This article pays attention to the network of settlements and the territorial distribution of the residents in the most sparsely populated territories in Lithuania. Due to the population decline the sparsely populated territories are expanding. These changes influence the settlement system as the settlements are shrinking and the number of settlements without residents is growing. The survey underlines that the less inhabited ward is, the greater part of it is consisted of the smallest settlements (up to 50 inhabitants) and the greater part of residents lives in them. The objective of the article is to underline the peculiarities of the settlement network and to stress the tendencies of the settlement system change in the most sparsely territories in Lithuania. The most sparsely populated territories are defined as the wards in which the rural population density does not exceed 7.5 inhabitants per km2. The number of such wards in Lithuania in 2011 was 39. References 17. Figs 6. Table 1. In Lithuanian, summary in English.
In this article the authors analyse the regional peculiarities of Lithuanian rural settlements’ function change. The article pays attention to the methodological problems that appear while analysing rural settlements. Also, in the article it is pointed out the soviet heritage of rural settlements functions’. Apart from that, the article stresses the main factors that influence rural territorial development and the change of settlements’ functions. It was defined that “urbanizing” of economy and concentration of residents around the cities influences the decline of links of residents‘ with the place where they live and where they work. Such situation also determines the decline of functional dependence of rural settlements’. In future it should emerge stronger relations between living and working place. Apart form that, it emerges new and diverse territorial structure that is more dependant on local factors. References 33. Figs 5. Table 1. In Lithuanian, summary in English
At the beginning of 2020 Lithuania, and many other European countries, introduced quarantine and began restricting movement across the country’s borders. The imposed restrictive measures have greatly impacted and led to the stagnation of tourism sector. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and travel restrictions, the number of international tourist arrivals sharply decreased. In 2021 the majority of restrictions have been eased due to the decreasing morbidity, but it did not reinstate the tourism into the previous level. According to statistics, the decline in tourist flows in Lithuania in 2021 still continued, albeit the decrease was smaller. The increase in the number of local tourists (especially in 2021) has somewhat compensated the loss of international tourism, but has not changed it. The tourism business is still going through a difficult period. This article emphasizes the issues of local and inbound tourism business in Lithuania in the context of Covid-19 pandemic. The greatest attention is placed on the instruments proposed by the Lithuanian Government to mitigate the negative consequences of the pandemic on tourism service. The research combines secondary and primary data sources. Secondary data was used for the analysis of official Lithuanian statistics in order to introduce general trends of the development of tourism sector during the last decade. Primary data was received using the methods of focus group and survey (a questionnaire to collect data sets from tourism business enterprises in Lithuania). The statistical analysis revealed that the difficult situation was noticed in all fields of tourism sector, however, the main losers of the pandemic were those relying on the international tourist. The analysis of official documents disclosed, that even though the tourism business was able to benefit from the variety of offered governmental aid packages in 2020–2021, the quantity and quality of support was not enough and strongly criticized. Our survey results pointed out the instruments that were most effective among the tourism enterprises. Moreover, from the collected answers we noticed, that at least part of tourism enterprises took the opportunity to use the support not only for compensation of pandemic related costs but also to look forward and the received financial support invested in innovative solutions in the tourism business, so pandemic potentially had some positive effects as well. Also, the survey results reviled that there are considerable opportunities for tourism related development of the nature rich, non-metropolitan regions, though at the moment these activities quite often remain outside the market relations and do not produce new incomes and jobs.
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