged to individuals that died while over the sea. The possibility that they represent remains dropped from floating carcasses, introduced into the marine environment by rivers, is regarded as less probable, as there are no remains of dinosaurs or other terrestrial fauna in the Annopol deposits.
A previously unrecorded ammonite assemblage, comprising Lepthoplites sp., Callihoplites tetragonus (Seeley, 1865), C. cf. tetragonus, Arrhaphoceras cf. substuderi Spath, 1923, Cantabrigites sp., Stoliczkaiella (Stoliczkaiella) sp., Hamites cf. duplicatus Pictet and Campiche, 1861, H. cf. subvirgulatus Spath, 1941, and H. cf. venetzianus Pictet, 1847, is described from the mid-Cretaceous condensed succession at Annopol, Poland. These specimens are preserved as pale phosphates or sandstone moulds in a bed of reworked phosphatic nodules near the top of the Albian. This assemblage has many species in common with the late late Albian faunas from condensed deposits of England, Switzerland, and France. The presence of Callihoplites tetragonus indicates the lowermost upper upper Albian Mortoniceras fallax Zone. The ammonites studied are the youngest elements in the phosphate bed, which also contains taxa as old as the middle Albian Hoplites dentatus Zone. This bed originated through condensation and reworking of nodules and fossils in a period of low net sedimentation rate, being probably a reflection of a sea-level drop at the boundary between the classic ammonite zones of Mortoniceras inflatum and Stoliczkaiella dispar.
A nautilid faunule of seven specimens, comprising Eutrephoceras bouchardianum (d’Orbigny, 1840), Cymatoceras deslongchampsianum (d’Orbigny, 1840), and Cymatoceras tourtiae (Schlüter, 1876) is described from a condensed middle Cenomanian interval at Annopol, Poland. C. tourtiae is recorded for the first time in Poland. The studied material consists of reworked phosphatised internal moulds of phragmocones, which may be of early or middle Cenomanian age, given the stratigraphic range of the associated ammonites. The nautilid moulds vary in inferred mode of infilling, and in intensity of abrasion, bioerosion and mineralisation. The sediment entered the phragmocones in two ways: 1) through punctures in the shell, the result of bioerosion or mechanical damage; 2) through siphonal openings by intracameral currents. In contrast to the fossil moulds from the Albian phosphorites of Annopol, which originated via direct precipitation of apatite around and/or inside fossils, the present nautilid moulds seem to have originated through secondary phosphatisation of the initially calcareous moulds. Diversity of taphonomic signatures in nautilid material from the middle Cenomanian interval at Annopol is compatible with the complex, multievent depositional scenario proposed for this level.
We describe a new echinoid assemblage, composed of specimens of Bolbaster sp., Cyclaster danicus (Schlüter, 1897), Diplodetus vistulensis (Kongiel, 1950) and Linthia? sp. in a distinctive phosphatic preservation, from the so-called Greensand, a marly glauconitic sandstone horizon at the base of the Danian succession in the Kazimierz Dolny area (central Poland). This assemblage presumably is of early Danian age, with Cyclaster danicus occurring in the lower Danian of Denmark and southern Sweden. The specimens are preserved as internal moulds, composed of phosphatised glauconitic sandstone, occasionally with some test material adhering. The genesis of these moulds involved the following steps: (1) infilling of tests of dead echinoids with glauconitic sand; (2) penetration of the infills by coelobiotic deposit-feeding organisms that produced burrows along the inner test surface; (3) early-diagenetic cementation of infills by calcium phosphate; and (4) exhumation and intraformational reworking of specimens, leading to abrasion, fragmentation and loss of test material in some individuals. Co-occurring are unphosphatised moulds of Echinocorys ex gr. depressa (von Eichwald, 1866) and Pseudogibbaster cf. depressus (Kongiel in Kongiel and Matwiejewówna, 1937), which may represent a younger (middle to late Danian) assemblage. Additionally, the presence of derived late Maastrichtian echinoids, e.g., Temnocidaris (Stereocidaris) ex gr. herthae (Schlüter, 1892), Pleurosalenia bonissenti (Cotteau, 1866) and Hemicara pomeranum Schlüter, 1902, is confirmed for the Greensand, based on new material and re- examination of previously recorded specimens. In summary, members of three echinoid assemblages of different age and preservation occur together in the Greensand. Our results are compatible with former interpretations of this unit as a condensed, transgressive lag with mixed faunas of different age and provenance. However, they are incompatible with the hypothesis that phosphatised Danian fossils preserved in the Greensand are derived from a facies equivalent, now gone, of the lower Danian Cerithium Limestone in eastern Denmark, because all moulds are composed of phosphatised glauconitic sandstone that is utterly different from the calcareous dinocyst-dominated, fine crystalline matrix of the Cerithium Limestone.
