W pracy przedstawiono analizę charakterystyk kurczenia dla warstw gleby gytiowo-murszowej. Próbki do badań pobrano z czterech charakterystycznych warstw profilu glebowego zlokalizowanego na terenie Pojezierza Mrągowskiego w okolicy miejscowości Gązwa. Badaniami objęto warstwę napiaszczonego murszu detrytusowego oraz trzy warstwy gytii detrytusowej. Z każdej warstwy pobrano do metalowych cylindrów o objętości 498,7 cm3 po 3 próbki o nienaruszonej strukturze. Pomiary zmian objętości gleby w procesie wysychania wykonywano przy użyciu suwmiarki elektronicznej. Wykonane pomiary umożliwiły opracowanie krzywych kurczenia oraz zależności wskaźnika zmian geometrii od uwilgotnienia gleby. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że w procesie kurczenia gytii detrytusowej można wyróżnić fazę kurczenia normalnego i fazę kurczenia resztkowego natomiast nie obserwuje się fazy kurczenia strukturalnego. W fazie kurczenia normalnego objętość powietrza w glebie jest praktycznie równa zeru. Proces zmian objętości gytii rozpoczyna się wraz z utratą wody przez próbkę glebową i przebiega anizotropowo. W warunkach uwilgotnienia bliskiego stanowi pełnego nasycenia obserwuje się jedynie osiadanie powierzchni gleby. Przebieg zmian objętości napiaszczonego murszu gytiowego w procesie kurczenia jest różny od przebiegu obserwowanego w gytii. W procesie kurczenia murszu można wyróżnić fazy kurczenia strukturalnego, normalnego i resztkowego. Faza kurczenia normalnego przebiega w warunkach występowania znacznej zawartości powietrza w glebie. Zmiany objętości murszu wywołane osiadaniem są większe od zmian objętości powodowanych tworzącymi się szczelinami. Obliczone wartości wskaźnika kurczliwości objętościowej w rozpatrywanych utworach zawierają się w przedziale od 46,5% (mursz gytiowy) do 93% (gytia detrytusowa).
Paper presents the analysis of shrinkage processes in the layers of gyttjamoorsh soil profile located in Mrągowskie Lakeland, near Gązwa village. The samples were taken from silted moorsh and three detrital gyttja layers. Undisturbed core samples of volume of 498.7 cm3 were taken from each layer in three replications. Soil volume changes during drying process (from saturation to oven-dry) were determined using electronic micrometer. On the basid of performed measurements shrinkage characteristic curves and shrinkage geometry factor, as the functions of soil moisture content, were determined. Analysis of the shrinkage characteristic curves for detrital gyttja showed that normal and residual shrinkage phases may be distinguished. During normal shrinkage phase volume of air in gyttja soil is equal to zero. The volume changes of detrital gyttja start immediately at the first water extraction at saturation and anisotropic shrinkage is observed. At the moisture content near to saturation gyttja soil subsidence was observed. The shrinkage characteristic curve of silted moorsh samples is different from the curves of gyttja soil. During the shrinkage process structural, normal and residual phases may be distinguished. The greater soil volume changes resulting from surface subsidence than from the volume changes caused by the cracks observed in moorsh gyttja layer. Calculated values of the volumetric shrinkage coefficient were equal to 93% for gyttja and 46.5% for moorsh soil, respectively.
Hereditary haemochromatosis has been linked with C282Y and H63D mutations of the HFE gene. In Europe, frequencies of these mutations are the highest in Northern European countries and gradually decrease southwards. We analysed the prevalence of HFE mutations in 1517 DNA samples, including 1000 samples from the general population (subjects registered at general practitioner practices) in northwestern Poland, and 517 samples of cord blood from the same region. We identified 2 (0.13%) homozygotes and 117 (7.8%) heterozygotes for the C282Y mutation. As regards the H63D mutation (1505 DNA samples analysed), 38 (2.5%) samples were homozygotes and 380 (25%) were heterozygotes. Twenty-one (1.4%) compound heterozygotes were found. These results correspond well with data from other Central European countries and seem to confirm the hypothesis of North-South spread of the C282Y mutation.
On the basis of literature data and own experience the authors review the current knowledge about the molecular basis of inherited predispositions for tumors. They hypothesize that in the near perspective 5-10 years studies using existing registry data/material and the latest novel technology will allow the identification of the molecular background for the majority of hereditary cancers which will have enormous practical consequences especially for the prevention of malignancies.
Previous studies showed an association of the common functional polymorphism (C34T, Gln12Stop) in the adenosine monophosphate deaminase-1 (AMPD1) gene with survival in heart failure (HF) and/or coronary artery disease (CAD). The aim of the study was to search for other mutations in selected regions of the AMPD1 gene in Polish CAD and HF patients, and to analyze their associations with obesity and diabetes. Exons 2, 3, 5, and 7 of AMPD1 were scanned for mutations in 97 patients with CAD without HF (CAD+ HF−), 104 patients with HF (HF+), and 200 newborns from North-Western Poland using denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC), polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCRRFLP), and direct sequencing. Frequencies of AMPD1 C34T mutation, as well as novel A99G, G512A, IVS4-6delT, and C784T sequence alterations, were similar in the three groups, but 860T mutated allele was less frequent in the combined CAD+ HF− and HF+ groups than in the controls (1.7% vs. 4.3%, p=0.040). Heterozygous 34CT genotype was associated with lower (odds ratio [OR]=0.32, 95% confidence interval [CI]=0.13–0.81) and 860AT with higher (OR=13.7, 95%CI= 1.6–118) prevalence of diabetes or hyperglycemia in relation to wild-type homozygotes. Abdominal obesity was more frequent in 860AT patients than in wild-type homozygotes and 34CT heterozygotes (86% vs. 40% vs. 29%, p<0.05). Nine genes containing polymorphisms linked with AMPD1 C34T mutation were found in the HapMap database. AMPD1 C34T nonsense mutation is associated with reduced prevalence of diabetes and obesity in patients with CAD or HF, but A860T substitution seems to exert opposite metabolic effects and should always be accounted for in the studies of the AMPD1 genotype.