W artykule przedstawiono ponowne spojrzenie na możliwości wykorzystania biogazu w Polsce. Zwrócono uwagę na biogaz jako sposób zagospodarowania odpadów oraz ochrony powietrza atmosferycznego, wód i gleb. Podkreślono wagę biogazu jako źródła oraz sposobu magazynowania energii odnawialnej przydatnej do stabilizacji sieci elektroenergetycznej. Zwrócono uwagę na wyższość energii z biogazu nad energią atomową.
The article provides a renewed insight into possibilities of using biogas in Poland. Attention is paid to biogas as a way of waste management and protection of air, water and soil. The importance of biogas as a source and method of storing renewable energy useful for stabilizing the power grid was emphasized. Attention also was paid to the advantage of energy from biogas over atomic energy.
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A model for calculating the maximal theoretical production of hydrogen from corn wastes is proposed. The model has been used to estimate the potential for hydrogen production from cereals wastes such as wheat, barley, and corn which are cultivated in Poland. The potentials for Pomorze and other regions of Poland are compared. The hydrogen produced from cereal wastes in Poland could potentially meet 47 % of national hydrogen demand.
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