Ammonites Mortoniceras (Subschloenbachia) sp. are preserved as attachment scars on the oyster shells from the topmost portion of the Albian succession at Annopol, Poland. These oyster-bioimmured ammonites show a closest affinity to the representatives of Mortoniceras (Subschloenbachia) characteristic of the upper Upper Albian Mortoniceras perinflatum Zone. No ammonites indicative of the uppermost Albian–lowermost Cenomanian Praeschloenbachia briacensis Zone are recorded. Thus, the hiatus at the Albian–Cenomanian boundary at Annopol embraces the latter zone. The presence (and dominance) of Mortoniceras in the upper Upper Albian ammonite assemblage of Annopol suggests that the representatives of this Tethyan genus could migrate into the epicratonic areas of Poland directly from the Tethyan Realm, via the Lwów (Lviv) region.
Brachauchenine pliosaurids were a cosmopolitan clade of macropredatory plesiosaurs that are considered to represent the only pliosaurid lineage that survived the faunal turnover of marine amniotes during the Jurassic–Cretaceous transition. However, the European record of the Early to early Late Cretaceous brachauchenines is largely limited to isolated tooth crowns, most of which have been attributed to the classic Cretaceous taxon Polyptychodon. Nevertheless, the original material of P. interruptus, the type species of Polyptychodon, was recently reappraised and found undiagnostic. Here, we describe a collection of twelve pliosaurid teeth from the upper Albian–middle Cenomanian interval of the condensed, phosphorite-bearing Cretaceous succession at Annopol, Poland. Eleven of the studied tooth crowns, from the Albian and Cenomanian strata, fall within the range of the morphological variability observed in the original material of P. interruptus from the Cretaceous of England. One tooth crown from the middle Cenomanian is characterized by a gently subtrihedral cross-section. Similar morphology has so far been described only for pliosaurid teeth from the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. Even though it remains impossible to precisely settle the taxonomic distinctions, the studied material is considered to be taxonomically heterogeneous.
Content available remote Obliczanie układów pompowych. Współpraca pomp ze zbiornikami. Cz. 4
Niniejsza publikacja jest kontynuacją artykułów na temat obliczeń układów, z wykorzystaniem specjalistycznego oprogramowania EPANET, opublikowanych na łamach „Pomp Pompowni” 2/2011, 4/2011 i 2/2012.
Content available remote Latest Maastrichtian pachydiscid ammonites from The Netherlands and Poland
The pachydiscid ammonite Menuites terminus (WARD & KENNEDY, 1993) is described from the uppermost Maastrichtian deposits in the type area of the Maastrichtian Stage in southeast Netherlands (upper part of the Meerssen Member of the Maastricht Formation) and in central Poland (upper part of the Kazimierz Opoka). Variation in whorl section and ribbing in the material studied is documented. The presence of M. terminus places the upper parts of the Meerssen Member and of the Kazimierz Opoka in the highest Maastrichtian ammonite zone, the M. terminus Zone, defined originally in the Bay of Biscay region, and shows them to be equivalent to the interval from the upper part of Member IV to the top of Member V in the Bay of Biscay region. In the Maastricht area, the FAD (first appearance datum) of M. terminus approximately coincides with that of the latest Maastrichtian index belemnite Belenmella kazimiroviensis (SKOŁOZDRÓWNA, 1932). In Poland, the FAD of M. terminus is distinctly higher than that of B. kazimiroviensis, the latter species first appearing in the upper portion of marls underlying the Kazimierz Opoka.
Traces assigned to Rusophycus versans are recorded for the first time from Furongian (Upper Cambrian) strata, as exposed at Wiśniówka Wielka quarry, Holy Cross Mountains, central Poland. These traces are ascribed to the life activity of trilobites in a fully marine environment. In contrast, previous records of R. versans have been attributed to notostracans, isopods or arthropleurids and are preserved in non-marine settings. The relatively wide phylogenetic distribution of R. versans within various arthropod groups indicates that this ichnotaxon represents behavioural convergence amongst arthropods.
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